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Posts posted by aikidorat

  1. Guys,

    MadMatt has first dibs. These were developed to be part of MDMP, so we let MadMatt post them first.

    Sorry, you'll have to wait one more day.

    <<message edited, as the building is ok as is>>



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

    [This message has been edited by aikidorat (edited 09-02-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by aikidorat (edited 09-02-2000).]

  2. Quick update:

    Both MCMMM and CMMM have shipped to MadMatt.

    Not sure when he'll upload them, but I'm sure he'll let you all know.


    got the latest and uploaded that. Man, nice Readme. I gotta make me one of those. Too cool.

    rest of you mac users:

    enjoy the mod managers! Standard disclaimers apply: use at your own risk!


    I'll open up a topic in the Tips and Techniques area where we can discuss the merits, or not, of each manager, and what features you all would like to see. I'll probably open it later today.




    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  3. Final pre-release info for both MCM3 and MacMod:

    Both are going to go to MadMatt in the morning, barring any major problems coming up tonite in final testing. But they're good enough to go out and let you all play with 'em!

    You're going to really really like these programs.

    I'll be posting a new thread once it's out, along with some design info over the next couple of days (ie, why they do what they do, why we mapped as we did, etc).

    Gotta go test a bit more, then off to bed.



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  4. Hi Mac CMers!

    well, MCMMM final candidate went out for test early this morning (like 1230), and should also be ready for release tonite or Saturday.

    My intention is to release both MCMMM and MacMod simultaneously, so you can download both and try them at the same time.


    we will NOT be releasing a patch for MDMP-2. No need, seeing how the MCMMM and MacMod will be available.

    This does NOT mean we are no longer supporting the mac. Far from it, it means that the mac team will have more time to check third party mods, assemble a list of troublesome bmps (there will be some due to different resolutions, sizes, etc of some of the bmps vs. PICTS), and other cool stuff that we want to bring to the mac.

    Oh, and more time to actually play CM!

    MCMMM and MacMod are the best way to support the mac, but we arent going away!

    bsoplinger, if you read this during the day Friday, can you email me at my aikidorat@yahoo.com address? We need to discuss the final mapping of the pics/bmps. Thanks.

    Another status later tonite or Early Saturday morning.



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  5. just a quick update on MCMMM:

    v0.6 was just sent out to the testers, and, barring any major problems will be ready for release (as v1.0) this weekend!

    I've added in automatic backup of the resource files (it will overwrite an existing backup right now. Future releases may include the ability to rename the backup files so you can keep different mod versions on your harddrive. Still thinking of the best way to provide this feature).

    also have a full revert feature that works now!

    Too many other features to mention, just wanted to let you know it'll only be a few more days (barring a major issue but I doubt there will be any).

    Just FYI. I really believe that MCMMM will be released with MDMP-2, or even before it. And from what I hear, MacMod will be out then as well.

    you guys will be really happy to get these programs, as there are some incredible textures on the net. Sorry it's taken so long, but trying to put out a decent product for you all.

    Question: would a program for managing the sounds be appreciated by anyone? It's a bit more work (if I can do it at all with Real Basic)), and not one I really care to undertake unless there's a big demand for it.


    have a great day,



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  6. Hi everyone!

    well, moving closer to getting these two programs released. Bsoplinger and I have decided to release BOTH versions for you guys to use. They both have their purposes, and allows you to decide just how much you want to muck around with CM.

    I've sent Mac CM Mod Manager (MCMMM), my version, to one of the testers Bsoplinger is using, so we can get some opinions from a guy who has used both. You can then decide which one you want to use. Or just use both.

    As for MCMMM status, here's an update after some testing and a new version:

    MCMMM allows the user to open up a folder of PICTs or bmps, then select all, or just a few to Convert into CM. When you select on a file, a preview comes up showing what the mod looks like (nope, not a 3-d preview, thought that would be cool!). The user then selects which DATA folder he wants to modify. This way you can do one of a few things:

    - keep different data folder for different mods (or graphics files)

    - modify the data folder in the CM directory of your harddrive

    - practice on something and then move the modified data file into the CM data directory

    For the more adventuresome, you can play with the resources directly by clicking on the advanced button. This opens up a new list where you load in the grapics file (resource file) of your choice. Select a resource ID,and a preview comes up showing what is currently in the resource.

    You can then select all, or a few, of the resources and revert them to either the original CM version (on the CD), or a different version of the file you may have made. Say MDMP-1 and then MDMP-2, you can revert MDMP-2 to MDMP-1 if you want.

    I'm also adding a revert file feature so you dont have to select all the files and then revert them, but i have a bit of a bug in that part right now.

    SO far, MCMMM does not support drag and drop, but I may add that at a future time, depending on demand, number of users, etc. Also plannning on adding a few other features (maybe not for first release, but future ones), such as:

    opening up the bmp or PICT full size when you double click on the preview,

    displaying the file size and resolution so you can tell if it's hi-res or not, that kinda thing.

    So,there you go.

    Before i depart, I have to thank Bsoplinger for coming along, as he's created a good product, and pushed me to make mine better. With luck we'll figure out a sound manager sometime after we get the graphics managers out to you all.

    Another update in a couple of days, after I get some more testing info back. We're close though, for both programs.




    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  7. It'll be coming out soon. Bsoplinger got tied up with some other stuff for a few days, and I'm just doing some tweaks to the other version.

    based on Bsoplinger's work though, I think we'll have something usable out in the next week, two tops. Sorry, just a bit longer. Trying to do a decent job, not some hack.

    then again, mine just may be a hack so....

    Not talking for bsoplinger, but the version I'm doing will be freeware. Cant see making anything off something to support CM. I'm getting a chance to learn some new skills, and that's good enough for me.

    off to work on it some more.




    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  8. Hey guys, just an update...

    been talking with bsoplinger, who can code much faster, elegantly, and effectively than I, and we're going to do one of the following things:

    1. post both versions of the mod managers (take that, PC guys! Not 1 but 2! mod managers for the mac :) ).

    His is simple, drop and drag, and elegant, and the one I've been doing which allows you to play with the resources more (revert whole resource, revert specific IDs, view what is in each resource file), though it is a bit more involved to use, and not nearly as elegant.

    2. Combine elements of both into one program

    either way, should be pretty soon. the one I've been working on is in test right now, and a few nits and bugs have been discovered. We're working on testing the other, but it looks pretty good right now.

    Either one is way cool, and allows for very fast mods. Look for an update, and hopefully a release, coming real soon.

    thought you'd like to know. We're racing to finish them up for you mac users!

    We're also debating on providing the standard patches for MDMP-2, in addition to the mod manager. Not sure yet if we will, or just allow the Mac Combat Mission Mod Manager (MCMMM) - like it MadMatt? - to handle all the future MDMP's.




    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  9. Hi res textures need 16m ram. We found that out in testing. They really push the limits.

    Sorry, you'll need more power to see them (including the grids, only seem to work with 16M)


    ps. I emailed bsoplinger regarding the mod manager. After we chat one or both of us will post an update for the rest of the mac users.


    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  10. Tom, and Tiger

    for the mac, they need to be converted into PICTs, at 72 dpi (or multiple thereof for higher res models).

    as for the third party mods, we posted earlier a manifesto of what we are supporting, but I'll summarize again:

    1. Primary support is MDMP's

    2. Working on a mod manager (currently in alpha, near beta) that will allow you to convert any pict file into CM (no support for bmps yet, will have to use graphic converter or similar for now to convert to PICT)

    3. May support 3rd party patches in the future, but not officially. Takes too much time to convert them all, hence my efforts to create a mod manager. I like to play CM too!

    does that help? if you are in a hurry and want to learn how to manually do it, email me and I can send you some instructions. or wait a few more weeks until we squash a few bugs in my program....




    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  11. Just wanted to let you know that we'll be posting a mac mod manager pretty soon, that will allow you to paste your picts into the correct data file with a few clicks of a button.

    If you're in a hurry, email me and I can give you some easy instructions on doing the conversions.

    heck, we should just do a readme for Madmatt's site that tells the mac users how to do this.

    anyway, talk to you later,

    and, be careful with resEdit. It's a blessing and a curse! :)



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  12. We've noticed the background noise as well, and it's in the files we were given. I think it comes from the sources of the new sounds

    once we finish testing MDMP-2 we'll take a listen to them again and see if we can fix em.

    For what it's worth, I prefer the original sounds. The new ones are good, but after a while I found myself wanting the originals.

    I do use the updated graphics though, except for the hi res grass. I noticed that it maxed out my 3D card ram. And I dont use the grids - took away from the game for me, but that was all covered in another topic.

    As for a driver for Voodoo 3 Rave, you'll need to find someone much smarter than I for that one.

    glad everyone is enjoying them. I spend more time working on the mods and stuff than I do playing, believe it or not. And figuring out a plan for the third party mods was difficult, and hopefully solved with this mod picker we're developing.

    have a great day!




    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  13. Fellow mac users,

    figured I'd post an update letting you know how the mac mods are coming along, and what the current plans are for supporting third party mods:

    in order of priority:

    Our first and primary support is for the MDMP's, and we've been diligently working on MDMP-2. MadMatt will have more info on that once he returns, but it's pretty nice. you'll like it, and the mac version should be released with the PC version! Or very close behind.

    Second area we're working on is in creating a texture mod picker! yes, we're starting some code now and hope to have something working in a few weeks. It may not be too fancy, but we hope to have one in the near future - we'll improve it as time goes on, but we figure that a bare-bones program would be appreciated as soon as possible, followed by a more capable version.

    (NOTE: this could be done real soon, or it could take a while. We're focusing on it but I cant make any promises as to when it will be ready for public use. I'll provide an occaisional update)

    After the first two priorities, then come the third party textures. We do plan (unlrelated to the MDMPs) on providing some files or patches for part of the third party mods. Most likely these will work with ONLY the MDMP-1 or MDMP-2 (once it's released) versions of the files.

    For now, see MartiniMan's mod pack for the third party textures. He's going to do a new mod once MDMP-2 comes out, but until then see his files (we'll work on moving them to MadMatt's site when MadMatt gets back, as well as making it a smaller patch as opposed to the massive file it is now).

    NOTE: third party mods are not tested as extensively as the MDMP mods, and may cause a few strange results. Nothing major, just be warned. We're porting them over as a courtesy, that's all.

    For cases where the third party mods conflict with those in the MDMP's:

    MDMP takes priority. For example, the snow hetzer in MDMP-1 will not be replaced by a third party hetzer, but only by another MDMP hetzer (IF they decide to revise it). If you like the third party mod instead of the MDMP mod, well, you can either wait until the mod picker comes out, or learn to change the resource files (it's easy to do, just time consuming)

    Now, of course, once a mod picker is working you can do what you want, but until we get there, here we are.

    That's all we have for now. More to follow as events warrant.


    (and the rest of the Mac MDMP team)


    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  14. in a QB I had 6 Stuarts, and it turns out they faced 3 JagdPanthers and 1 Pzr IVG.

    Lost 4 of the 6 almost immediately, but the remaining two ran circles around the others and killed them from close range. One of the stuarts accounted for all the JPs and the PIV, as well as 20-odd casuaulties. The other was, more or less, a target.

    (there were a whole slew of ricochets and broke shells, but finally good flank shots resulted in kills. The JPs were relatively easy to flank, and the PIV was a frontal turret shot.)

    Speed definately has it's advantages. And I wont underestimate the Stuart again.

    Though, there werent many survivors from the stuart crews after the JPs blasted them. Rather high mortality rate.

    It was a fun QB.



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  15. martiniman,

    Great job! Thanks for doing them.

    did you test all the graphics? I found that some of the third party ones dont transfer over as is and need to be modified. Just curious to see if you noticed this as well.

    Also, please note that these graphics will NOT be usable with the MDMP-1 or 2 packs for the mac, at least not yet. Hopefully in the future....

    After we get MDMP-2 out we're going to start converting over the third party mods (or, with m-man's permission, use his conversions), but will only release them after we test them to make sure they dont affect other textures.

    Thanks for doing them martiniman! I know how much work it is to do them. I'm glad someone else had the time to create them, as I've been swamped with work and MDMP-2 stuff.

    I'll respond to your email tonite or tomorrow and we can start figuring out how to make them compatible with the other mods (MDMP-1 and 2) that we've done. Sound good?



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  16. Have any mac users besides myself able to get this patch to work? I verified it's the correct patch, and it works on my mac.

    I even have photos to prove it! So I'm not hallucinating again, really! :)

    seriously, can someone let me know if they got it to work? I'd like to rule out a problem with the patch.

    It could be that 16M is required on the card...




    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  17. Rob,

    To modify the photos, use photoshop or some other similar program. Save the pict, paste back into the graphics file (resource) and there you go.

    To just convert the PC mods over to mac:

    Currently using Graphic Converter to convert the bitmaps to PICTS (and a resource file after checking the resolution of the graphics), then ResEdit to modify the corresponding graphics file.

    for the winter mods, any graphics file will work. I'm choosing to mod graphics 13, as it is the smallest overall file and easier to play with.

    I'm creating the patches with ResCompare right now. Looking into Mindvision Updater, but no license yet (and so far, it appears that ResCompare creates smaller files for the patches).



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  18. Madmatt,

    hmm, that may be why I got a few emails regarding the grids - no hardware acceleration!

    The grids work fine on my mac and on the tester I used to verify. Using a rage orion 3d card. I'll check what the other tester used, as well as those that are having problems. Didnt think that it could be related to the 3D card, but sounds like it is on the PC. Should be simple enough to test.

    Thanks Madmatt.

    other mac users: Please email me (or post here so the rest of the community can see) and let me know:

    1. If the grids show up

    2. What your configuration is (system software, 3d card, memory allocated, version of CM)

    let's see if there's a pattern here.




    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  19. we're looking for someone who can program such a beast for the mac. I think I could figure one out, but it may not be out for a long time. :-(

    So, to all smart mac programmers out there:

    Let me know (email) if you are interested and capable of creating such a thing, or just helping out. We dont want to leave the mac users hanging.




    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  20. we'll look into reducing the volume of the exit sound......

    thanks for pointng it out.

    and glad you're enjoying the mods. Makes the effort worth it, though we may have a breakthrough on a much easier method that will save a lot of time and allow more of the mods to be ported over. Should know in a week or so if it works.

    grid tiles are coming soon. Really. :)



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

  21. check out madmatt's page for MDMP-Mac. We've converted MDMP-1, and it's ready for you to download. Well worth the time!

    we're working on the other files too. Just takes a while, and we're picking the best of them to bring over.

    Send me an email if you want more info on how to do it yourself. It's easy, and fun!



    The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

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