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Mark IV

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Everything posted by Mark IV

  1. Compared to what most historical games ship with, a 180 page manual is pure bliss. You'd actually think some thought and research went into this thing. I will want/need to read it cover to cover.
  2. Hey, I got THREE copies of Deer Hunter for Christmas "98 ( no kiddin'). Real time AND 3D. Want one? Ah, hell. DON'T FEED THE TROLLS! [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 06-16-2000).]
  3. What??!! They put a Brummbar in Reisburg? Wanna play for money?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wayne: Sound like the main gun on a tank is a rocket launcher.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> M60A2 was. 152mm main gun that fired the Shilleleagh missile (sp?- yukkie thing to shoot at the Red Army). But a rocket contains its own propellant (keeps burning after it leaves the tube), while most tank guns fire just like a rifle- they set off an explosion in a tube and let that pop Mr. Bullet out. From there on, it's all kinetic energy... momentum. The only difference between rifled and finned AP ammunition is how you stabilize the projectile in flight. In the "gun" idea, rifling in the bore of the gun caused the big bullet to spin, which stabilizes very well. Fins do the same thing without eating up energy down the bore of the gun (but they are a later technology). Rockets keep going by burning propellant in mid-flight, but at relatively low velocities (they usually use some kind of shaped charge as a warhead, which blows a hole in armor from outside) that does not depend much on the velocity of the projectile for killing an armored target. Armored piercing ammo tries to send the whole solid bullet through the enemy tank by launching heavy, dense things going faster than hell. Smooth-bore, fin-stabilized armor-piercing rounds go even faster than "faster than hell". AP rounds are generally more effective on thick frontal armor and are harder to defeat with counter-measures, like reactive armor (which explodes in self-defense to defeat shaped-charge things). Solid armor piercing ammo is still the "primary armor-defeating round" as far as I know.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jager 7: If Allied, BAR then M1 Garand. BAR is heavy but it barks as well as bites. M1 is just reliable, accurate and the best semi auto rifle of the war. By the way..someone wondered what the M1 chambered.... .30-06<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Respectfully disagree with a couple of points, realizing that this IS a thread about personal preferences (you must be a large man). BAR weighs 16-18 lbs. unloaded (depending on version). Put wheels on it, for chrissakes. It was designed to "assault-walk" in WWI trench warfare. Very reliable, it was no squad support weapon, and assault walking went out with mustard gas and 18-man crew AFVs. It had a small (20 rd.) box mag and, paraphrasing Hogg & Weeks, it was too heavy for shoulder firing and too light for an MG. Not saying it didn't work, but you can have it. I've never shot one but I've picked them up. As for M1 Garand being best semi-auto of the war: you can make a strong case for this based on its longevity, reliability, and numbers. BUT it was the last of the high-powered Mohicans, because it stopped short of full-auto and was over-powered for a lot of shooters, way over-powered for full-auto use (like BAR). As soon as that war was over everybody who mattered built their own version of MP44, because it was the "next wave": the assault (OK, "storm") rifle, with selectable fire and a manageable cartridge. There is a straight line from MP44 to: M14, M16, FN/FAL, Galil, AK47 & SKS, and the other infantry weapons of the present day. Being first it was a heavy bastard, too (2lbs. heavier than M1), but with the light cartridge was highly accurate. Synthetics and R&D developed the concept after the war. If I was a WWII grunt at the smorgasbord of bullet-launchers, the MP44 would win hands down (it did have its downsides, like commonality of ammo with other platoon weapons). As any kind of crewman, RTO, or staff jock, I like MP40. Other things work. These were the best, IMO. And don't EVER underestimate the K98 Mauser (or the '03, for that matter).
  6. We had a really interesting tank battle, but when it came down to the grunts he frittered mine all at once. I made some blunders and rolled some snake-eyes, but no asterisks here, he does very well. You make your luck and he made his.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zamo: How many of you have the "Panzerleid" memorized? Zamo "Ob's stürmt oder schneit...."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> "Es braust unser Panzer Im Sturmwind dahin." Thanks for the reminder. And while you're there, "Wacht am Rhein". http://ingeb.org/Lieder/obssturm.html
  8. Yep, I can confirm that (Pf at right angles w/no target line). Got the screenshot, the movie, and the tee-shirt. The large windows were awfully convenient for Panicking directly onto the Wehrmacht target range- saved walking around to the entrance and paying a fee. The contractor who supplied the flammable granite, on the other hand, should be prosecuted.
  9. "a magic Wand of Fireballs " LOL. Good line. Radios win battles, 'struth. Kind of a long mechanical lock time as sidearms go, though (similar to the grease gun: pull trigger, wait, repeat). I would want some spray-and-pray beyond that single-action 8 banger.
  10. Well, they're really not "rules", just an informal etiquette. And now we're back up top! Just checked the mailbox knowing it would be empty- and it was!
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murx: I can't find anything special in a squad grunts firing in combat in several directions. A man can turn very fast and shoot in a different <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was surprised because the target line never appeared to change- they were still firing rifles at another unit. I was more surprised to see the church go up from a Pf hit, though.
  12. Yes, the Russian ones at least have spring-loaded fins like a 1950s rocket ship that pop out when the sabot is discarded. They keep the round straight, like the fletching on an arrow.
  13. Smoothbore means higher muzzle velocity- no rifling in the barrel to increase friction. The rounds are stabilized by fins, instead of spinning.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Well, my point was really to the effect of someone starting a new thread screaming "MY CREDIT CARD HAS BEEN CHARGED!!". You know, like BIG DEAL.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> "Moon, when are you gonna activate your scenarios/operations...Just wondering 'cause I'd like to have them ready when I get the game." - Maximus, the reserved, earlier today. Since they started shipping Wednesday, I should hope that they have charged all credit cards. See "Yet Another Shipping Update". Of course, you were just thinking the same thing... [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 06-15-2000).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Harold Jones: Does this mean that every time I want to contribute to a discussion about a scenario or ask a question about one, that I will have to put SPOILER or POTENTIAL SPOILER at the begining of the post for as long as the game is discussed on this or any board? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Harold, those who read with the "Next Newest Topic" link are always taken to the top of the first page of that next thread. So if the first post is identified as a spoiler thread, you're covered- the follow-ups can be presumed to be un-secure. If you decide to introduce spoiler information into a previously "safe" thread, the polite thing to do would be to post the SPOILER message followed by the blank lines. I don't think everyone will follow this, but it really is well-intentioned toward both the regulars, and newcomers who will surely be flamed for not knowing the rules.
  16. 1) MP44 2) MP40, in order of preference. Finns had a nice little tommy-gun, too- Suomi? P38 for sidearm, second choice the nice FN Browning Hi-Power. As a sniper I would have been happy with either a K98 (one of the Czech ones) or a Springfield '03. I don't know how many above have carried a BAR around for a while, but I am way too lazy to want to live with that thing.
  17. I have a PII-300 with 128Mb and a 3Dfx Voodoo 3 3000 PCI card. Sorry, but never had a freeze or lock-up. Latest drivers helped with the smoke issue but I have never had any other problem.
  18. Roger that, didn't understand. Looks like a cool site so I'll head over again. I've been waging my own little guerilla campaigns at various sites and will gladly join any others.
  19. This is the story of an evil little man, his veteran infantry squad, and a church apparently used to store paint thinner and oily rags. It may be one of the last war stories here based on CE in the Gold Demo, but I just had to talk to someone about it. I moved an entire healthy platoon into the CE church to fire on the Germans in the little woods east of the church. You may recall that there is also a stand of trees just north of the church. Both were lousy with German infantry. As my platoon snuck through the church to assume firing positions, a squad fired a few rounds at the infantry unit in the north stand of trees. Now this unit was facing 90 degrees away from the church, west, busily firing at my troops elsewhere. Suddenly the unit launched a Panzerfaust (at right angles to their facing!) at my squad. The entire church instantly burst into flames! My squads panicked, ran out directly into the fields of fire of most of a German company, and ran in little circles!! They were massacred. This is the greatest single one-shot disaster I have ever suffered in this game. How advisable moving an entire platoon into the church is, is another matter. It's hard enough to get German infantry to fire the 'fausts at tanks. I didn't know they could fire at right angles while targeting elsewhere (makes sense, just didn't know they could). And the effects of that little shaped-charge on a large stone building were startling. Seemed a bit unlikely. JWorthing is the gentleman responsible for this un-christian act, and he is now merrily mopping me up.
  20. I would love to, but I couldn't find CM there. Where the heck is it?
  21. Gboy has said it best. I did post the text of this in 2 different threads and solicit comments. It doesn't TELL anybody anything, it ASKS (starts with "please", ends with a "thank you"). No penalties are attached for failure to comply (though that might make an interesting thread topic). We wanted to know all about the GAME from the beta testers, but not what to expect from the enemy in specific SCENARIOS. This is a big planet and it is a simple courtesy, to many in the US as well as the furriners. I have NO authority here and you may post what you wish. It was a simple request for courtesy, kind've like using your turn signal in traffic.
  22. Captain: I support the general line of yes, do it, but go active not reserve, and do not believe much of what a recruiter tells you. I joined the Army to see Europe and shoot large guns. Did more of the former, but I have never regretted it (well, there were one or two little things...). Army or Marines, if there was the remotest chance you would ever stay in, you would go a lot further with a combat MOS. Avoid the Engineers- it is exactly like real work, and you shovel all the elephant s**t at the circus. Some of my best friends were Engineers but I never wanted to be one. If you have some other plan in life, you might want to avoid the reserves altogether. If at your age you do not have another plan, I say go active. Get all promises in writing. Sign up for Europe. Armed Forces Network does have radio and TV spots, BTW, but I wouldn't count on getting one. And when the balloon goes up, as they say, you're all infantry. [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 06-15-2000).]
  23. PLEASE do NOT post any specific scenario information to this board without clearly labeling BOTH the message header AND the beginning of your text as "SPOILER INFO"! A 'spoiler' is anything which gives away information about a scenario that no honorable wargamer would want to know in advance. Many of us are playing "blind" Combat Mission scenarios for the first time, and do not wish to accidentally get any foreknowledge of enemy forces. We welcome your questions and comments, but if you wish to talk about specific scenarios, PLEASE put "SPOILER" somewhere in the message header (its title), and put "SPOILER" followed by several lines of empty text in the first line of the actual message. Use the X and Enter keys to create extra lines. For example: SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS: X X X X X X X X "While assaulting the walls of Blutburg (text body), etc." Combat Mission has created a very dedicated and honorable online community and this board is its focus. We welcome you to the board and this incredible game, and WE APPRECIATE YOUR COOPERATION.
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