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Everything posted by sniperscope

  1. Echo is right (hmmm, CC6.....YAWN) who cares? sniperscope
  2. I agree with you Jeff. This would help greatly when planning an assault. snipercope
  3. hahahahahaha easyeight, that was great sniperscope
  4. 7pm EST. via ICQ (178604) anyone wanting to play a game CE against my Greater German forces? Please let me know joev@frontiernet.net
  5. I live in orange county guys. Washingtonville new york sniperscope
  6. my wife was was trying to get my attention by batting her eyes at me, I thought it was morse code. sniperscope
  7. Looking to form the New York chapter of CM. Maybe a monthtly email news letter, shared tactics etc.etc. anyone interested? Sniperscope joev@frontiernet.net
  8. I'm 49, married, 3 kids, my oldest son served in Bosina, is a sgt. stationed in Germany, he might be going into special forces and I am proud as hell of him. sniperscope
  9. Good Morning crazy human. You asked in another post why we are not going to your site as much as here. The Only Reason is that the subject matter keeps changing here. However, that is about to change in a very big way. Once the game comes out where do you think we are going to go to get those new user made maps, scen, and campaigns? Your site, that's where. sniperscope
  10. 6am. wife goes to make the coffee, I run downstairs, boot up and play a turn of pbem. check email. take a shower, get dressed. drink cold coffee, play a turn of cm pbem. go to work. at work log to the web. have the CM chat area in the background the entire day. make a few posts. read just about everything there is. hoping to see steve or charles post some news. get home. bootup, download email play a turn of pbem. say hello to kids. start dinner. during dinner, check email respond to pbem. after dinner, help kids with homework...while I check my email. the rest of the evening spent playing cm and checking emails. hopelessly addicted. if BTS posts the manuel online I will down it and treat it like a archaelogical artifact. To be studied and scrutinized. love this game. sniperscope
  11. To the beta testers and BTS. When creating a situation will I be able to name my units? exammle: 2nd SS bat. etc.etc.? How about my snipers? Tank Commanders? Leaders? Towns? Thanks sniperscope
  12. 1- Grenades being thrown in close combat 2- a sherman moving a panther out of the way on a road 3- a house blowing up to bits 4- dirt being thrown into the air after a shell hits 5- a sherman bogged down 6- a HMG jamming what else? Everyone try not to post what has all ready been listed.
  13. I was burned out from the game. I was in the first group of 19 testers picked to beta test SFC. There are some of us in the loop regarding SFC2, but are not allowed to discuss what is coming down the pipe. Overall be prepared for a big improvement. sniperscope
  14. Lee, I have gone back in time. In this world I am not locutus but sniperscope. SFC loved it, hated SFA. Got flamed in KA when I voiced my concerns about using a joystick for control of a capital starship, NEVER!!!! anyway Lee, it's good to hear from you. Looks like we both a found an outstandig game in CM!!! Meet you on the battlefield with my drones, opps I mean German forces. sniperscope
  15. yes I will send you the new file at about 7pm. I will be going out and will be back by 10pm. Looking to play a couple of rounds. sniperscope
  16. Playing my first PBEM game, I was clobbered by Black Sabot. Playing against a human player is a whole new ball game. Down to the earth nerve wrecking fun. Playing CE, I misjudged where he would be coming from. Black Sabot took out 2 of my 3 stg3’s and the rest will be down hill. I have decided to surrender. BUT!!!! I will meet him again in battle. Now that I have the feel of the game, I will be doing better. My german forces will advance on the Amerikanzi’s!!!!! sniperscope hopelessly addicted
  17. retired NYC law enforcement officer now working for Mercedes-Benz USA
  18. lol ok u r dead....my german forces will crush u into little bits. prepare for my file tonight!!!! sniperscope
  19. Is it possible to give the following commands? 1- move stg3 forward, when he stops target a building. 2- target a building then move forward. What I am trying to say is to be able to give Multiple commands. Then those commands are carried out in the order I gave them. Situation permitting ofcouse. I am pretty sure I am doing something wrong, thanks sniperscope
  20. lol man oh man that was great. I put away all my other games. Unreal, SFC, Falcon4 etc.etc. In the morning I feel like crap from staying up so late, playing this great game. sniperscope
  21. Does the game have troop transports like the ones shown in Saving Private Ryan? Also are their paratroops in the game?, landing all over the country side? Hopelessy Addicted. sniperscope
  22. sometime in early June, maybe, hopefully, shouldbe, mightbe etc.etc. All jokes aside BTS stated maybe early June sniperscope
  23. Black Sabot, is that you I have been playing against? sniperscope
  24. start your game in muliplayer, it was ask you to load your email, that's it. \ sniperscope
  25. Yes Lee, locutus, lower case l. beta tester for SFC. Before this game came out I used to spend alot of time at the Interplay site. sniperscope
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