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Posts posted by aikidorat

  1. After a very long hiatus (many many years), I'm back reading the board and excited to read that CM:BM will run native under OSX.. very exciting news. So exciting it got me to de-lurk!

    looking forward to playing my favorite game again - been too long since I've played and read these forums. Was going to load it up on windows on my Macbook pro soon, but figure I'll wait til this comes out instead.

    though I'm ready to play now (well, not really, finishing up a thesis in the next few weeks, then I'll be ready to play!)


  2. It may have an impact, but most mac users I know would prefer to buy a native, OSX version of software. There's a reason we use OSX and not windows, and having this ability wont change that.

    just opens up the possibility of running the original CM on a mac again (I can get rid of my old G3 iBook if it works).

    Dual booting isnt very effective for working between programs on different platforms - I hardly ever play CM on my iBOok because it's a hassle to boot into OS9 to play it, then boot back into OSX to do work, etc. I imagine it will be similar with this dual boot capability - use it once in a while, but not that often.

    now, if they can run OSX and windows side by side, and linux, and not have a performance hit or require reboot, well, that would be something.

  3. Sorry for the delay, havent been able to check the forum lately.

    I did mean that CM hangs in CLASSIC mode under Panther. It loaded further this time, which was encouraging - I actually got the map and units to show, but the status bar at the bottom remained blank (for that matter, the text fields for the password block were blank as well).

    appears that there are issues with the text part of the drivers for Classic/RAVE. Sure would like apple to fix that, but they probably wont.

    unless we barrage them with emails?


  4. Actually, I have not had the trouble with classic Rave loading when I boot from OS9. I'm runnning OSX.3 and 9.2.2 on the same iBook, and boot back and forth every day to play CM. I think they fixed the classic rave issue a while back.

    at least that is my experience.

    and it still doesnt run in emulation, though it does actually load the graphics now. Just hangs after the screen appears - the map and units appear but the lower status bar is blank and the game hangs.


  5. I have an old G3 iBook, 12inch screen, 600MHz, and it plays CM just fine (8M video ram). I stay away from huge battles, but since I dont like them anyway, I dont miss them.

    it does take a bit of time to crank through the turn calculations, but very usable.

    and I like the smaller form factor for travel, etc. small, light package.

    I highly recommend the iBook (I run OSX for everything except CM)


  6. 420,

    did you get the powerbook or the iBook? I have an iBook that works fine. Not sure if the power book will work.

    either way, go to system preferences and select the 'startup disk' icon.

    do you see an option to start up in OS9? if so, you can run CMBO/CMBB. if not, then, unfortunately, you cant. At least until a work around or fix is found/performed.

    good luck


  7. Finally saw this thread, thought I would respond:

    I've thought of doing a mod manager for CMBB but wasnt sure it was needed (as MCM3 was for CMBO). Toyed with doing it to learn Cocoa, but then it would only run in OSX.... which I run all the time anyway but others may not.

    Currenlty I do not have the time even for 'easy' changes. I'm having to put in a lot of time at work developing, testing and launching quite a few rockets this year. Been more of a demand for our services lately.

    And, to make it more unlikely, the environment I used to code MCM3 doesnt make it very easy to switch the format to bmp.. .weird, but true. The new version may support it, but I dont want to shell out the $$$ for upgrading a programming environment I dont plan on using in the future..

    as for CMMOS - I looked into it but that will take a lot more effort and I dont have the time.

    now, if others dont mind using OSX to make the mod changes, I may be doing that for my own use. Limited audience, I know, but I'm looking to the future for CMII.

    so, I know this wasnt the answer you were looking for, but at least mods can be done on CMBB without a special program.

    I'll be checking in when I can.



  8. mensch,

    could be the resource file size, but usually that just results in funky in-game graphics, not a type 2 crash.

    did you use MCM3 to convert graphics?

    my bad in programming MCM3, as it doesnt check to see if you are going to exceed the resource file size limit before trying to modify it. Usually it results in a texture being removed and not replaced, but this would be the first time I've heard of it crashing the game.

    another possibility is that the resource file can get corrupted once they get over 12 megs or so, and that can cause the game to bomb out. If you cant open it in either resEdit or MCM3, it's corrupted and needs to be replaced.


  9. Paul,

    stop posting and get back to work on my JP! ;)

    and boy, I'm going to be busy soon testing these textures out for ya, arent I? smile.gif

    Reckon you've become tired of me harassing you for this mod for, what, the last 6 months or so? Finally decided to do the mods!

    Definately looking good.

    now, quit reading this forum and get back to work on the JPs! ;)

    (now I need to think of what new mod to start harassing you for now.... smile.gif )


  10. Cameroon,

    I think we've been chatting, but to clear up for other mac users:

    CM:BB will use bmps in place of the resource files. At least, i have it on good authority that it will, elminating the mod issues we currently have. ;)

    as for other resource files working: we tested it and some had issues. Those may have been related to a different issue though, so more testing is taking place!

    However, if we can show it works better than the current method, I'll look into updating MCM3 one more time..

    stay tuned, will keep you informed.



  11. we fixed a file naming issue, if any of you experienced that.. An extra period got entered into the name, making it a wee bit harder to unstuff.

    as for non-winter graphics: We tried, results indicated that placing non-winter graphics in different graphic files did NOT work.

    If anyone has tried, via ResEdit, etc, and got it to work, please let me know and we'll see what we can do.

    as for CMMOS: I was going to look into it, but due to the tragic events in Sept my work load has dramatically increased and I wont have much free time for the foreseeable future. I managed to squeeze this update out as it was very easy to do. CMOSS will not be as easy, I'm afraid.

    enjoy, and let me know if any problems arise


  12. As much as i'd prefer an OSX compatible version of CM (or just classic), it takes only a minute or two to reboot my iBook into OS 9 in order to run the game.

    I can live with that. In fact, have been since OSX first came out. In it now, reboot into 9 once I find out my PBEM turn has arrived....

    a wee bit of a hassle, but still acceptable for the best game I have played in years (and the only one to last longer than a few months on my hard drive). And I still get to use an incredible OS most of the time.

    I'd rather BTS continue to support the mac, even if it is OS 9 only, for CM:BB, than to stop due to the RAVE issue. Think about it - they could just drop support due to the non-OSX issue, save themselves some hassle and insults...

    other developers have done far less for the mac and would just stop the effort instead of getting a little bit of negative press. It'll be up to us to help those that want the game but arent sure how to get it to run in OSX...More mac sales now means more probability of OSX version for CMII..

    (Actually, I'm rather amazed at the ease with which I can switch OSes, and not have any issues with my airport network at home, or my files on the computer. Definately not this easy on the PC at work....)

    (FYI, I run one partition with 9.1 for games (CM), and another with 9.2.1 and OSX for OSX. Simple matter to switch between the two)).

    also, not that it matters all that much, but the revised version of MCM3 (coming soon) will run in OSX, though it has some ugly buttons. I'm too lazy to fix the cosmetic issues, but will release the carbon version of MCM3 (runs in OS9 as well), just in case one wants it.



  13. We've tried changing the tile sizes, resolutions, color depth (256 color really looks bad), all to no avail.

    If anyone has any suggestions, more than happy to try (at least Makjager is! ;) )

    as others have said, new drivers are needed from Apple/Nvidia. Hopefully they will release them (and soon!)

    sorry for the bad news on this.

    Some good news: look for a new version of MCM3 soon (week or so), which will place the winter graphics in G10, 11 and 13, almost tripling your mod fun.

    or so I hope. It's in test now, we'll see how it works out. I dont have time to do other things that I would like to do, but it'll help get past the winter mod size limit




  14. hey rat!

    need more info, re: how MCM3 screwed up your system.

    It shouldnt do that.

    did you try to mod with CM open/running? that's the only thing that would really hose you up.

    also, be more specific as to which mods you tried to convert (what does the log file say), and feel free to email me off line.

    havent been too many issues with MCM3, except for the resource file size limit issue, which i doubt you've reached.


  15. hey guys!

    go ahead, kick me around in the forum... I'll have the last laugh when I get blood all over your boots as you march over my dead troops.


    back to the topic, appears that we may be able to drastically mod the locations of the textures. If this is true, it begs the question:

    do I map textures to different G files and delete them from the normal locations?

    perhaps provide alternate mapping to let the user select? I think I could add that rather easily, gotta think about it though.

    or ????

    looking for inputs, and also results from the testing.

    JD, have you tried placing a texture from G4, say, into G2 or ??? and deleting the one in G4? If so, does it work?

    also, for winter textures:

    I have a feeling that CM searches for G13 first, then into G1...2...3 etc, meaning that if it doesnt find the winter texture in G13, it searches until it

    a) finds a winter texture


    B) finds a normal texture.

    hence, if you have a winter texture in G5, but the normal cammo in G4, it will not load the winter texture as it loads the regular one first. This could be why Buckeye's test cases failed earlier.

    An easy test, if someone here will accept it.

    any takers?



  16. not recognizing bmps for the two programs has occurred before, and had to do with some settings in regards to cross platform file recognition/helpers.

    MacMod includes two helper apps that change the app code to something that MacMod and MCM3 will recognize.

    As for mapping - thanks for the info! From what I can tell, and remember, this will work. A few of us are going to brainstorm a new mapping to allow more graphics to be used, then I will update MCM3 to support this, plus a small drag and drop app to convert existing g files to the correct mapping.

    we're going to start with winter graphics first, then, time permitting, we'll do non-winter ones as well.

    initially this wasnt included in MCM3 as BTS had discussed the possibilities of vehicle mod packs (not going to happen now), and I didnt want to be incompatible with any future patches they would release. It appears now that CMBO is complete, no future patches are in sight, so we can go and create havoc in the mod files.

    thanks for the report, I appreciate it. Once we confirm that all will be ok, I'll inform everyone of the MCM3 update schedule.



  17. jd,

    a game will have to wait a bit - got 2 going on and it's all I have time for at the moment. After I get my bum kicked around, I'll let you know.

    as for the winter textures.. if we do a few more tests to make sure they work in other G files, I can change MCM3 to place winter textures in the lower G files.

    I dont know if MacMod's author is still around/supporting his program, so not sure that would get updated, but MCM3 could be.

    The longest part will be coding up a conversion app to fix the mapping (though one can use MCM3 to delete winter files manually). Let me think about this some.

    Care to try a few other winter textures, in different G files (like, all the ones that arent that full?)? I'd like to hear that it works for other PICTs pasted into the G files before I spend the time updating MCM3.



  18. arrrgh! memory is the..first or second thing to go, isnt it?

    Buckeye did help test this (sorry bud! been one of those years!), and it didnt work, but I'd be interested to see if someone else can get it to work.

    also, has someone tried using just MDMP-1 and see if the winter Hetzer shows up? If it does, it may indicate that you can place winter cammo in the same g file as the non-winter cammo version. That may allow some winter files to be placed in G5, etc, freeing up a wee bit of space in g13...

    if someone can test that, let us know. I dont have the time right now to test it...

    doh! cant believe I forgot that Buckeye helped test - when was that anyway? i honestly dont remember.. ;)


    [ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: aikidorat ]

  19. hi everyone,

    winter cammo was designated for G13 after MDMP-1. The original MDMP-1 patch did place winter into G4, so you may be able to place winter in other resource files.

    It may look in other resource files first, but for some reason I remember trying this with Res Edit and it didnt work anymore. I could be mistaken, so if someone wants to test it again (though it sounds like it has been tested) try it with Res Edit and see if it works.

    Additionally, I have tested to see if a G14 would work, but the hook is not in CM so it did not.

    (unfortunately, BTS and I totally underestimated the sheer amount of mods, and Hi Res Mods, that would be produced, resulting in only one hook for winter graphics, g13. )

    If so, let me know and I'll see if I can update MCM3 to allow the user to choose different G files for the winter textures, or to change the mapping to split the winter textures into a few other G files. No promises though, I have some other things i'm working on right now.

    Now, I do believe that you can load non-winter textures in any of the res files, and CM will search for it, but I havent tested that in a long long time. The main issue with this approach is that you cannot use MCM3 or MacMod to mod your resource files once you move the textures. ResEdit is the only way to go.

    (there was a well thought out decision process during programming of the mac mod managers to determine where each texture was located. We wanted them compatible with one another and came up with this mapping).

    and yes, CMBB shouldnt have any issues, as BTS is moving away from the resource files and using bmps, as on the PC side.

    finally, I'm checking the forum regularly again. We've had a very odd, rough year and finally have time to spare. So, I should be posting a bit more regularly.



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