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Everything posted by civdiv

  1. Having played a grand total of 2 scenarios with the release version (1-1.02 and 1-1.03), I can't say I have a great deal of experience here. But based on the concurrence of the majority of the replies, I would say the light mortars are much to accurate. Putting a round into a 4-6 sq m area with a light mortar is a shot in a million, regardless of range. The high arc of the projectile only makes it more difficult. I know people who could put a M203 (40mm grenade launcher) round into that area reliably, given 2 or 3 shots from 200-300 meters. While similar, the 203 has a flatter trajectory making it quite a bit easier. I'm glad BTS is taking a look at this issue. civdiv
  2. A one-time occurance is not a strike against the game system. If it just happened once, than it's a lucky hit. I would expect a 50mm HE rounds to kill a AC. The crux of the issue is if it accurs with too great a frequency. Gamers are now aware of this issue, we will just have to keep an eye out. Agreed, it is a one in a million shot. civdiv
  3. BTS, All I can do is thank you for this game. I know that gamers thanks have been repeatedly offered on this board but I really have to thank you for a well crafted product. Sure, in a couple of weeks I'll be criticising the penetration of the M-1 ballpeen hammer versus the mantle armor of the Panther, but for now I'm just enjoying the experience. I've been playing wargames since for about 22 years, and this is the finest product I have ever seen. Despite the lack of patience I displayed for the release, I'm glad it turned out so well; all I can say is 'A job well done!'. Keep up the good work and though I know you have enjoyed much acclaim from the media in regards to CM, I wish you zillion of dollars of profit to continue your efforts in this specific direction, and in any other direction you plan to take your talents. But please, don't anyone buy a Ferrari and let this all go to your heads. Keep it at this level and continue to produce finely crafted games. Again, continuing success, and thank you again for a superb wargaming experience. civdiv
  4. The US tank boards decision that a tank armed with a 57mm main gun would be sufficient for Overlord. After much disagreement the Army managed to get the 75mm approved but the earlier disagreement caused great difficult is later upgunning. The Pershing could have been available a year earlier, but many, including Patton, argued that it's introduction would hinding the logistics effort, plus, they said the Sherman was good enough. Plus, any tank designed by the British. While the Sherman wasn't great, it was superior to anything the Brits came up with (Due in part to the restriction on the width of the tanks, due to the relatively narrow width of their railroads.).
  5. Reading number 11 above (Anzio) brought a little funny to mind (Well I think it was funny.). I was looking through the history section at Borders and saw a book called (I think); 'The 45th Infantry Division: The Rock of Anzio'. I thought to myself "You were supposed to be 'The Wildcat of Anzio' or 'The Blazing 45th' or 'The Irresistable Force of Anzio', not the rock, that was the whole problem."
  6. You will hate me for this but I hope CM gets released around April 8th. Don't shoot me, just my preference. I'm in a pretty intense year-long military school, and I graduate on the 13th, and actually leave for my new posting on the 20th. April 8th will give them time to ship it to me, and then off I go for 25 days vacation. If it gets released before that I may flunk out.
  7. Well, when I equalize my files between my two cpus (via direct connection), am I using both at the same time? I know, inane topic, but hell, nothing else to talk about.
  8. Alright, all of this has made me feel guilty so I must confess my sins. I have installed my single copy of both WIN 98 plus and Norton System Works 2000, on both my desktop and my laptop. God, I feel so cheap.
  9. Couple of point on this topic. First, the days of really simulating a squad of infantrymen, each controlled by a single person, are just not yet here, unless you are all running DSL. The problem is communication. Now, with game commander, you can tie in a bunch of text commands for display with a voice command. You say 'Move left', game commander recognizes your voice command and types out 'move left' on the text box in the game. If doesn't transcribe your voice, it recognizes the pattern of the command and initiates a keyboard combination to display the scripted message. Basically a voice activated script. Roger Wilco is another option, it opens a separate voice channel that runs in the background. Everyone meets at that channel and talks. Unfortunately it increases lag. IMO, we really need a big mainstream bandwidth increase, probably DSL or ADSL, before this kind of thing will work well. 56k just aint going to cut it. Secondly, re: Halflife. There are several mods available, my favorite being Counter-Strike (www.counter-strike.net). It's a terrorist vs. anti-terrorist game were, 1 shot CAN equal one kill. No powerups, no lava, no monsters, just realistic weapons and semi-realistic wound effects. Plus body armor, NVG's, flash bangs, etc. Someone is also doing a mod for WWII with the Halflife engine. You'll find it on that website, I can't remember the name of it.
  10. I knew it was fake all along, I have great respect (despite his apologies) for Steve's grammar. 'Combat Mission is complete' or 'Combat Mission has been completed' would have been acceptable. 'Combat Mission is completed' is just poor grammar, Steve is better than that.
  11. Mark IV: Watch out for the national past time of 'Feeding the Ducks'. I won't elaborate besides mentioning that Mr. Bobbit found out the hard way. It's a Thai thing, but maybe the Japanese have something similar. (I know, Bobbit's wife was from S. America, but who knows?)
  12. I think the reason that you (and I) see a lack of interesting new posts is that there is really nothing to talk about. I'm sure all of us die hard CM fans have played the 3 scenarios from both sides numerous times. I've even booted it up just to drive around and see what my tank could and could not go through/over/under, etc. Besides some pictures over a CM HQ, there's really just not anything new to talk about. If we had an updated Demo, or a couple of new scenarios, you'd immediately see things pick up. Since that isn't forthcoming, your going to be stuck with surveys on age, the use of smileys, and playing with graphics in posts.
  13. Hey, enough from the peanut gallery. I look much better about 2 hours after getting up. Plus the picture makes me look like I have almost no teeth. I've got 9 (If you count the one that split in two.)!
  14. 34 here, same as last year. Just kidding! 34, for real.
  15. From what I've heard, Win 2000 would be more accurately named NT 5. It's more of a developers OS than a casual users. The prices I have seen are $200 for the upgrade from Win 98. I really don't think it will be the answer for gamers, Win Millenium will be the choice for most. I'll get Win 2000 just because of it's advanced language capabilities, especially when integrated with Office 2000. I'm a linguist and need this ability (And Win 98 falls short in this regard.).
  16. This is just a test and you are all my white test mices. Gawd darn! It turned out big!! Alright, the USMC Eagle, Globe and Anchor are gone. Hey, I'm a Marine, I'm proud of it! [This message has been edited by civdiv (edited 01-15-2000).]
  17. Tom punkrawk, I forgot to read your post carefully. For British Airborne action, try 'Pegasus Bridge', Ambrose, I think.
  18. AAcooper, I've got to agree with all your points, they are major problems but I didn't want to go into too much detail. Add to that the tanks driving through each other, seams between the graphic tiles, massive pop-up terrain. Richard, come on!!! The most detailed aspect of PE is the guns and gun sights, the manual doesn't even mention them!! How do you back up? Don't look in your manual, it's not in there. What do all the little buttons on the tactical map do? You won't find the answer in the manual. How do I call for artillery? Artillery isn't even mentioned in the manual. And you don't see problems people have with running the game or their controllers. You have been to Wings message board, right? You will find several hundred there. I don't mean to flame you but the facts are, and the reviews agree, that it's buggy as-all-git-out. It's got great potential, and many gamers are contributing already to making many mods, similiar to the great things that are being done with the CC series. But it will be a while before, again, IMO, it's worth the cost.
  19. I remember the 'Honey' book, but wasn't it called 'Blazen Chariots'?. It was in the same 'Bantam War Book' series that 'Company Commander' was in. Yeah, I remember that great line of books. As a matter of fact, of have one of the series here in front of me, 'War As I Knew It', by Patton.
  20. 57) 'Easter Egg' codes: a) Displays the sturmtroopen with big heads. Legends mode which allows you to take on Ghengis Khan's horde or one of Caesar's Roman Legions. 58) Paint rounds and loudspeakers, a la 'Kelly's Heroes'. 59) Teleport gates 60) Lava [This message has been edited by civdiv (edited 01-14-2000).]
  21. PE has massive potential, but was buggy as hell when it was released, and is still buggy. Even after 3 patches and an install checking tool (Itself patched twice), many people still can't run the game. In simple terms, it was released too early. I kick myself for not returning it, I stupidly waited for the patch. It's sort of a love-hate relationship for me. Everytime I play it I curse Wings, but then I went ahead and put together the players PE FAQ found on the Wings web site. It is fun, and very immersive. It is, IMO, the best WWII tank sim, but it's still way behind M1TP2. I know, many are going to say that M1TP2 was buggy when it was released. Well, MP fixed that, and the current, patched PE is buggier than M1TP2 when M1TP2 was released. Probably the biggest turn-off is the lack of documentation. The manual is fairly close to being the worst I have ever seen. Combine that with the steep learning curve, and you have chaos. If you stick with it, it becomes enjoyable, despite it's many flaws (I haven't even touched on them.). The control system has been criticized, and I must admit that initially I was dubious of controlling a tank with the mouse. But having gotten used to it, it works well for me. It's actually a very good thing it works so well, because it seems most controllers do not work with PE. Now, I still play it, and I like it, but I didn't shell out $45 to be a Beta tester. I hate supporting companies that publish unfinished products. If us gamers allow this trend, the game companies will continue to take advantage of it.
  22. If you want third person WWII fiction, definately read Marshall. Now before the objections get too loud, Marshalls works have been pretty much de-bunked. He made up most of what he wrote (ref: Hackworth's 'About Face'). They are intertaining and based on fact. My favorite nitty-gritty WWII ETO book is Macdonald's 'Company Commander'. Toland's books are also good, very much like Ryan's, though more detailed in terms of the actual campaign. Also, 'Forgotten Soldier', I can't remember the author. I think it's a historical novel written by a soldat who served on the Eastern Front. It's amazing the conditions that German soldats had to put up with. I also recommend Paul Carell's books, very much like Ryan and Toland, though from the German, Eastern Front perspective.
  23. Captain Foobar, YOU CANNOT NAIL BTS DOWN TO A DATE FOR THE RELEASE OF CM!! They are perfectionists, something very rare in the cpu game business. Accountants do not run this company, designers do. BTS simply says, and has been saying it for months, it will go gold when it is done. Now, based on my reading of the board, this will be sometime late in January. This is not a quote from BTS, it's just my guess. If they hit a snag, then it will be later. They simply will not release this game untill they feel it is complete. My friend, you are wasting your breath.
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