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Everything posted by Colin

  1. AHAHAHAHAHA!!! I just spent the last week in Florida. You suck. Hmm...I have to sort out my current games before I play any of you. Oh yeah ,Lorak. I went to Waffle House. Interesting is all I have to say. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  2. Great Steve good to hear! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  3. This has gotta be the dumbest thread I've ever seen in the eight months I've been here. I think BTS should install a hit counter at the bottom of this page just to see how pathetic we all are. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  4. One second would probably be small enough but I like the idea. I wanna be able to play back entire battles in one go though. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  5. Okay I had a big message typed out but it messed up. Basically I'm going to Florida today and I'll be back Saturday. Remember the POTD Madmatt didn't post because he was PO'ed at SOMEONE? Well it's up at my site now! Also theres a little PBEM trouble shooting page. Lorak will take care of you until Matt gets back. CYALL8R! P.S. I wanna see 3 more guestbook entries and 500 more hits when I get back! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com [This message has been edited by Colin (edited 03-10-2000).]
  6. Bunkers are treated like units. Been answered before. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  7. OB&G do you work for these people? ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  8. I think you're right Ah well...I'm going to bed now. I'll have a special present for you and everyone else tomorrow cuz I never got around to it today. CYA ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  9. Yup...doesn't really matter. Guess this boredom is really getting to me now. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  10. Yes and he said Tiger but he could have mean Sturmtiger. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  11. I just know I'm gonna be one of the guys who will pick out the faults of future games (not made by S&C) and not play them despite the fact they are fun. Is it actually the L/70? I'm pretty sure it is because the JPz IV used it, I beleive, and I think think they took it from the panther. Well I know the original JPz IV did. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  12. Ah well I guess no one wants to see the lost POTD eh Lorak? ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  13. The Panther used a 75mm cannon (L/70?) not the 88mm. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  14. Probably. But is this the face of a man who cares? ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  15. Hello there!!! The POTD is up at my site now. Seems to be a great shot. And if I feel like it I have a little surprise that Madmatt left for me to give you. Soo... ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  16. Hey I said the pics were great. And ya you do have to be careful. Actually I was just posting because it makes me feel like a big man when somewhen is wrong and I spot it. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  17. Shut up! No one cares about you're whining. What the hell are you talking about saying " My money is on the table, if BTS can't give a release date, the lease they can do is provide regular updates (weekly, BI-weekly)". (Sorry I don't mean to pick on you pad152, just using you as an example). You wanna know who's money is really on the table? Steve and Charles! The sooner they get this out the better for them. You wannna release date? Fine then. March 23rd. It's not real but it's as real as any date that you're gonna get from anyone including S&C. Now I'm sure people are misinterpreting this post right now. I want a release date/update as much as anyone here but I think S&C's rescources are spent better on the game. Wait I can add in an update too! The game is progressing along. King Tigers were large tanks that weighed a lot. They are in CM. CM is fun to play. You too will enjoy it eventually. There are bird noises in tha background as well as rain. Sorry for wasting your time. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  18. From the above site: "German 88mm Anti-Aircraft (AA) gun. With the addition of an armoured shield to protect the gunners, it was also used in the anti-tank role. As such it was the best of its type at the time, to the extent that it was fitted as main armament in German Tiger and Panther tanks in the last years of the War." Man this guy is an expert!! Cool pics though. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com [This message has been edited by Colin (edited 03-08-2000).]
  19. I have a V2 and it runs in whatever screensize I have my built-in video card (Rage IIc) set to. Of course that really doesn't have anything to do with this problem cuz the V2 is a 3D passthru card and I'm on a Mac. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  20. oooooooohhhhhh....Fiooooooonnnnnnn....Are we there yet? Are we there yet? I gotta go peeeeeee......sorry about this...Steeeeeeeve...why isn't it done yet? I'll take the crown for the most annoying post right now. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  21. Hmm...with my limited knowledge I'd put my money on the Panther. The Comet was a nice tank as was the Pershing but I still think the Panther could take em. Panther was an all around great tank and consistency is good in war (Unless you're losing of course). ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  22. In eh? In what? ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  23. Hey I'm interested in this too. My site is about as CM related as you can get. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  24. I like the idea of defending against a huge allied assault. I plan on making a really really great scenario. You'll have to see it. It will be great. I've already got it planned out. Just trust me. It will be great. And I wanna try playing Maneri's planned Beach Invasion scenario. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
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