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Everything posted by civdiv

  1. There you go gautrek, I resized one image. I had purposely left it large so you could see the PIAT guy. In regards to the abstraction of the LOS', it makes this a real pain in the ass to play. As I said, sometimes I have a clear LOS, visually, but I my LOS turns out to be blocked. Sometimes the LOS is clearly, visually blocked, but the AI tears me a new one. Well, my PIAT guy crept closer and took 8 shots, with the lowest hit % being 28%, and he missed everytime. The HT ended up slaughtering 4 squads that I had crept close, trying to assault the vehicle. The HT ended up killing 24 of my guys until a 3" mortar ended up getting a lucky hit, after expending about two dozen rounds (My 50mm mortars missed with another 30 rounds or so.). The guy stayed buttoned but he kept on firing. In related news I crept 2 squads up behind a trench with 2 MG-42s in it. My guys got within 10 meters or so before they started shooting. I ended up giving them an advance. As both squads were slaughtered to the man, and their HQ reduced to one man who surrendered, should I have assaulted? I mean, the runs started running from about 10 meters away, and the MG-42s still had time to swing around and nail both squads at point blank range. WTF? But I did get a marginal out of the scenario.
  2. I spend all this time having this PIAT guy sneak up on this German halftrack, and now I can't even see him. The more I get into the details of this game, it seems as if the LOS mechanics are just plain screwed up. I've had open shots like this and had no LOS, while at the same time I've have the AI shoot through bushes that clearly obstructed the LOS. Am I missing something here? Now these screenshots are taken with unit scale at realistic (smallest), tree and terrain both at extreme. LOS from the PIAT guy to the HT; LOS from the HT to the PIAT guy (PIAT guy circled); full screen of the last is here; http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/6802/los27yp.jpg And the blocked LOS; [ February 02, 2006, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: civdiv ]
  3. The supported product list; http://www.nvidia.com/object/71.84_9x_supported.html says it supports the TNT2, so take your pick.
  4. First, check your driver version for your card. Well, actually first, get a new video card, that thing is ancient. But then check your driver, it should be 71.84, dated March 11, 2005. Thats the most recent driver version for your card. You can find it here; http://www.nvidia.com/object/win9x_71.84.html
  5. Jason, I notice how good the AI is in terms of determining LOS' and such, especially with armor. They will set their tanks up in these little spots where you just can;tget a them. I guess that's just a product of the AI being able to compute every LOS on-the-fly. In the scenario I am playing right now I have a German tank set-up directly behind a tree. I can;t get at him from the front, where my advance is coming from, but he can fire effectively to his left and right, where my neighboring units are. Unfortunately, only my center unit has armored support. Bannon, I'll trey in the future to tagret the minefields to get my engineers to move quicker. Is the breakdown on terrain effects in the strategy guide? I couldn't find it in the manual.
  6. More questions. 1. If you are targetting a unit close to the edge of the map with indirect fire, some of your rounds are bound to land offmap. I can see some of the explosions landing off the playing area. Is the map extended a little bit so rounds that burst off the map but still close to units still have effect? 2. Can engineers hide and still clear minefields and barbed wire and other obstacles? I've had trouble getting them to clear stuff. I'll put them stastionary next to the obstacle, and I know they have demo charges, and there are no friendlies in close proximity, but after 3 or 4 turns I end up moving them forward as it seems they aren't doing anything. 2b. Sometimes when the engineers are sitting next to the obstacle, they take fire and want to crawl to nearby cover. Sometimes they do this despite being in good cover such as in a shellhole. If they start, on there own, to crawl away, and I stop them and cancel their self-imposed movement order before they get more than a yard or two, has that reset the time required for them to clear the obstacle? 3. How does barbed wire affect infantry besides slowing down movement? I would assume it might increase the exertion. But does it adversely affect their own fire? Does it make them more vulnerable to enemy fire? 4. Is it just me or does the AI tend to be pretty inept when it comes to their own off-map artillery? What mistakes does the AI tend to make? Are they smart enough to lead moving infantry formations? Thanks in advance for your replies.
  7. I just finshed Glantz' book on Kursk, what a great read! It's pretty much an operational book, so a bit above the level for scenario design, but a definate must-read. Now I just started his Colossus Reborn. He also has a companion book fore the Colossus series? It seems a bit more applicable to this game as it seems to contain a lot of info on tactical SOPs, organization, and equipment. Anyone familiar with this book? And are all of books at the Operational and Strategic levels? [ January 30, 2006, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: civdiv ]
  8. I am now on the second scenario playing the entire series against the AI. The first scenario was a blast!! I ended up with like 87% victory (major), and I took 72 casualties to the Germans 62, I think. It's amazing the staying power of troops and weapons in foxholes. I nailed one gun for like 5 or six turns with mgs, squads, mortars, everything. And then I rushed the bridge and it was came right out of suppression!! I took probably half my casualties on the last 3 turns. The briefing pack should be the standard for scenario designers. I've only seen two so far, but absolutely fantastic!!! I would have appreciated some more detail on the US' Beaches briefing. Given that we had months to study the defenses, we would have had more info. But still, great job!!
  9. Thanks Jason. As per usual you are the font of knowledge on this board.
  10. Sorry, when I edited it, I accidentely took out another link. This is my fave for used books; www.powellsbooks.com
  11. He committed suicide at the end of the war. So short of holding a seance, I doubt if it was Model.
  12. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=30;t=004371 A whole mod pack with like 18 scenarios. It's not Normandy, but a hypothetical series on an invasion in Pas de Calais instead of Normandy. I'm on the second scenario, and it's fantastic.
  13. I tried it and it made the url twice as long as before. So I guess I did something wrong.
  14. (SCREENSHOT FROM SIE KOMMEN SCENARIO, BRIDGES FOR THE 82ND!!!!!!!!!!) Alright, take a look at this; Or for full screen; http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/2320/bridgesforthe82nd2zg.jpg All those support teams in the circle. I have spent like 6-10 turns trying to get them to go around the minefield. I started by plotting movement paths that went next to, but not through, the minefield. After that, I had them going out at right angles until they were say, 20 meters to the side of the minefield. But they stopped where they are. Luckily I took the scenario anyways, but how do you get these guys to bypass the minefield? These are veteren to crack troops, why won't they move? I've tried mvmnt to contact and move.
  15. I was a but baffled also. I've moved on to Sie Kommen, but eventually I'll get back to 200. I really hate it when designers put concealed AT guns in easy range of the set-up area. The first time I played I promptly lost 2 tanks on like turn 3, w/o having moved them. The second time I got the tank on the left into the depression, but not far enough, and the gun got him. In both tries the gun then concentrated on my 82mm mortar, who hadn't moved or fired or anything. [ January 27, 2006, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: civdiv ]
  16. Fredrock, I'm like 30 seconds into the first scenario playing against the AI. I love the scenario briefing docs with the map, very cool. Now, get started on your next series, I'll soon be looking for more scenarios!!
  17. Ok, no version numbers, and don't pay attanetion to the dates on the files. Just install to some seperate, off the wall folder, and copy everything over manually. And then update your shortcuts. Mine is finally working. When you copy the bmps over, some will appear, based on the file creation date, to be older than the ones you already have. Just hit 'yes to all' and overwrite all of them. I think.
  18. This is so screwed up! I'm talking about the CDV verson. What do you do will all the other stuff in the run folder? I've copied the exe and the openplay module, or whatever you call it. But my wav file in the original installation was empty excepet for one file. So I copied all of the wav files from the run folder over the the wav folder in the Ak folder. ut then when I went to do the same thing with the bmp folder, it prompted me a bunch of times to confirm I wanted to overwrite an existing file. And in evey case, the file already in the bmp folder in the AK folder was new than the file from the run folder. What is going on!?!? And now it says, when I start the game, that it is still version 1.0?!?! And why the heck don't the executables have version numbers? [ January 26, 2006, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: civdiv ]
  19. Ok, I noticed that CMAK advertises NA and Med (Italy) operations up through 1945. This covers the same combatents (for the most part) and time frame, though a different theater, as CMBO. And I also noticed that new mods like Sie Kommen use CMAK, vice CMBO. I also notice that the terrain tiles in CMAK are roughly twice as detailed as those found in CMBO. So is CMAK basically a slightly updated CM engine over CMBO with slightly better graphics? Is CMAK also the version of choice for modelling the WWII Western Front, despite the presence of CMBO? I also note that the CMBO board isn't very busy, at least compared to CMAK and CMBB. And because I bought the CMAK version w/o a printed manual, is there a central depository or a msg string here detailing the differences between CMBO and CMAK? Also, is there much of a mechanical difference between CMBO and CMBO:SE? What about between CMBO, CMBB, and CMAK? I've seen the listings at the back of the CMBB manual that deal with some of the differences between it and CMBO. Is there a significant mechanical difference between CMBB and CMAK? And if my theater of choice is the Western Front, should I concentrate on CMAK or CMBO? [ January 26, 2006, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: civdiv ]
  20. http://www.bookdigger.com/childrens_books_genre/b/Batman/The_Battery_Commander_His_Batman_and_a_Cook_097493660X.htm or http://cgi.ebay.com/The-battery-commander-his-batman-and-a-cook_W0QQitemZ8372972475QQcategoryZ101044QQssPageNameZWD1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  21. If you do a search for them by title and author you may find them used. There is another Soviet memoir that I particularly like..."The End of the Third Reich" by V.I. Chuikov, Marshal of the Soviet Union This book is more than likely out of print as well but it would be worth the time and effort to track it down. Good luck on your search. </font>
  22. I'm trying to recreate some SL/ASL maps. I'm starting with SL Map-1 as I want to design a Tractor Works/Guards Counterattack scenario for CM. But I am having real problems trying to make diagonal buildings. How can I build these larger (multihex) diagonal buildings in CM? Here is the map I am trying to recreate; Here's the link to the actual pictures (bigger); http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/7622/slmap10lh.gif I'm primarily worried about the 2 diagonal buildings, and that triangular one is a pain also. The buildings over 2 hexes, but smaller than the really large ones are a pain also, but the factory tiles can be used. It is supposed to be an industrial area around the Tractor Works in Stalingrad. I'm also having trouble getting the roads to come together. This is due to a lack of tiles that allow three roads to come together in CM. I can do it, but the roads end up having gaps in them. Also, since CM maps are squares, and SL maps are hexes, I am having trouble running roads right down the sides of buildings. I either end up with the buildings 20 meters from the roads, or else the building edges run across portions of the roads. The latter affect is probably more accurate, but viasually it doesn't work great. And keep in mind that the hexes in SL are 40 meters, while the squares in CM are 20 meters. So each hex in the map I linked would actually be 2x2 tile s in CM. Also, am I correct in stating that there are no large wooden buildings available in CM? I know the conversion process will be imprefect, I am just looking for some tips. More than anything I am just trying to get into designing some scenarios. I;m sure my finished product will end of bearing little resemblance to the scenario I am trying to recreate. Thanks for your help.
  23. Mike, I think I will start going towards the Tractor Works style scenario. Small map, urban terrain. I mean really heavily build up stuff. It will be very small, so it should be pretty easy to design. While I am certainly not a CM grognard, I have yet to see a very conjested urban map yet. Maybe someone can recommend one to me. But I want to see how CM does at pure urban combat. I realize they've been done to death, but noone can point me at more than a handful. And as you said, they've been done poorly.
  24. Yay, I got the VASL program running, so I will start designing my first SL scenario for CM. The first step will be recreating the map, I am going to start with map SL-1. I'm going to start by gridding it with 20m squares, and then trying to recreate the terrain features. Obviously it won't be exact as the terrain in SL conforms to hexes, and it has to be reconfigured for 20m squares. When I am done I will post somewhere, and provide a link. I sort of think I will have to add the scenario also, as the LOSs really will need to be tweaked.
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