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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. I suspect you are giving vehicles an order to move from point A to point B and expect it to follow roads and such between the points.

    That's a bad idea.

    If we make vehicles do that, then you'll be cursing that vehicles constantly move up to that road that you know is mined instead of driving next to it through the wooded area that you know isn't mined for vehicles.

    The reason you have to micro manage vehicles in this game is because if you didn't you'd be swearing because they didn't pick the route that you wanted them to... potentially exposing themselves to enemy ambushes and clear shots and whatnot.

  2. Ill have a video up later today. Btw can you tell me what files are the sounds for maxim,dp28, flamethrower, and ptrd. Oh and on the protip i just have to remember to not be so friggin high while recording.

    Maxim, DP and DPT all use the gun 7 single sound.

    SG43 uses the gun 7 pk.

    Ptrd uses the gun 14 something sound (there's only one 14).

    Flamethrower uses the air rocket sound, at least that's what I think Waclaw said... haven't tried it yet. (EDIT: Just tested it and it's correct)

    I guess being high while doing stuff like this would be a disadvantage. I wouldn't know since I can't get high. :/

    Nevertheless, wrong place for those discussions I believe :)

    Some more sounds if you were wondering:

    gun rifle is the sound for both the mosin-nagant and the svt-40.

    gun smg is of course the ppsh41 and pps43.

  3. I still consider your actions and words to be blowing things out of proportion, but since you don't want to discuss this any further, I'll leave it be.

    I'll just add that you seem to be misenterpreting me but as you do not want to talk about it there is no point trying to explain myself either.

    If you want to take the grumpy way, act like a victim and never release a mod publically again because of this little incident, so be it. It's your choice.

  4. I havent download your mod , but did you give hem hes credit?

    At the time, he didn't even know which mod it was.

    When you are making stuff for personal use it's easy to lose track of which mods you have included, so I don't blame him.

    He did, however, say that it was based partially on someone elses excellent work but that he didn't remember which.

    After it was determined to be EZ's work I think EZ would have been satisfied with a mention of that, nothing more.

    This whole thing seems to have escalated far too much.

    From EZ's comments it feels like he is just surprised that someone used his work without asking for permission and wants an explanation as to why (and if this is now common since it wasn't back in the earlier days of CM modding).

    I haven't seen him demand that Vein remove the mods, I haven't seen him demand anything actually. Other than an explanation.

    It seems that Vein, however, took this as an offense and became very aggitated over it.

    So again, I think an answer from EZ would help here.

    (unless of course EZ has PM'd Vein)

  5. Nope.

    As far as I am concerned I am now sharing my personal mods with friends.

    I have absolutely no plans to write a whole readme novel that no-one will look at that says things like: 'Used the cord tie from EZ's 3rd smock on my 2nd smock, used the base of EZ's 4th smock but changed creases and saturation and added weathering on my 4th smock...' and do this for every possible usage of other's work.

    Do I then credit every photographer's work I have used in this way, every website? After all it would be rude not to...

    As I have said: if EZ asks me to remove the V2 germans from CMMODS I will (it's redundant now anyway).

    Considering mods are by definition the modified work of others i.e. the wonderful Battlefront team's textures, uv mapping etc., I am finding this puritanical attitude quite churlish.

    Actually, I think EZ would be satisfied with a "I have used some assets from EZ's mods" mention.

    You don't have to make a long list of the exact stuff you used.

    I think you are blowing this out of proportion, which is why I wish EZ would comment on this.

  6. I am indeed on a mac. What needs to be done to mac-ify the sound file?

    Edit: Upon further inspection it looks like both the DP LMG and coax sounds don't work.

    Edit 2: After playing around some more it looks like these files dont work:

    1)gun 7 coax.wav

    2)gun 7 single.wav

    I tried renaming some other sound files but they don't seem to want to work. Gonna keep trying.

    Hmm... looking at the files, they are identical to the other ones in the pack so they should work.

    And judging from the fact that renaming another file still didn't fix the problem, I'd say this is deeper than I thought.

    Might be a problem with your computer or something.

    Did you try just deleting them and using the originals?

    Set up some test scenario where you can test these weapons easily under controlled circumstances.

    It might be the graphics taxing your system so the game skips the sound.

    Make a small clean (ie. nothing on it) map and put a Maxim and an SG43 on it (those use the sounds you are missing) and try it out.

    If that works, try doing the same on a larger map with plenty of units on.

  7. I agree with that.

    i'm still in research of rifles shots which are in perfect mood with original sounds.

    i'm ok with BF's sounds, just the problem of all rifles share same sound.

    that bothered me a lot, and i tried to just extract your rifles sounds but seems too loud compare to others.

    Did you try my Lightweight mod?

    It uses only the original sounds but sorts them after caliber instead of gun so you can more easily distinguish between weapons and sides (no more tommyguns sounding like MP40s)

    Oddball, great mod. One thing - I don't seem to get any sound from russian tank mgs. Any ideas? Using your standard RT sound mod. I am not using any other sound mods.

    That's odd. They are working for me.

    Are you on a Mac?

    I might have forgotten to "mac-ify" that sound :/

  8. Sadly this is how it ends for the ppl who enjoy and treasure those mods - someones butthurt spoils it for everybody - why not keep it to PM at first instead of assaulting ones (Veins) character frontally on the board ?

    Pls Vein don't stop, mate - your mods are freaking fantastic !

    I might be wrong, but I don't think anyone has actually.

    EZ was a but upset, but I don't think he went overboard in complaining. Nor do I think he ever demanded that Vein remove them.

    Vein did jump to that conclusion himself tho, in a somewhat passive-agressive and defensive post, but I don't think he meant any offense either.

  9. Sadly, no. I've created a 'ZZ' folder in /Data and put 'gun 20.wav' in it, restarted CM (is this necessary?) and tried it out. Both this and the altrnative (renaming and replacing the other file) made no difference.

    However I'm not sure if CM was actually using the new file as it very much sounded like the original.


    It is the original cut down to 0.1 seconds.

    The alternative was the same file downsampled and then upsampled again.

    If this didn't work then I'm afraid that it isn't the sound that is the problem, but the graphics.

    I know that a heavy graphics load (explosions and whatnot) can make sound stutter in the game for me.

    It's not the actual sounds but the graphics pulling you down :(

  10. Thanks for the offer. I'll try that.

    But I still think that combining the shots would help. I don't know what the minimum burst of an AA gun is but lets say its 5 shots. So the sound file has five shots in it instead of one as of now. If the AA fires a burst of 20 shots then the guns sound only has to be played 4 times instead of 20.

    Of course it's more to it for BFC than making a new sound file. The game had to learn to fire one loud and four mute shots. Maybe that's easy or it isn't. I'm just asking. :)

    The problem is that the guns in the game doesn't fire in fixed bursts... it could be anything from 1-20 rounds really. So one sound could't cover that like they did in CMx1 :(

  11. My ageing laptop has quite a problem with playing the sounds of the AA guns. Whenever an AA fires everything stutters and the sounds continue to play long after the last shot has been fired.

    I guess the cause for this is the high number of separate sounds that have to be played in a very short time.

    What I would like to ask BFC is to give AA guns a sound file that combines several shots into one file to lessen the load on the sound system.

    That would actually compound the problem since it would still play that sound for each shot.

    However, I'll see if I can make a very small file for you that might fix the problem.

    EDIT: I'm assuming you are talking about the 20mm quad AA here?

  12. Hello

    It is possible there is a translation gap, downloading someone else’s Modded material and then re-uploading that material without asking permission of the original Modder or maker was at one time a BFC no no. Has this change. Just wanted some clarification.

    I am not questioning his work but why he used some of my work, which took a lot of my personnel time to make, without asking or saying who he got it from. Seems a reasonable question.



    I don't think he meant it as an offense.

    He claimed that he had made these for himself and not for release (which is fair to do) but then people asked him to release them and since he wasn't planning on releasing them from the start he had not noted down who made the originals for some of the smocks they were based on.

    I know myself how hard it can be to keep track of what comes from where when it comes to mods and it's very easy to do something like this when you are just fiddling aroudn with something for personal use.

    He did not try to hide it tho, he did say that some of the smocks were based on someone elses EXCELLENT work and that unfortunately he couldn't remember who's work it was.

    Personally, when I don't remember the name of the author or can't get in contact with them I usually write in the READ ME that they should contact me if they know who they are.

    It would be different if he did what someone did with my soundmod once. They used 90%+ of my soundmod and just released it as their own. Not a single mention of my mod and I usually wouldn't mind since most of the sounds in my mod are from other mods in the first place so it would have been possible for him to make one and just accidentally pick exactly the same sounds as I did, but I had also edited some of the sounds and those were all used as well.

    Now, had he just mentioned that he used the sounds from my mod, I would have been fine with it.

    But he didn't. Big difference there.

    If someone releases a sound mod and uses some of the sounds I have made, but they claim in the description that they can't remember the soundmod they got it from, I'll be fine with that too. I might contact them and let them know it was from my mod, but usually I'll just let it slide.

    Granted, making a sound is not even close to making graphics, but the concept is the same.

  13. Oddball_E8,

    i tried to took only your shot trails and to put them, in a vanillia version on CMSF (renaming them 0 to 7 as i didn't understand the reasons the a ones).

    Should say it spatialized the gunfights, very very good work

    Ps: i 'm amazed by the way you tried again another "angle of attack" for your mods, hat down

    Thanks man!

    Yeah, it's all because of JorgeMC and Bodkin. I tried their mods and I realized that my mod and waclaws mod were just too loud for my tastes.

    I don't know how I got there with my own mod, but I guess it just grew over time.

    And then there was the problem that some couldn't use the mods because their computer coldn't handle the strain.

    So I just started working on a solution to that problem. And the shot trails were perfect.

    Oh and the reason for tha A ones is just that I forgot to remove them :)

    They are the ones I used first, but the "bang" of the weapon was still in them so they should have been removed completely hehe

  14. I tried before with no success just havent had the time to really teach myself about alot of this stuff. With the time i do have off i just dont wanna spend it reading tutorials. i guess i owe that to everyone if im going to bother making mods right.


    This one worked well enough for me to make one normal map for your hit decal in five minutes or so (after skipping through the video a bit hehe)

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