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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. Hmmn I've had numerous games where the gun was hit and I've never seen the tank fire an MG after that - I thought it was meant to be that way, never said anything before because I didnt want to nitpick - but if they are supposed to be functional (which would make sense if the gunner isnt dead) then that would be a big plus smile.gif Why the heck havent I seen em fire tho?



  2. Well i Played my first match blind against Ron A and Lost to him - He is a very good player

    I then played it again at +25 and won this time but I got a good spot of luck inthat one.

    I also played VS and we usually have close matches -this time He got me as allies yet I put up a good fight smile.gif

    So I would have to say +25 is a better setting for a good match - as the win against Ron came down to a turn of bad luck. Had this not have occured as such it would've been a very close game smile.gif

    I am about to have another match with VS and I'm letting him have +25 as Jerries I'll post the results later eek.gif



  3. Her is what Grog said at www.downloads.com



    "Uhhhh, it ain't that hot"

    The effects graphics are terrible. The tanks are cool. The men move like zombies. The maps are to tile like looking. It is good shareware now but would have been a great game five years ago.


    Notice both threads mention shareware and dislike the infantry, and attack the special effects

    even though one is by grogboy and one by grog

    Guys I say nicely demote his opinion on that site smile.gif That is our right at Epinions smile.gif Don't flame him tho eek.gif

    Too much coincedence for me



  4. Hi Steve,

    The other thread on TCP/IP turn timer has me wondering about another sticky issue - disconnects

    How will the game handle disconnections?

    will we be able to resume the game if the games is halted on purpose or inadvertently?




  5. Hey I believe taht grog guy was one of the guys that slammed CM somewhere else - seems funny he is going around the sites to make sure he slams it every where-

    If i don't like a game I may post an opinion about it once but repetitively? Seems like someone with a beef to me -

    Does anyone else go around and waste time posting about a game they hate at several sites? I'm interested in some feedback here as this strikes me as odd.



  6. Hey Hunter -

    I dunno I guess cause I figured you woulda said somethign about CC before now ;p

    If I did you did I guess I missed it :P

    have you spoken to stahler or ghost? I have their emails if you need them smile.gif

    As far as CM goes It is taking some getting used to for me also much different than CC2 - I'm sure you will be tough comptition as usual tho wink.gif

    save me a game soon as the Full Vers is out plz smile.gif

    take care



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