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Posts posted by Ted

  1. It looks like I may have had them to close to each other.

    Thanks for the help. :)


    OK, I have a 9 man armored rifle squad. In the editor deployment screen, I split off a two man AT Team led by a private and put it on the left side of the map, I then split the remaining 7 men in to a 4 man team led by a TSgt leaving it in the center of the map and place the last 3 man team, led by a private, on the right side of the map.

    So that's:

    Left side - 2 man bazooka - led by a private

    Center - 4 man - led by a Tech Sgt (5 stripes)

    Ride Side - 3 man - led by a private

    I then escape from the 3D editor, save the file, go back in to Deployment and now there's:

    Left side - 3 man bazooka - led by a private

    Center - 3 man - led by a Tech Sgt (5 stripes)

    Ride Side - 3 man - led by a Staff Sgt (4 stripes)

    Can you try this test out?

  2. I'm trying to put together a scenario.

    At the start of the game I would like to a have a squad deployed in to three teams.

    I go in to "Deploy(Allied)" split the squad and place the teams at different places on the map but when I go back to the editor and then go back to "Deploy", or just go straight to loading the battle, the teams have re-combined and is a whole squad again.

    I'm thinking that you cannot start a scenario with a split squad or am I missing something in the editor?

  3. You need to email GreenAsJade for access to a GaJ's H2HH Dropbox at Dropbox.com.

    From there you can download the most recent revisions.

    If you do not have access perhaps he will email you the file.

    H2HH is "Head To Head Helper"

    For anyone playing multiple PBEM's H2HH is a must have.

  4. getting testers always helps, it just takes added time unless they are very quick at playing HtoH.

    Actually that was part of my motive to have mine in a tournament. It was 16 games of each scenario, almost guaranteed to be completed and I would be able to receive game files and feed back. It was a good way to get a quick wide sample of how they played......

    I remember at the end of the Rumblings of War (RoW) Tournaments everyone did an AAR, anywhere from a single paragraph to a thesis sized tome.

    They were not only informative to the designers but also to the other players as well.

    Just when you thought the scenario was impossible from one side or another you would read an AAR where someone tried a different direction and won (or vice versa).

    They really helped me in expanding my tactics in future scenarios.

    And how to write an AAR ;)

    Perhaps it's time to have another tournament.

    It's would be a good way to bring the community together, members meeting other members from around the world. Good stuff.

    We could invite several people to submit scenarios.

    Balance, although preferred, may not be necessary.

    Can you say Nabla? :D

    (Where's WineCape, I'm getting thirsty)

  5. A scenario player, by definition, has no control over the force he has to work with since the force and situation is unique to the scenario. Therefore the scenario player has to adapt their tactics and approach to the force and situation that he finds himself in as outlined in the scenario they choose to play.

    Exactly right.

    Not only do scenario players have to fight with what they are given but scenarios also offer the option of receiving reinforcements. A big tactical difference from a QB.

  6. I thought every scenario on the CD had a briefing for each side as well as an AI plan for each side? What is it that you are looking for exactly in a head to head scenario? If you are looking for "Tournament Scenarios" then you probably won't ever get something like that from BFC.

    No, several of the scenarios are recommended to be Human vs. the AI only and not recommended for H2H.

    I guess I'm really looking for H2H tiny to medium with large as an occasional option.

    Right now, huge is not an option for me.

    There is indeed a sparsity of scenarios. I haven't heard of any scenario treasure trove somewhere in the murky deeps of the internet.

    Dang. I was hoping for a not to well known European site or somefink. Or maybe a site that required some sign or secret handshake to enter.

  7. Is it me or does it seem that there are a sparsity of H2H CMFI scenarios?

    I know the game comes with 17 scenarios but several are played against the AI only and some of the large ones are a little too large for my PBEM's

    I checked the usual suspects for extra scenarios, The Repository, A Few Good Men, The Blitz and the MODs Warehouse but found just one here and there.

    (Too bad The Scenario Depot and The Proving Grounds don't host CM2 scenarios)

    Are there any places I missed or should I say where do you get your scenarios from?

    Will BF be creating "Scenario Packs" along with other future updates/patches?

  8. Perhaps I just need practice. And patience. And time.

    You say a company of infantry and five tanks but obviously there are major differences between types of companies and certainly tanks.

    I think knowing a relative strength of a unit before purchasing would be a good way to start a design.

    I am not a grog who knows the offensive/defensive capabilities of Panzer Grenadier company compared to a Jager company compared to a Ranger company.

    Of course depending on map, victory conditions and such the troop allotment could be adjusted.

    I'm just not sure how to start without having to spend an over abundant amount of time play testing.

  9. Thanks.

    I had thought about setting up a QB and ding the transfer but didn't feel like taking the time. It seemed a little tedious.

    I realize there may be special situations but I think knowing the point values would be a good start and then do some tweaking afterwards.

    I wonder why there are no points in the editor?

  10. It's funny.

    My brother is a doctor.

    We went to see "Thor" with the kids.

    We sat through the whole beginning, what with Mount Olympus, battle of the gods, Thor being cast out, the humans driving in the dessert looking for strange things, Thor after being cast out lands on earth landing right next to their pickup truck claiming he's Thor the Thunder god and then being taken to the hospital as a wacko.

    The next scene pans out showing Thor is in a hospital bed, alone in a room, and strapped down to the bed at the hands and ankles.

    My brother leans over and with outrage in his voice says "They would never leave patients alone with four point restraints!"

    I looked at him, laughed, and said "Now you don't believe the movie?!"

    Just goes to show, sometimes you need to suspend your imagination a little to enjoy a Hollywood movie.

  11. Including a new looks at Arnhem,Stalingrad,Battle of Britain

    These trailers look pretty good......

    I just arrived at this thread.

    Thanks W2010 for starting this up.

    No matter if you like the flicks or don't it was good of you to bring them to our attention.

    It certainly brought on plenty of responses and gave attention to other movies coming out too.

    Bon Jurno!?

    Say it again, it's like music to my ears......

  12. Right now I only have the two files in my dropboxes, mine and my opponents, but that's because I just deleted all the earlier files.

    This is my log as of this morning:


    Tidying up dropbox...


    --- Checking game status for Casa Nostra

    most recent incoming: 26, most recent outgoing: 27

    Checking game file folder for Casa Nostra...

    checking for messages...

    most recent dropbox: 27

    ... nothing to be done.

    Tidying up CMBN email folders...


    Tidying up dropbox...


    --- Checking game status for Fight at Vallebruca

    most recent incoming: 12, most recent outgoing: 13

    Checking game file folder for Fight at Vallebruca...

    checking for messages...

    most recent dropbox: 13

    ... nothing to be done.

    Tidying up CMBN email folders...


    Tidying up dropbox...


    (watching for changes...)

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