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The Vyrdolak

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Everything posted by The Vyrdolak

  1. What if units were to turn to the new heading without a delay, but wouldn't be able to continue moving until the delay was up?
  2. Two of the original ASL scenarios that came with Partisans! Valor were based on the Warsaw uprising They were called "The Old Town" (Scenario 31) and "Mila 18" (the address of the house where the first Germans were shot. I lost Mila 18 in the last turn, it came down to a close combat between a partisan squad and an SS half-squad. I'm Jewish and I don't have a problem with this scenario.
  3. What does this sound remind you of? <fap> <fap> <fap>
  4. According to the ASL designer notes, it means "bitch". There are some Russian women at work, perhaps I'll ask them. Then again, maybe not.</font>
  5. Here are some more vintage propaganda cartoons, this time a bit on the risque side. Don't go there if you're easily offended (this means you, Scipio!) Licking the Axis Powers http://vatican.rotten.com/axis/
  6. According to the ASL designer notes, it means "bitch". SU-76 crews nicknamed their vehicles this. There are some Russian women at work, perhaps I'll ask them. Then again, maybe not.
  7. Sorry, didn't mean to include the picture again. In penance, I offer -- Dr. Seuss Went to War! http://orpheus.ucsd.edu/speccoll/dspolitic/
  8. That's not Hitler, that's Reggie Mantle! Wait'll Archie hears about this!
  9. [i'm not Beckman] That's a German-Polish scenario, 6 September 1939. The early war Poles won't be in CMBB. Maybe you're thinking of The Capture of Balta? (German pioneers and some Rumanian cannon fodder, the illustration was of a T-26 or other early-war Soviet tank) I always liked Hill 621, Sowchos 79, and Hube's Pocket.
  10. Yes, it copies fine with a shareware product called Clone CD.</font>
  11. Why woudl you need to? If you ordered a CD from BFC and it becomes damaged, they will replace it at a nominal cost. </font>
  12. I know that. But I thought I heard someone say somefink about some Panzerthis or Steelthat. COMBAT MISSION - There is no substitute! </font>
  13. I have heard that this site [ ogrish.com ] installs Trojans or spyware on visitors' machines. I went there once to DL something, but my firewall may have blocked it. [/qb]</font>
  14. I have heard that this site [ ogrish.com ] installs Trojans or spyware on visitors' machines. I can't say if that's true or not, I went there once to DL something, but my firewall may have blocked it. ZoneAlarm didn't notify me of any attempt, though, maybe I am infected, or maybe it's just a rumor.
  15. Cornelius Ryan was dying at the time he wrote "A Bridge Too Far" (1974). He died in 1976. I also recommend his books.
  16. Stopping the Rot (a hypothetical Sealion 44 scenario) has Churchills too. I didn't play it all the way to the end, but it seems to favor the British.
  17. It also has a slow turret. I almost never take Mk IVs anymore, I usually take roughly 1/2 Panthers/Tiger Is and half Stugs.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by History Buff: I was reading a text called 'Wermahct' from my local library. In the Russian Front section it had a picture of Germans using experimental remote controlled bombs which were alot of TNT on small tank tracks which were guided by soldiers to mess up tank convoys etc.<hr></blockquote> It was nicknamed "Goliath", iirc. They were used to reduce the Warsaw Ghetto.
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