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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. tsk..tsk.. Germanboy, how you dissapoint me so. How sad that while being in the presence of a teacher and example as great as I, you can't see farther than the sending of a turn in a childs wargame. Truly I hope you come to reson and take advantage of my enlightning presence and make something of this dismal human exsistence you call a life. Now to show you I am a kind teacher and not vendictive I will proceed to send you a turn very soon. Sadly It took a little longer yesterday to get my kingdom in order after my return. Now get thee from my sight and sod off. Lorak the loathed "defender of the faith"
  2. Ahh, How it lightens my heart to see such creativity spring from the mouths of idiots. I truly have missed bathing in the filth that is this pool and my second home. I am just glad that once again you are privilidged enough to find yourselves in my presence. Truly it is taxing to associate myself with such low lifes as you, but I feel it is my duty. By basking in my glory may ya'll one day begain to reach the bottom rung on the ladder that is my greatness. I know, I know... Your telling yourself that there is no possible way to reach the dizzing height that is Lorak's perfection. I understand for most of you that it is only a pipe dream. But none the less I offer myself unto your company, to guide, and allow myself to be a becon of light guiding you to the great path that humans can become. Verily I say unto thee, Behold the Lorak and all that is pure good, and tremble at the blackness that is your own soul. I am Lorak the loathed ! "defender of the faith"
  3. Ahh, well met Morse, and nicely written. Your score has been recorded. Lorak the loathed "defender of the faith"
  4. lets see now.... I have the following Berli-win Hiram-loss OGSF-win SPeedy-loss Elvis-win Hiram-loss HerrOberst-win Croda-loss Seanachai-draw Pawbroon-draw PeterNZ-draw Speedy-draw Seanachai-win Berli-loss Germanboy-loss Elvis-win Germanboy-loss MarkIV-win As always if any are left out or mistaken (like I care) just let me know. For those I am in contest with. I should have turns sent back out tonight or tomarrow. I have not downloaded the lastest patch, I should also have this done this evening. I'll keep both versions running. Just let me know which to use. Lorak the loathed. ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  5. ...along a well worn path in a deep forested glade. A few butterflies fed upon the flowers that dotted the meadow grasses, and the ancient oaks that surrounded the glade were robed in the lush green of early summer. Lorak breathed in deeply, as if he could take in the magic, and the soul-deep joy that scented the air of Evermeet, the island home of the elves. In the center of the clearing stood an elven lady, as tall as Lorak himself and clad in a sliken gown of dove-gray, the elven color of mourning. The elf's vividly blue eyes had seen the birth and death of several centuries, yet her face was youthful and the luster of her red-gold hair was undimmed by time. A silver circlet rested on her brow, but it was her regal bearing and the aura of power surrounding her that proclaimed her Lady of Evermeet, Queen of All Elves. "Greetings, Sir Lorak," said Queen Amlaruil in a voice like music, like wind. Lorak sank into a deep bow, the elven queen bid him rise. Having dispensed with the formalities, the two old friends shared a warm embrace. " As glad as I was to hear of your return Lorak, I was equaly sadened to hear of your reason for returning. I am happy to see that you guided Cris, elf-friend, to our island. He was dear to us all, and it also gave us chance to catch up. Just when I was getting used to you, I recieve word now that you are leaving. May I ask what takes you from Evermeet this time, and with such urgency?" "It's the Cesspool again," said Lorak in a dry tone. Amlaruil's sigh came from a deep and ancient pain. "Yes. It often is. What is it this time?" "How many reasons would you like for me to name? Insane post, Childish humor, Sad tales of mis deeds. The List is long. But for the good of all one need to be there. To observe and record the deeds of these warriors. This was the task that was given to me... it is a task I will do my best to oversee." ...Lorak mutterd some arcane phrase and stepped into the portal that links the two worlds... Lorak steps back into the world of mortals and looks around at this soggy, stinking, puss filled cesspool, that he now calls home. "truly living in such a place as this, so far from my homeland causes me to be loathed. Yes I loath myself and my exsistance in this living hell, but it is a job I accepted, and one I will see to the end. Now let me see what has befallen since my last visit here....." Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  6. Thank you all for your thoughts. They are kindly recieved. Now before this totally kills the jest and humor here.... Bite me all! You lickers of swamp toads. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  7. Greetings all.. First I would like to thank those of you who have sent me e-mails wondering as to my absense. As those of you I'm playing know I was gone for a while a week ago also. The quick story is this. A really good friend of mine was involved in an accident, he lived but was in a coma. I was spending a lot of time with his family ect. Well I thought things were stabilized and I'd be able to return to my self-loathing and process my tuns again in a timely mannor. This was not the case. My friend passed away this past Friday. I'd be lying if I stated this was why I was gone the whole week. Cris and I grew up together, wargamed together, hell, we even went into the service in the buddy program together. But the truth of it is, I just didn't feel like playing. Not due to sadness or grief or anything like that. I'm a little odd in my take on death ect.. Cris lived well and he died well. To me that is all that matters. I really just needed a little time alone. Sorry for not coming here and giving a reson earlier. Now it is time to go forward. I see I have a lot of catch up reading to due, and I'll try to get the web page totals up to date. So give me a day or two. If they are still wrong just yell or rant, I'll see it. Just remember.... Never! Ever! mess with a man and his hamster! Lorak the Loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 12-01-2000).]
  8. ahh now where was I.... Oh yes. Self Loathing. This should be a short little update. I haven't been around lately, and there are only so many ways to say your losing. Germanboy advance guns hide, shells speed towards targets empty steel, fire, death Moriarty's damn stug Lorak's men hide in terror no good, death awaits Berli and his goons approach, blasting,hell on earth smoke covers the dead Meeks crazy like a fox both sides even, standing still who knows what will come Others yell outside Pool drowns them out, thank the gods they matter little. TTFN Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  9. What the hell is this ****e!? Some personal crap comes up that drags me away for several days.... I come back to for a nice pool swim to laugh and forget about the unplesant business.. and what do I find? A bunch of whinney bastards bitching and moaning because they haven't got enough Balls to decide thier own fate. First to clear some things up. My web site.. It was started as a damn joke. It was to stay up a day or so at most. But became a way to pass the time at work. Stay or go it makes no diffrence to me. The one thing that totaly has my mind in a fog... Is bitching about knighthood and it creating some kind of levels. What the hell is wrong with you people?! Let me see if I can explain this for those of you that decided to put your heads in microwaves for kicks. Being a Knight of the pool means the following: Not a damn thing!! Basically to become a knight all you have to do is stick around. Yes we have a lot of damn fun setting up squire matches. But in reality those that are good enough sports to hang around, and be a good enough sport to go along with it, Are going to be knights anyway. It just menas they have had the balls to stick around and fit in. Why some of you are so sure it relates to power is beyond me. Same with lordships. Who the hell cares? It doesn't make a damn bit of diffrence. I thought it would have just been a fun way of making the PBEM games a little more interesting. In the pool Titles Mean nothing. Personality is everything. As for those of you I am playing, I am sorry for the delay's lately. But I had some things to take care of. Should be back on track now. As for the fate of this thread.... Grow the hell up. This thread is one of the only reasons I still come to this forum. It has humor, history, drama, and most of all wit. So If you are upset by the pool lately. Fix it. We created it, filled it, and brought it to the for-front. If it is to die, so be it. But don't take the loser's way out and blame it on newbies ect.. Stand up like a damn Man (and Yk2) and at least admit that if the pool dies it is your own damn fault. Oh and as a final note. Not to step on any toes or start a flame war. But for those of you that are getting upset personaly... Canned games, personal attacks.. Grow the hell up. It is a damn internet forum. Suck it up, piss on it, and get on with your lives. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  10. Kitty, sniff, sniff... Mine eyes water with joy at what you have made. Just lovely. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  11. ok.. Another busy night in hell... so a quick comment. Pages is updated as follows. Berli gains a topplement over Kitty. Speedy gains a topplement over OGSF. Mark IV gains a topplement over Shaw. In other news: Joe Shaw, Hope everything works itself out. I know thier aren't suppose to be feelings in the pool... but you are missed. Take care. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  12. Damn, Long ass times for page updates.. to find that my post several hours ago didn't even show up. <sigh> Ok the short of it then. Corrected jshandorfs record to 2/2/0 Posted Pawboon's topplement of Mensch added the sponsors for the squires I had. Re-worked all the damn pages on the site. Now there is a cesspool home page that links to the others. separate Knight page with records. separate squire page with records and joust. Seaparate Lords page with Current lords and contest. Check it out. I am open for suggestions. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  13. damn.. Been to busy to even loath myself. Here is the latest updates: PeterNZ-draw Pawbroon-draw Mark IV-win Shaw-loss Seanachai-draw jdmorse-draw Berli-win Moriarty-loss Germanboy-win Blousehouse-loss Mensch-win Croda-loss Chupa-win Croda-loss Also.. It has been ask that squires with sponsors have thier sponsors listed. I think this could be a good Idea. I just ask that those knights that are sponsering a squire post that information for me. Lorak the loathed. ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  14. Once again I cater to the malcontents on this thread. Elvis-win Peter-loss Elvis-loss Meeks-win In other news.... Get out and vote you slack arsed american bastages! Lorak the Loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  15. greetings cesspolligans, humm, updates. Meeks-draw Jdmorse-draw OGSF-win Meeks-Loss jdmorse-win Hiram-loss New squire match: Foobar vs Roborat Games vs the loathed.... Berli: what can I say... I suck. I'm not surprised satan brung his smoke to the party..again... Good news is it blinds me to the utter follishness of my given defense. Moriarty: Still believes he can lose this one! Ha! I am the master of losing, and I plan on proving it. Meeks: Crazy as a tree legged tree turtle, As hard as it is for me to believe, I'm holding my own in this one.....so far. Germanboy: As much as it feels me with sorry to dispatch my beloved irishmen. It warms my heart knowing that I managed to at least blow something up before my demise. OGSF: Still foggy, still blind, still losing. Bastard. Lorak the loathed... ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  16. Ok Dark prince. The mistake has been reversed. I guess it is easy to make mistakes reading other peoples post when I loath them even more than myself. Lorak the loathed.. ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  17. Great update, as always Matt... Thanks again. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  18. ...out of a long forgotten corridor of the cesspool walks Lorak... "well, It was a long and boring duty, but at least another opening to the outside has been shut off." ..he proceeds along a twisted and broken path in utter darkness headed to his Lair... "what is this? Ahh a note." Please Sir Lorak. If it pleases you. Post our battles in the holy book, so as to give our pitiful lives meaning. " the pitiful souls, Have they not yet learned that battle results mean nothing? The path to become fully enlighted in the pool of darkness, has nothing to do with battles, wins, losses, or even if you have sex with hamsters. Truly this sorry lot has much to learn. Yes we are shadows, but even darkness can blind the unaware. This they must learn...and they will... I swear it!" ...Lorak sits down and places his hand upon the orb... and mentally scribes the results in to the book of the pool... Elijah: win Berli: Loss Croda: loss Shandorff: win Chupa: win Moriarty: loss Germanboy: win Peng: loss one other loser posting a win against caprifellator... Since I have been long away from this board, and am way above the mindless drool of screwing up peoples names as an insult, I have no clue who the hell this is. Lorak the Loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  19. Ok Peter, Records are added. Chupacabra, I know that living in England has messed you mind up. That is understandable. But let me help explain things to you. The "cesspool battle results" are just that. Battle results against people in the cesspool. Since Dr Alimantado in neither a squire nor a knight, Your result against him is void. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  20. Ah, Greetings. The kind people from from my cable company finally decided to come out and install my new Cable Modem (it kicks ass!) So now I am back on-line at home, and you fellows can continue to kick my ass. I believe I managed to get all my turns sent out today before I left home. If I missed someone just let me know. New address is Lmcgarvey@triad.rr.com (it is in the profile also). Also updated the win loss records. This is what I had. Moriarty-loss Oberst-loss Seanachai-loss chrisl-loss jdmorse-win pawbroon-win germanboy- 1/1/2 Meeks- 4 wins TTFN Lorak the loathed. ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  21. Meeks and Jshandorf, games recorded. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  22. <sigh>..... Still no net access at home. I'm still trying to steal time to at least read the peng thread. Since it is the only thing that actualy matters in this sorry excuse that I call a life. Page has been updated with: Pawbroon-Loss jdmorse-win Elvis-loss Peng-win TTFN Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  23. Ok, I'm still without net access at home. So turns are still delayed. Having a cable modem installed next monday.... (damn, going to be a long week.) Did manage to get the games updated. Meeks-win OBSF-loss Berli-loss Germanyboy-win. Will try to download my turns and take them home, then bring them back in and mail them. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  24. Thanks for the help Schrullenhaft, Managed to get everything back and running good. (modem is still junk, but will dial out) Decided the best way to handle it is to get rid of it. Having cable installed this weekend. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  25. Thanks again for all the help guys. It was indeed the sucky win-modem that was causing the problem. I managed getting everything back working. Only problem is I had to re-install the original gateway.net software. Needless to say I need a new modem. I decided to go ahead and be off-line for another week. Since it will be next monday before the nice people from road-runner can get there. can't wait for cable! lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
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