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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. Doug dont know if you reading this but if you have a slot 1 processor double check the seating on that

    if you are using a ppga to slot one converter that may be bad

    also your power supply possibly could've taken a dump

    I would try taking out the new memery; dbl check the seating on the old again and then try

    just some thoughts maybe one will help frown.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 07-21-2000).]

  2. hey Jeb!!

    whats up man - long time smile.gif Sure I would be happy to play ya do you have time today? I will start a PBEM with you via email if not because it's been a long time since we've played smile.gif Hopefully you got time for the ICQ tho we had some hellacious CC2 battles smile.gif There are alot of the old gang here you will find ....

    CM rocks theres no turning back tongue.gif



  3. Hi Im looking to play a QB full vers ICQ quick match (ATT/DEF set up )today ASAP smile.gif I have all day Im done with school for 5 weeks and ready to kick some serious A##$ in celebration! smile.gif I ONLY want an ICQ point QB and want to fin today if possible -- Anyone got the kajones for a long haul>? IF so email me or respond here and we can get rocking! smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 07-21-2000).]

  4. Well i guess I'll add my two cents now I've waded through thee thread:

    I feel a good solution to the problem would be a priority targetting addition with another implementation or subcoindition to address the type of engagement

    for instance if I targeted the fly with a priority order and then implemented an aggresive stance with a secondary command.

    likewise if I had a greyhound and that Tiger was about to roll up on me, I could prioritize the tiger with a defensive sub command - that way if the tiger did crest into view the greyhound would slam it in reverse or pop smoke smile.gif

    whatcha think guys>?



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 07-17-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 07-17-2000).]

  5. I've had all three - personally I prefer my P3 but the AMD K62 is dirt cheap and I had less trouble with that than the celerons. Trying to geet on e that over clocks and is stable is tough. If you can find one and keep it kool its a good way to go. But you can get a K62 or K63 for between 45 - 85 bucks ranging from 400 - 550 MHZ. My sons PC has the AMD k62 400 he plays every thing I play on a p3 500 :P if y a go AMD get a GOOD mb tho dont buy cheap



  6. I have to say watching the full game all at once IS WAY down on the list of priorities for me - TCP IP is the most important, Im hardly playing right now compared to waht I was because of the lack of TCP IP. Ive got other things keeping me busy but am looking forward to this so I can start playing htis game more seriously smile.gif



  7. Steel,

    Glad ya cleared that up - it sounded as you were upset to me smile.gif At any rate where did ya here it will be two more months past the vers 103 patch ? I havent heard that could ya link the thread plz?

    As far as PBEM goes, its fun but I must admit Im ready for TCP IP - I dont like the slow pace of pbem. I like to play my games in an evening if possible and as far as ladder games go I wont be playing any of those until TCP/IP comes out. I'm not upset I love the game expecially head to head I just want to play more and have less down time smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 07-10-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 07-10-2000).]

  8. Steel said:

    The only reason I bought CM was because I was under the impression that network play would be coming soon. It does not look like that is the case.

    Steel, pleaase refrain from making statements like this, as it is totally innaccurate. BTS stated all along that they would be releasing the patch for TCP/IP in 6-8weeks after we recieved the game. As far as I know nothing has changed, if it has please direct me to the thread stating the update smile.gif




  9. I'm not kidding at all; I find them relatively useless - I buy a few of the 9 ptrs because sometimes they can bridge the gap . Trying to attack advance with them to gain any major result isnt that effective int he majority of cases. If ive spent 90 pts on those silly things then that is that much less I have to spend on credible material. There are other things the points are better spent on regardless of how little they cost. And just because a player has scouted the enemy positions doesnt necessarily give him a huge edge - he still has to have bought wisely enough to defeat what hes scouted, he also must be be good enuff to pull it off smile.gif



  10. I'm not conivinced these need tweaking - I use them and find them very vulnerable; gamey tactics are EXTREMELY risky with any of the smaller vehicles. I have seenthem taken out just trying to dart from cover to cover, by small arms fire. these units will not fire after losing a man - I have seen this happen repetitively. Making the cost anything more than SLIGHTLY higher will just render them useless IMO



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