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Posts posted by aikidorat

  1. Tom,

    mods are posted on MadMatt's CM page (just check any of his posts for the link, as I'm too lazy to put it here. :) ) Look for the MDMP-1 page.

    I havent tried them with the new 1.03 patch, but there shouldnt be any issues.

    Watch for some more mods coming out soon. We're currently testing the grids (snow and original CM grass only for now. Depends on demand if the others get converted over), and will be doing some of the thrid party snow cammo stuff in the somewhat near future.

    I'm just waiting for some consolidation in textures and submittals before I convert anything. There's a boat load of stuff there and it's very time consuming to convert and play test.

    and dont fear, MDMP-2 will be coming to a mac near you. Hopefully at the same time as it does for the PC.

    though dont ask me about when or what, otherwise Madmatt will hunt me down like the rat that I am. :)

    dave rat


    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  2. Thought I'd chime in on this so us mac users wont feel left out in the cold.

    We ported over MDMP-1, and will be porting over MDMP-2 shortly. I dont have a good date for you though - Madmatt will have to provide that.

    As for the third party mods, we've been discussing various ways to port them over, with nothing being very attractive. The sheer number of them, and the fact that there are a number of textures for any one vehicle, makes it more difficult and time consuming. Also, we're still deciding what is going into MDMP-2, and I dont want to duplicate any effort here.

    My current plan is to take the free time I have to convert MDMP-2 over to the mac. After that, I may look into the third party mods and pick the best ones (IMHO of course) for an unsupported mod over to the mac (not affiliated with MDMP). This will probably just be textures that I thought were cool and wanted to play on the computer with.

    it takes quite a while to convert everything and test them to ensure that there are no issues. I caught quite a few quirks doing the textures for MDMP-1 that took hours to figure out what the heck was going on. And that was just for the new trees.

    However, it is relatively easy to do, just time consuming. Feel free to email me and hopefully we can figure out why it isnt workig for you (I have a few ideas already), or perhaps we take this over to the tips message board and do it that way so others can help?



  3. hey guys!

    glad to hear the patches worked, and that you like them. :) But I only ported them over, make sure to thank the design team that did the hard work. And MadMatt for organizing it.

    I wont be checking in that much the rest of this week, but had to find out if everything worked ok. Spent many long nights last week testing the patches out, makig sure they didnt break anything. And just enjoying the changes, as the definately make the game better.

    as for slowdowns, I notice a slight panning slowdown when using the hi res grass (233 G3, Rage orion video card). other than that, not much impact.

    regarding the sounds: we have another volunteer working those and making good progress. No promises on when they will be available, but we are working those as quickly as possible. They'll take a bit longer to port and test, as we need to play with the volume some.

    Enjoy! I'm heading back to vacation now (without CM! rats!)



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  4. It's a take off of the old

    Samurai Cat graphic novels. Seeing how I'm into martial arts (specifically aikido), and the rat part comes naturally from my last name, it was a natural for me. :)

    and my pleasure to help with the mods, though it is taking away from actually *playing* the game. :) Lots of testing to make sure things transferred right. So far, so good, and we're looking forward to getting the patches up for download.

    you'll like them. The team did a great job on them.



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

    [This message has been edited by aikidorat (edited 06-29-2000).]

  5. Buckeye,

    both the hi and lo grass textures will be part of the MDMP-Mac download options.

    Still working on the specifics, but I suspect that the hi res grass will be it's own download, as it is a huge file.

    MadMatt will let you all in on it when we get it finished.


    the new ground textures for scattered trees and woods are incredible in the fall. You're gonna really like them.

    (and the other mods are pretty cool too!)



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

    [This message has been edited by aikidorat (edited 06-29-2000).]

  6. thanks Charles!

    you are going to surprise us again! woo hoo!

    Thanks for the tremendous support. I havent seen this level of support in a long long time.

    Cant wait to see what you felt needed fixin....



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

    [This message has been edited by aikidorat (edited 06-26-2000).]

  7. BTS,

    the macledge article mentioned that the CD would ship with version 1.02....

    now, you arent planning on surprising us with another update anytime soon, are you?

    Or was that a typo in the article?

    or did I miss the update to v 1.02? I thought the patch was to v1.01



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  8. GP,

    send me an email regarding getting a PBEM game going. Need to talk before we start though.

    I'm ready to have my butt kicked too. Maybe our troops will be too busy running away from each other to do much damage.

    Enjoying the game? I've played a few quick battles but have been spending time converting the madmatt packs to the mac.

    It's a great game! I love the fog - definately changes the atmosphere of the game.



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  9. Just got it! woo hoo!

    Came in the mail today

    was shipped out 21 June, about when I figured it was. USPS did pretty good getting it here.

    seems like BTS had a few days backlog from charging the card to getting it out the door.

    I would say that is a good sign for the intial sales of CM! At least I sure hope so!

    gotta go play a bit, then work on the mac conversions...

    good luck, hope you get it soon so we can try a PBEM



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  10. yeah, I've talked to MadMatt about teaming up.

    if we all do part of the data mod it should go very quickly.

    once we get the full version of the game that is!





    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  11. hi everyone!

    well, since my full version of CM hasnt come yet, I decided to play with converting the demo sounds and graphics, using some of the ones from the mad matt package, as well as the CCJ one for the GD.

    with G4A's help, I finally figured out the sound noise issue. As one might expect, it was a memory thing. Allocated more memory (from 35M to 50M, and the noise and feedback went away). Used soundApp to convert the .wav to system sounds, then use his Applescript to convert the resource info to the correct numbers, then did the tedious cut and paste using resedit/constructor (used both). Tried with less memory and had noise, increased the memory to the game and it went away. finally!

    I plan on working on the mods once I get the full version, but will not be able to work at all on them during the July 4th week. With luck I can get some of them done before then. If not, someone else may beat me to it.

    Also, some advice on how to distribute the mod is appreciated - the data files are a bit large. Was thinking of trying VISE, or some other program, but advice would be nice (or I can send the files to some kind soul that would create the installation program for download).




    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  12. some of us pre-ordered over a *year* ago and are still waiting for it to show up. It will, just takes some time. From an earlier post, BTS said that they are all caught up with pre-orders and such, so it should be on it's way.

    go outside, take some deep breaths, get a tan, cuz once CM hits your doorway... well, most of us wont be seeing the real world for quite a while!

    (I'm still amazed at how a game can reduce me to the impatient kid I was growing up, waiting for santa claus to come. And based on this board this last week, I'm not the only one)


    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  13. GP, fellow Arizonians,

    Wish I had better news to share, but CM is still MIA down here in ahwatukee. No PBEM for me tonite!

    Oh well, reckon I'll have to do some house work instead. Oh joy!

    (I think my Credit card snafu held it up, as I preordered the first or second day you could preorder, way back when. Darn CC company!

    well, err, actually it was my own doing. I re-ordered per the directions, then sent an email to steve, but forgot I had changed email addresses, and didnt include my full name, so he didnt know who it was from originally. That couldnt have helped. Card was finally charged sunday, and based on info from other posts I bet it went out today or yesterday. May see it this weekend, but next week is looking more likely).

    anyway, if it comes tomorrow at lunch time I'll let you know.

    good luck, hope yours arrives today or Friday!



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  14. GP,

    wont be checking till around 3-4 today.

    This darn work thing keeps getting in the way

    will post once I find out though. If you check before then let us know.

    I reckon either today to tomorrow, but sure would like it to be today. I'm ready to play some PBEM and quick battles!


    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  15. When I get the game I can lend a hand with the mods. I've downloaded them from MadMatt, just need the game to start converting the graphics over.

    I think we may want to organize this so we dont waste time doing the same work over and over. if we have enough to convert to Mac, I may start working on some different vehicle graphics.

    then again, I may just be consumed with playing CM for a while.


    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  16. I remember seeing those graphics and thinking:

    'not bad. Just tweak em a little bit and I could live with it.'

    Reminded me of the miniatures battles - with fake trees, cardboard houses, etc.

    I musta been pretty desparate for this type of a game, looking back on it.

    Simply amazing the progress since then, and harder yet to believe how much time has passed since then.

    Suddenly the wait for the game to get to me doesnt seem that bad....



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  17. Only request I have is in the email that gets sent out (confirming that an order has been placed), include the shipping address, and maybe an estimate as to when it will ship.

    There should be a way to automate this (at least the shipping address). If I was smart enough I'd do it for em, but I'm not.

    I always wonder if I supplied the correct mailing address and info. Must be the polish blood...



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  18. GP,

    yeah, looks pretty dreary near the house. At least I checked the mail box today already and CM wasnt in there - would hate for the darn rain to ruin the poster! If it looks like monsoons tomorrow I'll have to run home at lunch time again, just to be safe.

    so, you drive trains for a living too? (sorry - engineer humor. I'm one too...systems/aero/mechanical )

    cant wait to get our copies to play some PBEM....


    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

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