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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Mark IV

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Everything posted by Mark IV

  1. You need to start here http://www.3dfxgamers.com/view.asp?PAGE=V3Drivers . The driver update is unique to your operating system, so you need to look for "Win 9x" (95 or 98) or Win 2000. If you are using NT it sounds like you can forget it. The January update worked for my Voodoo 3 3000.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: I was able to re-man the infantry gun after the crew freaked over a 105 bombardment<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'll have to look- perhaps they were just panicked???? They were hiding, but now that I think of it, I don't recall the gun saying Abandoned- perhaps I just assumed it with the crew in the bushes. Sorry about the confusion if that was the case.
  3. I was able to re-man the infantry gun after the crew freaked over a 105 bombardment. As for manning captured equipment within a campaign... I'm trying to picture Wehrmacht grunts finding a serviceable T34, hopping inside, and without a minute of tank or gunnery training and no knowledge of Russian, turning it into a viable AFV on a battlefield. Not saying that a crew of geniuses somewhere didn't do it once, but would you model it? Of course, with a little movie magic, any hero can hop into a Soviet helicopter and not only operate everything, but outfight crews who have spent years training in them. So perhaps I'm wrong.
  4. A thing that weighs 7 lbs. and is traveling 200 fps and blows up when it hits something is, well, kind of dangerous. I think the only anti-infantry version that actually saw much combat use was the shrapnel ring adaptors, that were slipped over the regular warhead.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by G2A: ...I wasn't really criticizing your question, but Charles' response, which was asking for active policing by customers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Charles said: "...if you do spot illegal pirate copies out on the net, please inform us by email..." Where is the call for active police work here? Sounds to me like you want to argue about something else. PS: I have reconsidered and I will NOT tell you about your bike.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by G2A: I'd like to live in a society where crimes are investigated by the police, rather than companies and vigilantes. If it's OK for BTS to become a private law enforcement agency...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The issue, quite simply, was whether or not to notify BTS if their software turned up for sale in a pirated form. Period. No mention of firing up the Weasel and staging a vigilante raid. No black helicopters. No periscopes peering into your bedroom. Just "hey, pyritwarez has your game for free". There are procedures for this sort of thing. If your bike was missing and I saw it on another block, the neighborly thing to do would be to tell you. That's all.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sniperscope: Also are their paratroops in the game?, landing all over the country side?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm... given the 2-4 kilometer scale of the game, I think landing paratroops on-screen would be a relatively brief and dull affair. A minute or two floating down, plus one more minute to post all the Eliminated markers. I think the paratroops are assumed to have landed off-map, and hoofed it to wherever the shooting is. Otherwise, it's just skeet-shooting with MG42s, and whatever other nasties are down there.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by G2A: do you really want to live in a society where everyone is spying on everyone else<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Personally, I'd like to live in a society where stolen property is reported to its rightful owner. I think we can do that without reverting to Stalinism, don't you?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Darstand: And what is this deep seeded desire of the AI to kill Arty spotters.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In VoT there is no one I'd rather kill. For the price of one soft target, I can eliminate a bunch of the big guns that make life hell. If the infantry was close assaulting, different story, but the spotter represents a greater return on investment.
  10. I don't think there is that much whining and complaining. Observing and questioning is more like it, with the usual suspects stirring the pot. But I can tell you from bitter experience that having users "vote" on features is a mistake. While their input is valuable, they often have no idea how things are strung together in a project, and why some "little" changes have really huge potential consequences. The "voting" users can become very obsessive about pet features, out of all proportion to their actual worth, and can become quite disjointed when they are not immediately implemented. The noise level of one of these guys drowns out the happy hum of many satisfied users. The developer is best-equipped to determine which changes require what effort with what risks. Compiling a wish list is fine, but we should resist the notion that BTS is somehow obligated to do the forum's bidding. They have obviously been far more open and responsive than most game/software developers. Do you think they don't have their own list? They read the same whining/complaining/questioning/observing posts that we do.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by markk: I think only the wooden bunkers should be able to be given the hide command.Afer all,wooden bunkers are made out of cut logs.Therefore easy to camo and hide.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Hide order would be given to the crew, not the structure itself. It would prevent them from firing at every target they see, to conserve ammunition. In effect they would lay down in the bunker with their little safeties on.
  12. I believe the standard equipment of a unit is covered in the accuracy factors, and that modeling an individual piece of gear is below the scale of the game. If you have experienced the 88s in Riesberg, you will know that they seem (usually) quite competent at long range. Neither the binoculars for the observers, nor the scope for the sharpshooter, are specifically modeled, but are assumed to be part of the math for the unit characteristics. Grenades, bayonets, and entrenching tools were certainly part of the infantryman's arsenal but aren't specifically modeled, either.
  13. Windows downloads are up to 4,874 (at download.com)! There are 9 reviews for the Windows version (10 if mine gets posted).
  14. You might try their tech support (the Voodoo 2 page is at http://www.3dfxgamers.com/view.asp?PAGE=V2drivers ). I was thinking about posting a CM review there anyway. They do have specific reference drivers for certain games that might help, though I wouldn't touch one until I heard from their tekkies first. Between your request and a game review we might get your smoke fixed AND some new CM customers.
  15. I've played VoT as Germans twice now, with mixed results. The first time the concrete bunkers got KO'd rather quickly, in very few shots. The second time, the MG bunker took a terrific pounding from various sources including direct fire at 200m, with lots of "internal flaking" messages. It was wiped in a few turns, but took many, many direct hits before the gun was damaged and the crew bailed. The AT bunker traded shots with the Sherms for many turns and survived well into the game- the reinforcements finally got one through the view slit, but it took 3 tanks and beaucoup infantry with it. It was placed well back on the big hill, and I'm sure the extra range had something to do with it. I don't believe I've had one wiped by indirect fire yet.
  16. My German was from school, then unlearned and relearned on the streets of Frankfurt-am-Main and central Hesse (Lauterbach- how I miss it there!). So it is hardly exemplary, and now quite forgotten. Funny thing: I went up to Hanover with another American to a British kaserne for temporary duty. We went into the British enlisted club to play some pool with some British and German soldiers. The Brits were from northern England somewhere, speaking from their throats in bizarre slang. Finally I asked the Germans, in German, to explain what the Brits were saying, and they did (most of the Germans up there had learned English with the British accent)! I had to have Germans translate English into "American" for me....
  17. Depends on if you're talking to an American or a German, to an extent. A good German would pronounce the "St" as "shT", thus, "SHTug". The vowel sound should rhyme with that in "book" or "good". And at least in parts of Germany, a final "g" is softened into a "k" sound. So, "shtook". Unless one of our German contributors straightens me out. [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 05-16-2000).]
  18. The problem with Voodoo 3 3000 seeing "blocky" translucent smoke is finally fixed! Upgrading to DirectX 7a did not help with the translucent smoke, BUT upgrading to the 1/27-dated driver did. The free, 6.8 Mb download for Win 98 is available at http://www.3dfxgamers.com/drivers/voodoo3/voodoo3_win9x_new.stm and the smoke looks great.
  19. Done, and ditto Pham- grass roots organizing at its best. CM is still #2- where are y'all?
  20. (sigh) More misplaced political discussion. I'm outta here.
  21. SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - - - - - So far, the only time I've seen the flamethrower used was when I lauched a spoiler attack through the woods to disrupt the wing of the Ami offensive. The attack kind of worked, but among the Ami units was the FT, who hosed me with 3 little squirts. Very cool, at level 1 in deep woods. Routed a Green squad who never came back, and all but destroyed another plus the HQ. Satchels worked great on both mines and a pillbox. No 'fausts yet. Seen some rifle grenades flying, but no special results (over regular grenade).
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Greg Scurlock: I can see Gen. Thomas Jackson now, with his troops "standing on that ridge like a stone wall." Wow.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wouldn't the MG42s make a mess of them, deployed like that?
  23. I think some special regard for forum topics is merited because CM is a WWII wargame. As such, it deals with "Nazis" and allows the gamer to identify with the Germans. We are under special pressure and scrutiny because of these value-laden connections. Wargames as a genre, and those allowing identification with "Nazis" in particular, have taken some heat lately. We should limit the political opinions, because we may be judged without our knowing it by the politics expressed on this forum. CM is a potential magnet for unwanted attention from both sides of the political spectrum. It is worth some restraint not to fan those flames, to mix metaphors. This isn't Usenet and 1st Amendment protections needn't apply here (since the CM forum itself was not constitutionally guaranteed and is privately maintained). Nor is this the place to change the world. PS: On historical subjects it's better to maintain objectivity about all kinds of contemporary values. They're all dead, anyway.
  24. SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!! - - - - OK. In VoT, where I have triumphed in my second go as Germans (after a humiliation the first time), I note a couple of things the AI as doing which might be denounced as "gamey" if used by a human. Scouting with bazookas- a definite no-no to the groggier gamer. AI does it all the time. Also, it's already been noted that FOs move up with the front lines (in this scenario they are Public Enemy #1 so I appreciate the opportunity to target them with everything in sight). What bugged me was near the end: the assault on Plomville had clearly failed and the PzV was in the town, when a last ditch charge was mounted by a bunch of infantry. As they were cut to pieces, I found that it was ALL headquarters units- the company HQ and two or three Platoon HQs. It would be difficult to picture veteran rifle squads doing this under the circumstances, so it was surprising to see the entire Officer's Club turn out for a banzai charge.... The AI conducted its assault admirably, overall, and these were minor issues. AI seems to have the attitude of the "gamey" players- if I got it, I'm gonna use it- rather than the "grognard" ethic of only using units in a historically realistic manner. This may be too difficult to correct, or at least not worth the effort. I thought it was worth noting, since there has been considerable discussion here in the past of what constitutes "gamey" behavior.
  25. I did just upgrade DirectX to the 7a version- no help. I don't remember seeing a 3/24 driver update for Windows at 3dfx but I'm headed there next. I'll set it up to download when I leave for work.
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