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Wild Bill Wilder

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Everything posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. No problem, Jeff. Help yourself. I'd enjoy seeing it. There has never been anything made yet that can't be improved And I don't blame you for not wanting to that map ...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  2. "No, no, no!" As the Sherman lumbers on blissfully into certain crematory death. "Yes, yes, yes," as my bazooka man peeks from a window, unseen by the Panther as it slowly moves into the town. "YES!" I see him draw a careful bead. Oops,the Panther has seen him, the turret begins to turn. "No, no, no!" But the turret is too slow. The bazookaman, after what seems to be an eternity, fires. "Clang, boom!" Fire erupts, the Panther rolls against a building. "Yes, yes, yes" And my wife hollers from the bathroom, "Can't you make up your mind?" I think that summarizes it, don't you? ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  3. "No, no, no!" As the Sherman lumbers on blissfully into certain crematory death. "Yes, yes, yes," as my bazooka man peeks from a window, unseen by the Panther as it slowly moves into the town. "YES!" I see him draw a careful bead. Oops,the Panther has seen him, the turret begins to turn. "No, no, no!" But the turret is too slow. The bazookaman, after what seems to be an eternity, fires. "Clang, boom!" Fire erupts, the Panther rolls against a building. "Yes, yes, yes" And my wife hollers from the bathroom, "Can't you make up your mind?" I think that summarizes it, don't you? ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  4. Actually, it never plays quite the same, Jeff. I tested it three times and noticed that the AI side did not follow the same routine. Basically, yes, they are advancing to get off the edge of the map and to take the objectives. Of course. But I've seen the Panther and other vehicles take different paths to achieve that,infantry too. This does two things. 1. It creates havoc for the designer. You can push over one battle and have your butt whipped in the next. Fortunes of war, stuck tanks, etc, so much can happen, artillery accuracy. 2. It gives us something we don't often have, an AI that sometimes can outsmart you. This is perhaps one of the greatest attributes of this game once you get past the sights and sounds. I've tested many, many games, and I've never had as challenging an AI as in this game. So enjoy your victory Jeff. And JMac, don't feel too badly. It does happen, just as you said. You win three, and one kicks your butt black and blue. And therein lies the fun and challenge of this game. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  5. Not at all, SL. If you and Franko are still willing victims, drop me a line at my E-Mail address. I can find punishment for the both of you billw@thegamers.net Let me know. I got one ready for you...You too, Franko!... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  6. We'll be putting up a couple, one on the Canadians and one on the Poles during the advance through Normandy. They are not forgotten ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  7. I did one on the Battle of Ramelle and it is posted on the site run by Manx http://www.combatmissions.co.uk/ Jaguar is working on the rest of the battles. You can see his post on page 2 of this forum. He has done a nice job on the Omaha Beach landing. I don't know if he has posted it anywhere. Those are the only two I know of at the moment. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  8. There are many, many problems to overcome in representing the Arnhem bridge with the map editor. They relate to the elevations. Getting those to match without buildings being lopsided was very hard to do. Actually I could write paragraphs on the tricks I had to pull to get all this even. I would be tempted to say from photos I've seen that they were probably looking down on the bridge from at least some of the buildings. The exact distance of the buildings, their precise is all info that I did not have. I used the photos I found of the area as a general guide to making the map. It is one that I would not want to do again Only one who has tinkered with elevations, bridges, buildings and roads, keeping them level (and visible - some buildings won't show if the terrain is lowered from one square to another) will know whereof I speak. It was by far the hardest map I have ever done in a game. But I do appreciate the comments. That is about all I can tell you, Gaff. Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 07-07-2000).]
  9. That is correct. Not much I can add to what Andy has said. If you have units padlocked where you want them, then the scenario default setup will not affect them. It will only affect units not padlocked...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  10. Okay guys. I have enough now for the testing group. Thank you for your responses. I am more than impressed. Lots of willing hands for hard work. Thank you...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  11. Hey Doc! No surgery, please I have a strong aversion to blades I'll be writing you in just a moment. Thanks for the offer...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  12. It might be easier if you detail where you feel you are having problems,Waffen. One thing you need to do constantly as a general rule is save consistently. That way you don't lose your work. The next step is to take a look at some existing scenario maps. See how they are laid out. Compare the 2d view to the 3d view. Then take one whole day and experiment. Now this you don't need to save. You're just messing around so don't worry about saving. Don't try to really build a "good" map. Just play with the map editor. Try a lot of things, including varying terrain heights, a very important feature in the game. Do some things, then go to preview and look at what you did in 3D. How does it look to you? Unrealistic? Go back, change some things, try to improve it. EVERYONE doing maps as beginners needs at least one day of practice with the map editor before attempting a historical or natural recreation. It is a good exercise. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  13. Dalem, no offense taken at all. I understand your frustration. I share it. I have shared it. Thanks for the comments. I think you have helped some other folks who'll be walking down the same road. It was difficult for me to grasp the varying victory conditions in operations. I must confess that. And it is sometimes hard to define exactly what you must do. I should have done a better job of that so it is my error. And the feedback from you gentlemen will help in future efforts to not trip over that same rock in the road. Many thanks! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  14. Oh, the scenario Rune is describing has not been published yet. Look for it soon. Yes it is a Polish battle and a tough one! I call it "Meyer's Wrath." ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  15. Who is doing all that hollering ? ..oh, Mad Matt! Shoulda known Post 'em Mad Matt. By all means. They are handy tools and should (or something similar) by all testers. Seimerst, did I not send those files to you? I thought I did. If not, I will. Sorry. Stevetherat...Like that name! You're on. I could definitely use your help. I'll be writing you later today. Rune, your analysis sample here is just another evidence of what a fine job of testing you do. You are always at the top of my list, my friend. Madmatt is an excellent tester, a quick and ready learner, and soon outdoes his teacher (seen his "dam" map? - pun intended) but his many commitments and autograph signings just take up too much time ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  16. That is okay, I am older and slower than you, I am sure, so we should work well together. I'll drop you a line. I appreciate the offer... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  17. On the list, Seimerst! Some notes coming tomorrow...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  18. BLoody indecent of you, old chap, to make lightly of tea-time ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  19. Nice recommendation, Pat. I'm getting ready to put him to the test Ready, Stefan? ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  20. Slightly OT, Dell. Concerning Civil War, would you drop me a personal line. I'd like to chat with you about a project... billw@thegamers.net Thanks. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  21. Hey Sniperscope! Folks could argue about me needing help. Opinions vary on the matter Setting up...okay, in scenario design it does not matter where you put zones. When you purchase units, they will appear on one edge of the map. When that happens, you must then move them by clicking on each one and then typing "p" to place them. I usually place them in the general area where they will be in the battle. Once they are all there in a pile, then I carefully put them in the exact spots I want them. Now, if you want them to stay in precisely those spots, you must click on the unit and then call up the unit menu (space bar), then padlock the unit. When you do that, the computer will not move anything. It can't. After the game begins, the setup remains as you had it until the first move/fire turn. On the other hand, if you want the computer (or the human player) some liberty in placing units, you draw in zones of control. There are three zones for the Allies and three for the Germans. The gray is neutral and serves as an eraser should you make them too big. If you choose the latter of the two options (you can mix them too, padlock and zone), then I first draw a zone. Then I go to map preview, and see if it is where I want it. Then you go back and forth till you get it right. Next, place the units inside that box. Example: I have a platoon of US Soldiers I want in a red zone, another in a white zone, and two tanks in a blue zone (patriotic colors, no?) So I draw my three zones. Then I check them. Then I put in my units inside of those zones. Now when the game begins, the human player can move those units anywhere INSIDE those particular zones. He cannot move them outside that zone or into another zone. That is why units in those zones have bases that are the same color as the zone. Note that if you leave one outside the zone, it can't be moved in the setup turn of the game either. You have three colors so you can have up to three separate zones for each side. Then you do the same for the computer side. Remember, the computer will move those units around inside its zones during setup too, so if you don't want units on one or both sides moved AT ALL, then padlock them. Then the computer won't touch them. This feature is very good for barbed wire, mines, and bunkers/pillboxes. That way if you have them set up to cover a specific fire zone, they'll stay put. Now all of this has your head spinning and reads like code. Print it out, put it beside your computer and experiment with this on some quick made scenario till you get the feel of it. I hope this helps you and anyone else having a problem. If I've been unclear, let me know. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  22. It is a fine team of testers and designers, one of the best I've ever worked with. And they (we ) worked long and hard at this. In the end it was more than worth it. Thank you. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  23. It does give you a special feeling to cross that bridge, doesn't it RL? That is victory, no matter what the final screen says, at least for you and me. Mannheim, I was never able to PBEM the scenario. I'd be very interested in the results, if you don't mind. Thanks, Gentlemen. I went and cranked it back up again this morning myself. I'm doing okay, like RL, it's pretty bloody! No more, lest it become a spoiler. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  24. Slow is better than not at all Stefan. I'll keep your name and E-Mail address handy. I hope to send out one to you fellas this weekend. Thank you very much to all of you. It is appreciated... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  25. Were you able to take the bridge, Pathfinder? If you were, though not in print, you have achieved a great victory in opening the way for XXX Corps to get their butts hustling on up to Arnhem. Small consolation for the losses entailed, but at least you know it. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
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