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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. well....

    I have been away too long.

    It seems that the Pool is still full of a bunch of gobspits and titsticks though.. HOOOCKK!

    I have wandered the vast wastelands of the internet. Searching high and low for some sign of intelligence in this great era of information. Sadly there isn't much more out there than you would find on the back of a cereal box.

    So I find myself drawn back to the pool. To be spat upon by all of you dog lipped bastages.

    I would take the time to engage you in a inteligent debate, but I fear the spark of your one synapse firing would ignite the gas flowing from your gobholes and burn some inocents standing near by.

    Now for some relevent news...as if you guys care.

    Time Warner decided that they would expand digital service in our area. They also decided to do this cable in our area would be cut off... But so as not to distube people. They would only cut it off during the day time, ( them somana-bitches), where it would only effect those of us that work nights. (what the hell id good about having cable only at night when I am at freking work!?)

    To go along with this. Yahoo has mucked my e-mail account up beyond all repair. So I am now lucky to recieve mail every 3rd or 4th day. Legit mail that is, spam seems to come through fine.

    Add this to the fact that the freking nazi's at work have black listed the battlefront site, and have blocked every proxy redirector I was using... and you have one very pissed off Lorak.

    Game updates:

    Mace: Haven't heard anything from you... but I don't even know if you recieved my turn the last three times I've sent it. If you want to continue please send a turn to my Triad.rr.com address. If you want to end it. Thats fine to. You have totally kicked my arse in this one.

    Seanachai: I got your e-mail today(that you sent last week! Freaking Yahoo!!). Seems you didn't get my turns either... Yahoo also decided I didn't need your attachment. Please be so kind as to resend to my traid.rr.com address also.

    Moriarty: Guess what? I assume nothing made it to you or back from you either.

    sigh.... I would add some bile to this post. But I am really just too damn frustrated to be pissed anymore.


  2. Chapel Hill Mall...

    Couldn't happen to a nicer town. As long as he stays east of I85, I'll be a happy camper.

    Of course considering what a libreal pansy arsed waste of a school UNC is... I don't see why a guy hanging out in a womans underware store would even get a second notice. Maybe he is just trying to color co-ordinate with his fishnets before he heads out to franklin street tonight.

    (not that there is anything wrong with that.)

    Lorak the loathed

  3. Damn, what a sorry Tuesday.

    Granted Monday wasn't all that good. But it at least have free scotch and a lot of it last night.

    Actualy.. I guess Monday was pretty good.

    Today I'm back home, pretty hung over, and left with nothing better to do than read this tripe.

    So before it makes me physically sick, I give you a small gamey update.

    Moriarty: We are still playing a good forsaken map made by Berli. It sucks, I suck, he sucks. I am waiting for Moriarty to escape from the basement again and send me a turn.

    Mace: This gamey bastard has resorted to using tactics!! Yes, you heard me correctly tactics. How disgusting that a knight of the pool would stoop to such lows just to garner a victory.

    He is taking as much pleasure rolling my flank, as he does wino's at the park during his lunch hour. Bastage!

    Seanachai: umm, I really have no idea what is going on. Not that this is any diffrent from any other game I play. But This time I feel at one with my hopelessness. If I can just shoot a couple more of his men before my hamsters hope on the wheel out of town, I'll consider it a victory.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I must head to the store to replinish my Guinness.

    Then in an hour,

    I'll be as happy, and full as, a tick on a 12 day suck.

    Lorak the loathed

  4. For those awaiting turns.. I'll have them out in the morning. Been off site working at another plant, and had way to much to drink tonight. Which is to say.. not quite enough...yet.

    Oh!! and what in the hell happened to our brotherhood!! Damn I can't believe you sat around and let me do something as stupid as challenge Fionn.

    So I'll give you a topic:

    Lorak... Idiot? Fool? Idiotic fool?



  5. Oh and a little joke:

    One day Lorak and Moriarty are out hunting in the National Forest when Moriarty falls to the ground. He doesn't appear to be breathing, so Lorak whips out his cellphone and calls 911.

    He says to the operator, "I think my friend is dead! Ya gotta tell me what to do!"

    In a calm, soothing voice the operator says, " Just take it easy. First, let's make sure your friend is in fact dead."

    There was a short pause, then a gunshot. Lorak gets back on the phone and says.....

    "OK, now what?"

  6. Originally posted by Moriarty:

    once on defense, once on attack. I suck at both.


    I must protest this post. How dare you bring your losing up in a general forum thread. I know you are trying your best to lose our current game. But I refuse to let you! I have proven on many occasions that I am the one that sucks at CM. NOT you. While you may whine and boast about your lack of tactical knowledge. I have gone further. I have actualy taken the time to prove it!


    Lorak: Fionn, Could I bother you for a game of CM? I would prefer a learning game.

    Fionn: Learning experience? You know how hard it is to write AAR's while laughing like that?

    Lorak: Ah, yes quite so. I of course am an idiot and am about as bright as a box of rocks. So I'll just open CM, close CM and chalk up a loss.

    Fionn: There, see, Your learning already.

    HA! beat that Moriarty!!


    [ June 06, 2002, 09:51 PM: Message edited by: Lorak ]

  7. Of course for those playing Fionn.

    We do expect gamey updates here. Afterall Fionn is a pooler... he just hasn't fully accepted it yet. But he will come over to the dark side! Oh yes. Soon even he will find himself here complaining of our gamey use of non-tactics, self-immobilaizations, and lack of any infantry cover.

    Our total lack of an organized tactics at all, will so baffle him that he wimper like Dalem's dog whenever he hears "you've got mail".

    If you can't dazzel 'em with briliance, then baffle 'em with bull****.

    And when it comes to ****. A Cesspool has that in spades.

    Lorak the loathed

    [ June 06, 2002, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: Lorak ]

  8. Of course for those playing Fionn.

    We do expect gamey updates here. Afterall Fionn is a pooler... he just hasn't fully accepted it yet. But he will come over to the dark side! Oh yes. Soon even he will find himself here complaining of our gamey use of non-tactics, self-immobilaizations, and lack of any infantry cover.

    Our total lack of an organized tactics at all, will so baffle him that he wimper like Dalem's dog whenever he hears "you've got mail".

    If you can't dazzel 'em with briliance, then baffle 'em with bull****.

    And when it comes to ****. A Cesspool has that in spades.

    Lorak the loathed

    [ June 06, 2002, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: Lorak ]

  9. LOL!!

    I love it when you idiots make my job easier. Nice to get all the updates in one location.

    ok. Thats a loss for:


    I'll go ahead and record them shortly. That way there is no need for you shame yourselves in public later.

    Lorak the loathed

  10. Small joke:

    In a small city, in Australia, a small town was suddenly besieged by a wave of ghost sightings. The local priest decided to put an end to all the nonsense and approached the subject at his sermon during Sunday mass.

    "I understand there's a lot of nonsense about ghost sightings", he began in his thick Aussie brogue.

    "Answer me this then. I want everyone to stand up who believes they have seen a ghost". About 20 of 100 people stood up.

    "Now I want you to remain standing if you have spoken to a ghost". All but 5 people sat down. "Do ya mean ta tell me that you five have spoken to a ghost?", he asked incredulously. 2 more people sat down leaving 3 standing.

    The priest continued, "Remain standing if you have physically touched a ghost". 2 sat down leaving one man standing way in the back of the church. Everyone in the parish craned their neck to see the old man, Mace, standing straight as an arrow.

    "Do ya mean to tell me Mace that you have seen a ghost, talked to a ghost, and even touched a ghost!", the priest continued.

    "Yes father".

    "Next thing you'll say is that you have had relations with the ghost as well."

    "It shames me to say, but that I have father."

    The parishoners gasped and the priest shouted at the top of his lungs, "YOU HAVE HAD SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH A GHOST?"

    "Ghost!", old Mace started, "Oh geeze father, I sorry, I thought ya said Goat all along!"

  11. Small joke:

    In a small city, in Australia, a small town was suddenly besieged by a wave of ghost sightings. The local priest decided to put an end to all the nonsense and approached the subject at his sermon during Sunday mass.

    "I understand there's a lot of nonsense about ghost sightings", he began in his thick Aussie brogue.

    "Answer me this then. I want everyone to stand up who believes they have seen a ghost". About 20 of 100 people stood up.

    "Now I want you to remain standing if you have spoken to a ghost". All but 5 people sat down. "Do ya mean ta tell me that you five have spoken to a ghost?", he asked incredulously. 2 more people sat down leaving 3 standing.

    The priest continued, "Remain standing if you have physically touched a ghost". 2 sat down leaving one man standing way in the back of the church. Everyone in the parish craned their neck to see the old man, Mace, standing straight as an arrow.

    "Do ya mean to tell me Mace that you have seen a ghost, talked to a ghost, and even touched a ghost!", the priest continued.

    "Yes father".

    "Next thing you'll say is that you have had relations with the ghost as well."

    "It shames me to say, but that I have father."

    The parishoners gasped and the priest shouted at the top of his lungs, "YOU HAVE HAD SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH A GHOST?"

    "Ghost!", old Mace started, "Oh geeze father, I sorry, I thought ya said Goat all along!"

  12. smurf.txt

    Seanachai: Damn it Berli! For the last time. I am an Ubergnome! Not a smurf.

    Berli: Your short and blue correct?

    Seanachai: I live in Minn!! Of course my skin is blue!

    sigh... Ok, I'm a smurf. You happy now?

    Berli: Of course papa-smurf..err.. Ubergnome.

    Seanachai: Fine Gargamel. Just take Dalem's rotting dog carcus with you. Makes the whole state smell.

    [ June 04, 2002, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: Lorak ]

  13. smurf.txt

    Seanachai: Damn it Berli! For the last time. I am an Ubergnome! Not a smurf.

    Berli: Your short and blue correct?

    Seanachai: I live in Minn!! Of course my skin is blue!

    sigh... Ok, I'm a smurf. You happy now?

    Berli: Of course papa-smurf..err.. Ubergnome.

    Seanachai: Fine Gargamel. Just take Dalem's rotting dog carcus with you. Makes the whole state smell.

    [ June 04, 2002, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: Lorak ]

  14. Hey!

    Congrats Matt!!

    I was going to sign on and see if I could one-up Seanachai's hell-weekend.

    But it is just too nice seeing some good news to type in my failings.

    So congrats and well wishes to your wife.

    In other news.

    I'm really starting to hate Mace! Not only is he a beta-tester.. but he is determined to make me look worse in our scenario than I really am. Now granted.. I am a tactical moron, so it is no easy feat for him. But I have never seen a game go to **** so quickly before in my life. (and I have had pleanty go to **** pretty quick too).

    Lorak the loathed.

  15. Hey!

    Congrats Matt!!

    I was going to sign on and see if I could one-up Seanachai's hell-weekend.

    But it is just too nice seeing some good news to type in my failings.

    So congrats and well wishes to your wife.

    In other news.

    I'm really starting to hate Mace! Not only is he a beta-tester.. but he is determined to make me look worse in our scenario than I really am. Now granted.. I am a tactical moron, so it is no easy feat for him. But I have never seen a game go to **** so quickly before in my life. (and I have had pleanty go to **** pretty quick too).

    Lorak the loathed.

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