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Posts posted by Echo

  1. Longer time limit. No one ceased fire in a firefight after 15min unless there was a route, or extenuating circumstances. (No ammo, or truce).

    Length of the operation should be proportional to the quantity of units involved. As long as there are enough combat capable formations to keep it interesting, make it a 20 day op. After all, the siege of Stalingrad wasn't over in a day.

  2. Durruti,

    Your correct on the recce units. I also have a picture of a HT250/9 burning on the bridge, and in Mackays own words, "I watched helplessly as 3 more armored cars sped past us and took off up the avenue.". I'm thinking maybe they were 234/3s. Or maybe Mackay reference to armored cars is his generalized description of any HT/troop carrying armor?

    There were 22 armored vehicles total in the attack, 12 of which were knocked out.

    This is day one of the campaign I'm hashing out.

    [This message has been edited by Echo (edited 08-14-2000).]

  3. "you expose yourself as an intolerant and blinkered personality much in need of the spirituality and self awareness contained in these subjects".


    I have no need of spirituality or self awareness derived from something which in your own words "I cannot prove that this stuff is valuable to anyone."

    Ive been a magician for over 23 years, and I have tolerated people of your "faith" (for faith is all it can in truth be labeled.) since becoming wise to it.

    I can produce volumes of material, books, videos... and even demonstrate, superhuman, arcane powers of the mind, body, and spirit. It truly is enough to start a whole new religion. Whilst demonstating it, of course it's all tongue in cheek. And the people whom I know understand I'm deceiving them for fun, and are a great deal entertained.

    However, If I tell some strangers I am in contact with the demi-god Zu'll, and will help them become "spiritualy aware", or put them in contact with their deceased grandparents or spouse, all for a nominal fee of course, its a bit different isnt it?

    In India they are called "street fakirs", in Africa, "witch doctors", in Jamaica its voodoo, in America its "dial a psychic", and its all the same thing...garbage. Its all catered to the gullible masses for profit or power.

    I have mountains of evidence it doesn't exist. That being it has never been felt, smelt , heard or seen, nor will it ever be.

    My self awareness comes in the fact that I am cognizant of my own surroundings, making intelligent decisions based on reality, not being uduly influenced or persuaded by pipe dreams, myths, or fables.

    "These areas of knowledge are not scientific in nature and therefor cannot be 'proven' in this manner."

    Nor can they be proven in any other manner.

    (We realy should be discussing this someplace else).

  4. If you can truly "collate, and interpret" something by supernatural means, please rush over to the James Randi Educational Foundation and collect your prize money. $10,000,000 to be exact.


    If not, stop deluding yourself, and others. That sort of gobbly gook is not in itself a problem. People that lie and deceive others for profit and gain are revolting to me.

    If my powers of logic and reason don't intimidate you, please E-mail me so we can discuss this more frankly.

  5. I just read the license agreement. If followed to the letter, every web page on the net offering texture dowloads, sound files etc. is in violation of it.

    Frankly I don't give a **** about all that, I'm just curious if ColCoolJ is going to be gracious enough to share his textures with those of us that are less anal retentive.

  6. Without a doubt, you obviously are THE man with the graphics talent. The rare pics Ive seen of your work are picturesque, unbeleivable. The first ones I saw almost looked like cut scenes. What does a man have to do to get a small sample of your hard work?

    Best 2 out of 3 in a PBEM match? I could roll over and give you a win, or hammer you in all 3, whichever you prefer.

    Or if you're in the neiborhood, look up the local #20 (any fire house), and I'll treat you to a night out with the boys. (Which you'll regret in the morning).

    You can even come over to my house and f#@$# my sister. (But I don't have one, you could come over anyway if I did.).

    Cya round bro.

  7. Hey bro,

    I leave mipmap levels at zero.

    Mipmap method at bilinear (8-tap anisttropic isnt used anymore).

    Fog Table emulation on.

    Play with your detail level until it looks good without effecting your performance. I leave mine set to best image quality.

    Jack up your "system memory texture cache" as high as it will go. I've yet to run a game than ran my system out of memory. (Well, maybe on my Commadore Vic-20 years ago.)

    There are some BIOS settings you can tweak too, but those are system specific, and I cant recomend whats right on your machine.

    BTW, where's my turn you slouch.

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