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Posts posted by buddy

  1. So, what will be my motivation to ever play CM1 after playing CM2? American troops and equipment won't be in CM2, will they?

    If CM2 is to be so much more improved, engine-wise, extra doodads added, etc, then it won't be that enjoyable to fire up the old CM1 anymore...however, if American troops and equipment are included in CM2, I have no problems. ;)

    [ April 10, 2002, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: buddy ]

  2. CM2 will soon be released with upgraded graphics, engines, etc...I was wondering if, at some point in the future, BTS might consider applying the "new stuff" to CM1?

    Posted a lot in the making of CM1 but I've only visited sporadically in the last few months.


  3. Either that or add new tiles. I am sure this has been covered somewhere (although I was very active on this forum at the beginning of the game I haven't visited in a while....)

    I think the chances of an add-on or improvements to the map editor are slim, but it would be helpful to be able to add new tiles like bomb craters, existing foxholes, etc for variety and reality.

  4. Howdy, been gone long time from this discussion board...

    My question is this - when setting up a quick battle for pbem play, you can't really modify the map in any way.

    Is there any way to make a map and then use it for pbem play? (I wanted to play a game of take and hold the bridge which would be placed in the center of the map. Players start on opposite sides - liberal amounts of barbed wire and landmines in between).


  5. Mr. Clark, I must disagree (which is strange since I usually agree with you). If you read the article at the fox news site (link in first post, I believe) you will see that there is more to be concerned about than first meets the eye.

    Some strategies employed by our troops are kept quiet so they can be used effectively - I'm assuming that vets appearing on the show will really want to win part of the $500,000 cash prize (or whatever it is) and so they will be using all that they know to go for the gold.

    In addition, I agree very strongly with The Captain and his opinion that this is a load of crap - I also disagree that playing computer war games is the same as what this show proposes. Reality TV - and TV in general - is getting out of hand on a number of fronts these days. This may sound stupid but the youths of this country are watching all of this and it has to have an effect on them. Just ask the 15 year-old who was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for killing that little girl while doing his pro-wrestling moves.

  6. I think this is very interesting. I am not color blind but my curiosity is sparked...when you say red/green colorblind, do you mean you see a shade of gray for each of these or do you are they toned down but still having a hint of red and green?

    Does adjusting your monitor help? (ie: gamma settings, etc)

    How about playing with the monitor turned to black and white or something closer to it?

    (The first question is probably the most useful in helping someone create a mod...)


  7. ------------------

    "Original block shaped object: 5 polygons. Block shaped object broken up in two parts: 10 polygons. That means, if a tank breaks through a wall the amount of polygons that form the wall will double. And that is the easy part. The difficult part are the geometric calculations and the polygon book-keeping necessary to realize this. Hope this helps, Thomm"


    My question is this - say you have a squad of men running across the battlefield and they get eliminated - they are replaced by a "static" graphic depicting the dead unit, right? Why can't we run a tank through a hedge and replace the damaged part of the hedge with a static graphic?

  8. I love weapons and hate violence and that shouldn't be confusing. I am not a pacifist - sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Like defend yourself. I, as a "gun-enthusiast", love to fire my weapons...however, I cringe at the thought of ever having to use one on another human being. I have a feeling that most gun owners feel the same way (as do most who have ever served in any military at any time). Those who love war and violence are sick, but most just do what they have to do.

  9. Just read the book - basically one guys memories of his WW2 experience from an infantryman's point of view...

    He seemed to be very critical of armor - said they basically arrived late all the time and didn't offer as much support as needed.

    The only reason I bring this up is I use my armor in conjunction with my infantry usually, and I wonder if this is the way most players do it? Also, do you think it was just this guys experience or more commonplace for armor to hang around until it was a bit more safer to come onto the scene?

  10. Just read the book - basically one guys memories of his WW2 experience from an infantryman's point of view...

    He seemed to be very critical of armor - said they basically arrived late all the time and didn't offer as much support as needed.

    The only reason I bring this up is I use my armor in conjunction with my infantry usually, and I wonder if this is the way most players do it? Also, do you think it was just this guys experience or more commonplace for armor to hang around until it was a bit more safer to come onto the scene?

  11. OK, picture this...

    Road going east to west at bottom of map - town to the north occupied by German troops.

    Americans on the highway at bottom of map given task of taking and holding town up north.

    German armored convoy will be coming as a reinforcement on highway at bottom - Americans MUST take town to north to have any chance at survival.

    My question is this - how do you get the German reinforcement convoy to head north when it arrives? I have a small flag at the road turnoff from the highway at the bottom (where they will appear) and a large flag in the town. If I make the north side of the map a axis exit then troops defending the town initially will begin to leave on turn 1 (which is not good).

    Any help is appreciated.

    PS-posted on the right forum but got no response, so I posted here.

  12. OK, picture this...

    Road going east to west at bottom of map - town to the north occupied by German troops.

    Americans on the highway at bottom of map given task of taking and holding town up north.

    German armored convoy will be coming as a reinforcement on highway at bottom - Americans MUST take town to north to have any chance at survival.

    My question is this - how do you get the German reinforcement convoy to head north when it arrives? I have a small flag at the road turnoff from the highway at the bottom (where they will appear) and a large flag in the town. If I make the north side of the map a axis exit then troops defending the town initially will begin to leave on turn 1.

    Any help is appreciated.

  13. PeterNZer et al,

    I apologize for being a woosie earlier but I do believe the tone of the board has changed considerably since before the game was released. Nuff said about that.

    In reference to where I heard it earlier, consider this snippet from an earlier post by BTS:


    Big Time



    posted 06-09-1999 06:24 PM

    Oh, forgot to mention about leaders specifically...

    Without them your units are in big trouble. They improve reaction time and help steady their men under fire. They also act as a rally point for men that are panicked or broken (well, if they stop long enough ). Leaders have to be in contact with their troops. Poorer the quality, shorter the distance. Nationalities are also modeled differently.

    Leaders are the lifeblood of the game. Without them you are toast. Some leaders are really good, and help your units by spotting better, having greater command radius, or lower response time. Others are poor and actually hinder your troops by poorer spotting, smaller command radius, longer response time, and even greater chance of unit panic. All this stuff has been in the game for months. Works REALLY well too!

    - Steve


    I knew I'd heard the general idea - leaders (HQ units) improve reaction time, etc. Once they are gone then you have hindered troops.

    Now the only thing I wanted to ask was would American troops be less hindered than Axis if they were leaderless - I have nothing to base this on specifically except books in general on WWII, history channel specials and the like where I got the impression that American troops generally took charge when their leadership got killed off whereas Axis troops in general were conditioned to take orders only and taking initiative was frowned upon.

    That was the basic gist of my posting and I apologize for not being more specific. I am fairly ignorant of the similar threads posted about some nationalities being better than others and I don't get in on flame wars.

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