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Posts posted by EScurlock

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gyrene251:

    EScurlock - I'll be in Wasilla (40 min. north of Anchorage) in June going after King Salmon. Will be there for 3 days taping.


    I presume you'll be boating it to the less accesable Susitna hotspots but spend some time on the Little Willow. It's a nice roadside fishery without the rediculous crouds. Just don't tell the whole world about it, and watch out for the huge and sudden holes! wink.gif


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gyrene251:

    Television Producer specializing in hunting and fishing shows for ESPN2 and Fox Sports Net.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Spend any time on the Kenai and Russian Rivers in Alaska? I'll be there this August. biggrin.gif

    P.S. I'm an Aircraft Maintenance Scheduler for the Air Force working on a degree in accounting.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  3. I just found this on the site:

    Fionn said on 05/17/2000:

    One of the worst WWII sims I have ever had the displeasure of working on! Faulty AI and inaccurate ballistic modeling. AI scans for human opponent setup placement and reacts accordingly (cheats!).

    Somehow I doubt this is the Fionn who has worked so hard on this game and promoted it so well. If I was him I'd want to find out who made that post.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  4. Anyone know how many downloads it takes to sell a game? Downloads from Adrenaline Vault are now over 1800. That seems like a good start, but I can't help but wonder how many sales that'll translate into. BTW CM has sliped slightly to a 93 something rating. I suspect one or two click monkeys have downloaded the game, found out it actually requires thought and gave it less than 2 thumbs up. CM may not be for everybody, but it's #1 in my book.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  5. Gave it a 97. I was really hoping for two brand new scenarios. Tears in my coffee on that one so no real deduction there. Besides that I had to pull my voodoo 2 card out to get the game to run as designed. I don't think I'm playing GLIDE only games anymore so I only gave it a minor hit on that problem. My viper 770 runs the game just fine.

    P.S.: 1634 downloads, 278 votes, 94.2 rating.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

    [This message has been edited by EScurlock (edited 05-16-2000).]

  6. I'm one of those "fruitcakes" that may try to do a D-Day scenario. Ohmaha and Juno beach are pretty much out of the question for reasons Fionn mentioned above but Utah, Gold, and Sword may be doable. Don't have my hands on the full version of the game so I don't know if I can build the opperation I envision. I'll have to see what I can do with air and naval support before I even deside whether or not it's worth while. Amphibious transport may very well be another limiting factor. I suppose amphibious transport could be fudged with reinforcements popping up on the map edge. Then there's the victory factor. I suspect a computer scored loss could be chalked up as a personal victory. Can't wait to get my hand on the scenario and campain generators and see what I can do,


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mirage2k:

    As far as the war being one of "northern aggression," lets stop for a minute and remember that there is NO provision ANYWHERE in the constitution that says a state has the right to secede.


    That issue is still undesided. IIRC one or more captured southern generals demanded to be tried for treason to deside that very issue in the courts. Never happened.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  8. Wow what a picture. Perhaps a bit too realistic for a game, but what a lesson in the horrors of war such a program would be.I can see the headlines now "CM3 Does For Wargameing What SPR Did For War Movies."

    BTW I'm neither denouncing or advocating the concept, and am posting this with some trepedation (fear of more blood & guts discusions); the concept of complete casualty modeling just caught my imagination. That's all.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  9. I found hill 216 to be the key for both sides. Put my Sherman 105's on that hill as the Americans and took all four bunkers out withen 4 minutes to the loss of just one Sherman. The remaining Sherman 105 blasted everything that moved or fired. By keeping my platoons as congruent fire teams the rest was seemed like a mop-up opperation. The Panther worried me for a couple of minutes, but I got a lucky gun hit on it, then immobilzed it with combined fire from three tanks. The A.I. surrendered after that.

    As the Germans I kept my 75mm concrete bunker at the default location. I spent at least 20 minutes sightining in my other bunkers and machine guns ensuring they all had direct fire on hill 216 and all approaches were covered by two or more machine guns.

    Turned out to be defelade hell for the Americans. The Americans were funelled into the valley with the road, pinned down in front of mines and barbed wire, then dessemated.

    Hill 216 had several body markers on it by the end of the game. The AI put the Sherman 105's on the hill just as I had, but it got frustrated by the smoke I laid in front of them. Picked off the 105's one at a time. The 75mm Shermans also fell to my AT Bunker in short order. Disrupted the enemy attack so bad I desided I could counter attack. Took hill 216. The A.I. surrendered right after that. Final score: Germans 90, Americans 10.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  10. Untill now I've stayed out of this one. Love the bodies. I too would like to see each man represented, live and dead, but fully respect the designers judgements on this. When ever I made an unreasonable or overdemanding request of my father he'd tell me "wish in one hand and s*** in the other. See which one gets full first."

    It may be reasonable in a year or two. Then again even when technically prudent it could be a real eye sore. Don't know. The game works fine as is so no problems as is here.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  11. The tank should be able to go thruough scattered trees, and if ennough space has been placed between blocks of trees to simulate a logging road or such you can go through there, but you can't dirrectly go through the trees. That forest on the right side of the map is pretty thick. I don't know if it's passable by armor but if you diddn't plot very presicely, the A.I. would have to replot the move for you. You can end up with some ungodly AI devised plots when you tell your tank to do something it can't do.I went around the forrest on the right while avaoiding the road myself.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  12. Had to share this one. Just got done playing "Valley of Trouble" as the germans. Great scenario. Kicked the AI's a** 90 to 10. Still think the AI is worlds better than any other tactical game's out there. I'm sure it will provide many a green wargamer a lesson or two on tactics. Poor thing just gets gets confused when you block its view with smoke.

    I was able to pick off the M4 105's one at a time becouse of it. Bottled up the American attack so bad with heavy machine gun fire that not only was I able to repulse it, I counter attacked and took hill 216.

    The trick was 1 smile.gif Making sure almost all of your artillary (machine guns on up) can provide direct fire on hill 216, and 2: make sure all approaches are covered by more than one machine gun.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  13. Problem solved when I moved the directories where they belong. I may have unententionaly moved them when I was creating a shortcut onto my desktop. All previous data was lost. Oh well. Thanks for the help.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

    [This message has been edited by EScurlock (edited 05-11-2000).]

  14. How do I get to the auto save? The saved games directory extracted to my desktop and is empty. I tried saving several times: nothing shows up when I search my drive. Gone to school be back later.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  15. Started the valley scenario, and was doing quite well. I saved it under a new file name so as to not corrupt the original scenario and went to bed. I had a few minutes to kill so I started it up again. There is no saved game file on my hard drive anywhere! Is this some type of protection setup for the demo? And I was doing so well too.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  16. Originally posted by Strat:

    I don't know what the requirement is for someone to enter the military as an officer. I assume it is a bachelor degree

    Answer: Bachelors degreeor

    All that have served in the military for 20 to 30 yearsand retire, retire with a substantial income that they will receive for the rest of thier lives.

    Answer: My retirement @ 20 years is only enough to help me get by while starting a brand new career. My retirement pay will not be substantially more than a social security check. It'll pay the mortgage on a "starter house" that I would of had paid off by now if I had a regular job and hadn't been bounced all over the world from one base to another.

    They retire with free, full medical benefits, can purchase discounted food and other items at military facilities to name a few.

    Rebutal: you can get beter deals at "SAMS", KMart, Wal-MArt or "Costco" to name a few. If you live near a military facility you'll see lots of military people doing most of there shopping there as apposed to the Commisary or BX.

    Rebutal: The medical benifits are on a space available basis only, and if you have to see a real medical profesional downtown it definately isn't free. The vast majority of "doctors" we see for our health needs are realy just nurses with the fancy job title "practisioning nurse". I'm not even sure such an arrangement is even legal in the civilian medical community.

    In the civilian sector if an employee is not in the upper managemnet and retires, they receive whatever money that they have saved in the form of a 401K and/or company profit sharing plan. For most companies the amount drawn for retirement is substantially less than an equivalent military occupation and usually runs out before the employee dies. If the retiring employee decides to have medical benefits he/she can continue making payments to their group health plan.

    Rebutal: I know more than one Chief Master Sergeant who retired under 30 becouse those humble 401K's well outperform any increased retirement benifit sticking it out in the military would provide them. They weren't beinging unpatriotic, they just have kids to send to college.

    I'm a Master Sergeant with 17 years military experience. If god and country lets me, I'll have my bachelors degree in accounting by the time I retire. I'll be making more $ after 1 or 2 years as an accountant, than after 20 years as a military profesional. You don't serve 20 years of your life in the military becouse of the benifits.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  17. Late again. Wow, the movie was so impresive! What caught my eye the most was the smoke, and the improved infantry movement. I sent an old wargaming buddy of mine the URL for Battlefront.com back in December. He wasn't real impressed. Seems the graphics threw him off and he never spent enough time with the Combat Mission demo to appreciate the game play. An unfortunate sign of the times if you ask me, but I think the final version definatly gets beyond such shallow assesments. Not only does the game promiss to be the best squad level wargame ever, it looks hot too!


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

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