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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. lol that is my point - they are innacurate yet you are given a miniscual amount of shots -- so why have them in? At least if the load out was a bit bigger they would have some effectiveness but as it stands now I haven seen them do anything but miss by miles frown.gif



  2. I was wondering does anyone else think that the rockets should be modified a bit ?

    I find them useless and expensive, I realize they wern't the most accurate piece of artillery on the battlefield, but due to the pricing and limited ammunition I cant see the point of having them at all!

    Looking for some feedback from others,,,,,, as I dont think they could hit a fat womans ass parked in front of a refrigerator at 20 paces eek.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 07-01-2000).]

  3. Manta - Try some Pbem man smile.gif I can t get enough of this game - god I wish I wouldve take the summer off school - Its interefering with my damn game time biggrin.gif

    Im hating life I got to study for an exam today and all I can think about is CM eek.gif

    I guess after 7 straight semesters My brain is welcoming something other than schoolwork to think on.

    I must say Pbem is being very fulfilling in points style games. Trying to outwit your opponent on the buy without seing the map is a thrill initself. I am currently involved in a game with Echo - it is an incredible match (QP scenario- points) He commented around turn ten on how it was like a chessmatch. He had a BIG FAT JUMBO staring down at me in an overwatch position over the flags in a meeeting engagement, I had a Jagdpanther that I was a little leary with about going in a head to head with that beast. So we moved infantry and countermoved infantry, crested tanks taking popshots and having one hell of a fine match smile.gif


    now it has really gotten fun

    If you are still up for a match I will be happy to play you soon as I wind donw a few smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 06-28-2000).]

  4. Smack, without a doubt this is the most versatile wargame ever made. It outclasses anything that has come before it by far. The game is so immersive I cant get enough.

    You want me to tell ya why to buy I will tell ya why not to buy

    1. Dont buy if you like crappy games because this isnt one

    2. Dont buy if you like playing games where there are no thought processes involved

    3. Scratch number two- you can still have fun without using your brain, although you will get your butt kicked allover the place by the AI.

    MAN you are doing yourself the WORST disservice by NOT purchasing this game. It is responsible for my divorce, house being forclosed on, my car being towed and my dog leaving me what more could a guy want in a game????

    The above was a lame attempt at humor biggrin.gif




  5. God I havent seen a Sapporo since I wasonteh west coast eons ago

    I dont drink much anymore but

    Capt Morg is my drink of choice for liquor with Absolute and Stoli a close second

    The For Beer Id have to say

    I like any brit cider especially StrongBow

    Lets see I like Bass Ale , Harp, Bitburger Pils, Grolsh, Corona, Spaten Light.

    Probably more but those are the primaries smile.gif



  6. While tinkering with the editor I had another couple ideas for new tiles

    1. The big Building tile with an exit on each wall to facilitate room to room travel when adjoined

    2. another building tile abit smaller than the above tile (commercial style)

    3. A long single story structure and a larger one too smile.gif



  7. How many kills would that Tank accounted for if he had not taken it out?

    This is a similar tactic to the stuart rush in CC2, taking the advantage of speed over power. I'm not sure that wasting all that stuff to get a measly JPIV is worth it IMHO. To take out something larger that stalled an advance maybe, if and only if most of the moving vehicles int he assault could at least successfully destroy the target - Had the ratio of bren carriers been the lesser and a few larger faster vehicles used in greater proportion I think it would've been more aceptable of a tactic.



  8. Something else I would like to see is the building heights individually represented, even if they are abstracted. Eventually I would like to see the heights coded individually as 2,3 ,4 stories respectively, But for asthetics until this can be done I would still like seperate tiles even if we can only have two elevation values smile.gif



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