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Posts posted by krm

  1. I have tried to capture screenshots but am having no luck. The only shots that work out are the AAR's at the end of battles. Other than that I either get just a black screen, or my desktop. I have tried using print screen, alt and print screen.

    I am just using the generic paint program that comes with windows. Any suggestions?

  2. Thanks Fionn,

    Thats what I found (in terms of concentration). E.g I found i got better results when I used both 81mm Mortars and my 105's at the same time, and with a similar area target. The explosive force of all the batteries made an environment that the enemy didn't like.

    I also found that the reason I took pows was by using a method similar to that which you described using a sort of pincer movement strategy, and one that allows converging en masse at a depleted enemy. smile.gif

  3. I dont want to sound as though I'm blowing my own trumpet, but I have had 6 very easy games. The latest was over in 22 Turns, I took 18 pows, knocked out all German vehicles, three with a zook, including the Tiger. 119 casualties to 37, 10 men ok to 158. Score, 6 - 94. (i was playing last defense as US) Axis surrender, Allied total victory.

    I would attribute this luck to the number of times I've played the scenario, but has anybody else had similar results? The thing is, I know I'm definitely not more than an average player.

    One thing that keeps making me come back for more is the immense replayability I find. The AI always comes up with something cunning to keep me interested.

    Another thing I have a question about is artillery. What has everyone experienced gets the best results? I know it depends on the action your hoping for, and therefore different strategies work at different times. But, eg, with the 60mm Mortars, have people found it best to concentrate firepower or disperse it over the battlefield?

  4. Riesberg: Lost about 15men, two mortars, and an 88 to a massive allied barrage that consisted of everything they had. Prior to this I had knocked out all 4 Shermans and it seemed the AI wanted revenge. Managed to pull of an axis victory.

    Last Defense: As US. Germans causing hell when Hellcats showup, destroy every German vehicle except the Tiger, which flees into the woods and is never seen again.

  5. I had the same problem with mine initially. What you need to do is download the new version of liveware (3.0) for the SB Live from:


    You may have to fill out a registration form before you can download it. Beware, the files are 28.8mbs so it will take a while, but its worth it. Once you d/l it all you do is open it with winzip, click on the setup.exe file, which will extract all the contents to a temp directory, install, restart, play, and be prepared to be blown away!

    [This message has been edited by krm (edited 10-31-99).]

  6. The Vyrdolak - try downloading the latest drivers for both your sound and video card, or reinstall the drivers for both. This worked for me, (with SB Live) and if that doesn't work, buy a new sound and video card smile.gif If you haven't heard the sound yet, it's worth it, adding a whole new dimension to the immersion experience.

    Anders J - I have also noticed this.

  7. Riesberg, October 30.

    US Shermans spotted heading... in a direction.

    88 gunner: Stupid sherman drivers, coming straight into my kill zone, haha.

    ...minutes later

    88 gunner: Stupid shermans how did they get there! Uh oh, better start singing the US anthem.... please "oh say can you see..."

    One 88 opened up and got two of the buggers, so the AI, instead of just driving his remaining two tanks through an obvious kill zone split them up, and had each one move to the flanks. They advanced slowly, and were eventually able to suppress the killer 88, by hitting it with HE from both sides. Arty was then called in, and low and behold, the 88 was no longer. I thought it was an excellent demonstration that this is a game engine unlike any other I've ever seen.

  8. Sound Problem:

    I hear tank related noises (except guns, doh) but that is it. I am not hearing any gunshots even when sitting right behind a firing unit. I saw my Tiger blast an infantry squad, thought great, put tab on behind the tiger, saw it blast but heard nothing. No incoming fire noises or voices etc - only tanks movement noises.

    Please help-

    Sound Blaster Live (version 2.0 firmware)

    P3 -450

    64mb Ram

    12mb Voodoo2

    Direct x 6.1

  9. I played Braveheart on a P3 450, 64ram, Voodoo 2 12mb, and found it ran reasonably well. Loading times were a little long, but in 3d battle mode, it was smoothe enough. Played a battle with 67 of my own men against about 30 AI troops. I couldn't tell if there was that many men or not, but it looked like it. I wasn't overly impressed with the game, but I wouldn't have complained about the performance. However, in 3d mode, I found everything but the men were poorly represented. Trees looked terrible, and the fighting just didn't look good, to me anyway.

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