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Mark IV

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Everything posted by Mark IV

  1. 3 squirts in deep forest (I think it was about 18m) and I had a 2 squads and an HQ cooked, panicked, and routed. A flanking squad got the FT, but too late. This was B Platoon in VoT, which I believe has two regulars and one green squad. Of course shooting uphill would decrease the range of the FT. Also, a foxhole worthy of the name will have a nice berm in front of it. I doubt these things are directly modeled (the best argument being that the fire graphics are representational) but they might help you to rationalize the outcome.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeO: Lots of nice flat terrain for AT guns but I don't know how interesting an operation that would make. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And don't forget the promise of using AA quad .50s (plentiful around the Normandy strips) against ground troops- they would be a primary target for the raider to nail...
  3. Fresno- pity me (originally from Michigan). Sorry about the delayed response, been gone a few days. Ready for Vegas any time- have guns and ammo.
  4. I recently had a Conscript schreck team with one casualty (in CE, in the woods, with a company HQ next to him) stand up and aim at the flank of a Sherman, 30 m away in the open, and... he turned and ran instead of firing. "Shaken" indeed. Perhaps CMHQ should have a Bungler's Section for gems like this. That's as close as you get to a "gimme" with a 'schreck.
  5. If you Search on the word "book" (pick "look in header only", "partial match acceptable") you will find a number of monster threads on this. I always recommend "A Time for Trumpets" by Charles B. MacDonald, and his smaller personal memoir, "Company Commander".
  6. SSPL you are obviously right (pity). My favorite negative review at download.com was the guy (anonymous) who just wrote: "Idiocic". Guess that says it all! As long as we've gotten this far, I should mention that I have also been trying to get a review up at 3DFX, or any acknowledgement whatsoever that the game exists. They have a write-your-own-review section, so I sent one in, emphasizing the 3D aspect. There was no response, so I e-mailed after a few days, nothing. Then I wrote to the editor (politely) under the Contact Us button- mail was returned as undeliverable! I haven't given up yet, but this is like knocking on a buttoned Tiger. I would be OK with "your review sucks Krummlauf, stop bothering us" but it's like there are no PEOPLE there. Any of you graphics heads got a contact there?
  7. Aligato. We've got 6 reviews up there now and an 83% approval rating- not bad considering the one pan job. There was one 4-star rating, a nicely written and favorable piece which was just a might conservative for the faithful. It's been interesting to see what I DID leave out. Still looking for Spook to set me straight...
  8. That is why we have water cooled guns. Nothing beats a water cooled for sustained fire. 'Cept maybe a multi-barreled chain drive... I like to be the burst controller, not some mechanical device deciding for me. Those little burst mechanisms add a lot of moving parts, and the potential for failure is believed to be higher. Some of them use really scary-looking little ratchet mechanisms that I wouldn't want between me and Salvation. And on normal rate MGs they seem to be a sort of mechanically-enforced fire discipline. I never had a problem firing 2-4 round bursts with M16A1, M3A1 (no challenge there, even to fire single rounds), and the M73 and the cupola .50 on the M60 tanks. On MG42 they might have served a useful purpose.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username:: I am not sure what this tighter string of lead means to you. Is it distance between bullets? Yeah man. With a round headed downrange every .05 secs you get a tight group. Even if the muzzle is jumping, the gunner is putting more lead in the target area with less chance of individual rounds deviating. I have said it before. If the germans had a 3-5 shot interrupter option for the MG42, then its ROF would have been a non issue in the bipod role. I still think it would be a good option for present LMGs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lots of modern assault rifles and subs have this feature (M16A2, FN/FAL, MP5, etc.). I don't know when it was invented, but I can't think of any WWII-era weapons that used it, offhand.
  10. Compared to MG34, and probably the Bren, the much higher rate of fire of MG42 caused lower overall accuracy in the bipod mode. At more than twice the ROF (1200 v. 500rpm), increased vibration and recoil are unavoidable. The effect is offset by its cause: the higher ROF creates a tighter string of lead. I like the Bren, but the 30 round box magazine is a real limitation in some situations. The crew was required to change mags far more often than barrels, so more down time overall for care and feeding.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mike D: This question has been asked at least once before.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> At LEAST. It's answereed by BTS in the current thread "So where's the darn game?" http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/004856.html
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spook: I've now read your review, and you are forewarned that I don't agree 100% with your comments there.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Cool. I am deeply suspicious of people who agree with 100% of my comments (doesn't come up very much). Supporting CM is the important thing, as it is fresh meat for the grinder and more $$$ for the development of CM 82, "The Franco-Prussian War" (I can't wait to get behind a mitrailluese). Germanboy: You're up now! Thanks to all. [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 05-23-2000).]
  13. Thanks for your support. It took 2 weeks to get it listed in the first place. I think follow-ups are within 24 hours. I posted a short, polite comment to "Grogboy's" opinion. Unfortunately his opinion, which was quite negative, carries excessive weight since there are only 3 opinions up so far (4 when yours goes up). This is why it's important that the rest of the community support the review sites. The smaller the bunch, the easier for one apple to spoil it... Here's what he said: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I have tried the Gold Demo. It is good shareware but it is not up to standards in interface or graphics for a main line game. I found the stop action very, uh, stop and go. The special effects animations were terrible. I hate games that have bird song in them when fighting is going on. Too much like Close Combat#. I did like the theme and the tank graphics. They were very nice. The infantry was less than pretty. The weapons selection was limited for the games time span. Over all I would say it is a good first attempt at a game of this type. I am hoping they can do some cool graphics for CM2. I also do not like games companies that do not allow for returns in the game purchase contract. They should stand by the game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Please, no flames. [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 05-23-2000).]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts: A round cook off? What do you mean by that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A cook-off is really when a chamber (rifle or tank gun) becomes so hot from firing, that a newly-inserted round fires from the heat alone, without the gunner pulling the trigger. By extension it has come to mean any round that detonates due to ambient heat, i.e., your tank/vehicle/hall closet is on fire and stored ammo turns into fireworks. Stored tank rounds and other ammo are designed for controlled expansion in a gun tube, and burn slower than bomb stuff. In the open they are more like VERY large bottle rockets, than big bombs. Not to be confused with a "hang-fire", where a normally-ignited primer (percussion or electric) causes a slow burn in a contaminated (water, oil-soaked, or poorly mixed) cartridge propellant. The gunner or loader decides the cartridge was a dud, and opens the breech to eject the round. Either then or shortly thereafter, the internal spark reaches a healthy section of the propellant charge and the round detonates in the open.
  15. Same experience as Lorak- except I have a P2-300. Blocky smoke fixed. 1024x768. Often you need to re-install DirectX7(a) after the driver update.
  16. Found the same thing this AM. It's been up since. They were physically moving their offices on Friday, which may have something to do with it. I have had to follow up a little bit ("gentle pressure, relentlessly applied") and this was one of the hold ups. Hang in there and thanks for trying. HEY- I see ya there now- good work. [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 05-22-2000).]
  17. Just thought I'd bring this back up to the top. It's not the money, and it ain't Hemingway, but as SSPL and others have pointed out, a little publicity's the least we can do for the game. Make some noise!
  18. In Windows you can just hit the Print Screen button (you don't need to hold anything else down). Then open your favorite graphics app (I recommend Paint Shop Pro 6), or "Paint" from Accessories if you've nothing else, and Paste (Ctrl-V). That's it. [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 05-22-2000).]
  19. Hey, all. Finally got CM listed and my review posted at http://www.epinions.com/game-Combat_Mission . If you're not familiar with it, this is a forum where customers and users rate their favorite "stuff" of all types, and it has a very active games section. You can review my review! Pan it, tell me all the cool stuff I forgot, and generally bang the CM drum in public! I wrote the thing a while back and forgot what I actually wrote. I should point out that there is a powerful financial motive, as each comment on my review "earns" me 1 cent (US) in some kind of credit for something. If 1000 of you read and comment, maybe I can buy a 12 of Molson's... [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 05-23-2000).]
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe: What are the pros/cons of sneaking vs crawling?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You can use Crawl (in a building) to make a trigger-happy MG quit firing... y'know, the guy who blows your ambush by opening up on scouts at 400+ meters, and is nearing ammo Low when the enemy is assembled for the main assault. Same for 'schrecks.
  21. Key concept was "archery". No bullets. Arrows. Max effective range for me is about 40 yards, but in deep forest it's difficult to get a clear shot at that range. Ideally we would like Mr. Deer within 25 yds. They have a keen sense of smell. Note that they have huge, slavering lips. If we wish to be anthropomorphic, consider the tiny acorn, full of potential, a whole life of noble treedom ahead of it, with dreams of growing into a noble oak and harboring the birds of the air and shading the peaceful forest floor... ...suddenly snuffed in a single avaricious chomp by a drooling ruminant acorn-killing machine. Derailed or what?
  22. Incredible how these threads get derailed... I was archery hunting for deer in the UP of Michigan in a treestand, when a B-52 flew directly over (from behind me) at pretty close to treetop level. Never heard it coming. Hard to hunt with the old camo suit suddenly turned into Pampers.
  23. Hotkey is N. With a given friendly unit selected, press N to cycle the targeting line through all available targets (spotted enemy units).
  24. B. The initial balance is great for a blind scenario. But for two human opponents who both have prior experience with the scenario, looking for a chess match on known terrain, the German has some serious constraints. His heaviest assets are singular, and Ami foreknowledge of approximately when and exactly where the you-know-what shows up would be devastating. Definitely B.
  25. Try http://www.3dfxgamers.com/drivers/voodoo3/voodoo3_win9x_new.stm This is for the Voodoo 3 2000 and 3000 and is dated 1/27/00.
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