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Posts posted by bauhaus

  1. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    You know, Joe, you can tap dance around all you want, but the simple fact (and really... what other fact SO applies to you, eh?) that you STILL haven't uploaded the most recent podcast only goes to show that you can't be trusted to follow through with anything.

    His excuse has something to do with being.....O-L-D!!!! Either that, or he lost it again and I should be expecting a phone call asking to do it again. Or......he's "misplaced" it and wants to call my home so he can talk to my wife again.........letch!.
  2. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    And where's my turn?

    And where's the podcast, you procrastinator?

    Procrastinator? That's a little harsh Boo. I mean, he's a lot of things, dim-wit, half-wit, idiot, screw up........get the point? But he can't procrastinate what he's managed to butcher, up to this point. I fully expect him to call me again to do interview #4 and still, somehow manage to sound surprised at his less than enthralling interview questions. I mean give him a little slack. He's old and more than likely a member of AARP........charter member. We must remain kind to the elderly.
  3. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Well not the ENTIRE podcast ... just the interview part ... again. I suspect that, the interview being with bauhaus, the program did a very "doggie" thing and barfed it up.

    I've rescheduled for this weekend.


    Did it barf it up the first time too? Oh, yeah, I remember, the technical difficulties had, ummm, technical difficulties. I refer to those difficulties as Joe.
  4. Originally posted by Nidan1:

    Hey Joe, don't forget to drink some Ethanol while In Iowa. Number one, its good for the Iowa economy because they grow corn there....and second if you drink enough of it, it will kill you. A win-win for all involved.

    This is single-handedly the most intelligent piece of advice I've ever witnessed from you. So, give it up and tell the truth, somebody else wrote this for you......didn't they?
  5. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    Maybe there are no good guys.

    Maybe the guy being abducted is just marginally less evil than the guys doing the abducting. Or maybe slightly more evil.

    Perhaps there IS no good character, situation, organization in this story, just varying degrees of badness, like you have in Dante's version of hell.

    Perhaps it's the antitheses if a morality play... an anti-morality play if you will.

    Or maybe my blood sugar's too low and I need a cookie to tide me over until lunch.

    Or maybe, just maybe you're just a freekin' idjit. Maybe.......
  6. Has Abbott jumped his bail? He hasn't really been seen since he fired his "lawyer" so to speak. You lot did think to impose a bail of some sort on him before a lesser judge than I.......did you not? As far as the trial goes, I'm not going to impose a gag order right now. But if you chose to be very bad I'll have to get one of those ball things that go in the mouth (commonly known as a ball gag, not that I would know) that Abbott had mentioned some time ago.

  7. Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

    Still to know that (at the latest count) 175 people have viewed my work, which has been dubbed the ' Dreadnought of AAR ' (because it has made all others obsolete overnight) gives me a small amount of satisfaction.

    Good God man! You act as though you've just created the latest Academy Award winner.

    Stick to annoying people, you're much better at that.

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