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Everything posted by CoolColJ

  1. Can you guess at what I've been doing? ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there!
  2. Maybe I can mod the bocage into a vineyard line them all up in columns, and put some grape plants on the side ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there!
  3. From what I have read from STeve - the AI is certainly heading that way ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there!
  4. It is possible, but Texture size/memory is the main limit. You'd have to use at least 512x512 texture sizes! Also you'll need more ploygons - some of the Playstation 2 games have this look - tons of polygons and large textures. But I don't think its quite possible in CM, firstly the divisions between the tiles are quite visible and secondly CM doesn't have any lighting Actually all the above is irrelevant - um a good scanner, and prisitine images to scan, with, large tetxure sizes, I think can get close - need 32 megs of Vram though ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there!
  5. Thanks for the compliments, you guys deserve the kudos too, for your research guidance! I'll be adding the proper side windows, a few battle scars, and maybe some of those creeper plants on the side, and a light for the front door! I'm making the textures available after I have the whole lot fnished, as I want the a whole batch to look right together. Basicly I just doing each texture up to 80-90% complete, and when I'm done, go back tidy them all up and then release it Thomm - as I said, I'm a "rookie" with computer graphics - I'm slowly improving as I go along, so maybe there is still more left in me yet! Plus I'm discovering new ways to do things in Photoshop, for better end results. ccj [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 02-23-2000).]
  6. The smallness and the flatness of the CC maps is damn claustrophobic (I didn't spell it right - I know! ) I like the freedom of 3d - always a 3d man, always will be I have cc3 - I played one game yesterday - dang so easy. I played the CC4 demo - puke, that game gives me headaches, the look just gives me headaches and eye-aches as well I actually have more fun playing my paper minatures style wargames(ie I draw all the map features squad leader style onto paper, and draw all the soldiers and tanks on the paper, rub them out, move, draw them in again!) than in CC series ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there! [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 02-23-2000).]
  7. Pic of new US infantry uniforms up!! Looks nice, err they finally have necks About 70% done Do the proportions look ok to you guys? new PzG coming soon - looks nice too! Hop to my CM photo Gallery ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there!
  8. Yes I really am Steve! <marquee> </marquee> Foobar there will be minor damage like broken windows, and the odd shell and bullet holes, but its not possible to do caved in walls I tried but you end having invisible walls on houses CCj
  9. Play Reisberg - you'll hear a whole lot! Its Wav 435 from memory That's why I've been urging everyone to try them! Hey your waiting, so you might as well try them. You won't regret it, people! CCj
  10. Hey guys, check my new revised Church, I basicly threw it togther, using the basic feel of all the reference Church stuff you guys gave me - AIm was to convey the basic look - did I succeed? I will fix the tower, and those side windows Still to add all those fancy bits to make it look real Head to my Gallery ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there! [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 02-22-2000).]
  11. New More Euro Church pic is up! ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there!
  12. Thanks! If anyone wants to read about the CM scenraio editor and check some pics, head over too - and enter the CM section at the bottom ccj
  13. Jons basicly the buildings are 4 walls and a roof, onto which the textures are mapped onto, so no base for your gardens But your welcome to spray paint a "Kilroy was here" onto the walls Thanks for the links guys - I should have asked ya first! SAved me all my time looking through minatures wargaming building online catalogs ccj [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 02-22-2000).]
  14. Roadblocks are in, that's what I've read of it so far ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there!
  15. ColCoolJ? No I amd not working for BTS Its all a hobby to me at this stage Hey if any game company wants to offer me a job, I'm all for it! I'll start working straight away! I'll finally be able to put to talents to good use Sigh, this will be my dream job too....but for now, my second life of boredom as a telephone/help desk dude continues ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there!
  16. I want eye candy for sure ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there!
  17. THanks for the responce guys! Hey I said it was unfinished As far as the structure goes, I have no control over that! The polygons are fixed, all I can do this change the texture. Don't worry some of those windows will be broken when Its finished AFter getting some reference material from Desert Fox, I will change the look of the Church to that Normandy Romanik look I think. I mean I can't make it all authentic Since this Church is a figment of my imagination, I will make lots of chnages to it now Thanks, hopefully this tetxure set will be done in 2 weeks time . CCJ
  18. Thank Thank Thank! You I've been high and low for some reference material for churches - Not a very clear view, and also the shape of the Church is fixed by BTS, so I can't change the Church all the much, I can add the bricks and windows that's all It doesn't look like they have STained Glass windows, right? Hey have got any sites for Normandy/France buildings? CCJ [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 02-22-2000).]
  19. You got my brain ticking - how about a Hlaf-Life Team Fortress type opertaion! Base on each end the map, you get reinforcements every battle of the operation, and you goal is to capture the enemy base. With plenty of neutral buildings and interesting terrain scattered between, with a large town right in the middle of the map. I think it would be a nice blood bath battle! I can imagine the number of wrecked vehicles and rubbled buildings now ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there!
  20. I hear they have new pics of the CM editor there Gimme the address quick! ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there!
  21. Germanboy - those house are just place holders Goto my Tweaked Tecxtures topic and have a look at my new Church - does that look like church in Europe? Or you can just straight to my site - and look in the Cm photos section CCJ
  22. http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj/CCJ_Mortar.jpg <marquee> </marquee> ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there! [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 02-22-2000).]
  23. Yes Griffen most definietly Dang whats up with this Blue border!?/ ATTENTION! I need opinions on my unfinished Church! http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj/CCJ_Church1.jpg Does the arhictecture look Euro, and is it plausable? I just drew it from my head! ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there!
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