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M Hofbauer

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Everything posted by M Hofbauer

  1. thanks for sharing, very moving. do you happen to know anything about the fate of the author? Gesegnete Weihnachten everybody!
  2. First of all, it's "Volkssturm", not "Volkstrum" (imagine "Nun Volk steh' auf und Trum (?!) brich los!" !!). As to the second part of your post, I don't see a problem in WSS-soldiers coming under the command of a local commander (if that is your question). Unlike the basic soldiers of the Volkssturm, which were recruited from old and physically unfit vcivilians, the Volkssturm leaders were recruited from Wehrmacht or WSS professional soldiers, usually WSS. That was because the Volkssturm itself was designed by the WSS; even the Volkssturm rank insignia had roughly the same design as the W-SS rank collar tabs. The rank structure of the Volkssturm was centered around the organizational level which the respective rank commanded. Therefore, there was a junior leader rank called Gruppenführer (~"group leader", a squad leader), which equalled a Unteroffizier in the Wehrmacht or a Untersturmführer in the WSS, a leader rank of Zugführer (~"platoon leader", just that), equalling a Leutnant in the WH or a Unterscharführer in the WSS and a leader rank of "Kompanieführer" (~"company leader", just that), equalling a Hauptmann in the WH or a Hauptsturmführer in the WSS. And since the largest organizational level for a Volkssturm unit was the battallion,. the most senior rank in the Volkssturm would be the Bataillonsführer (~"battalion leader", notice the french spelling in the german word), equalling a Major in the WH or a Sturmbannführer in the WSS. Now, if a WSS Untersturmführer met a Volkssturm Kompanieführer, of course the latter outranked the former. Now to your situation in the scenario you made. You admit yourself that it is an ahistoric fictional scenario. Usually in reality a hasty local defense made up of several leftover units from different military organizations like the situation you seem to recreate would be organized under a local "Kampfkommandant", which would be the most senior local soldier. His command authority would encompass all the units (Wehrmacht, Volkssturm, W-SS, Luftwaffe, whatever) involved in the defense of the local area (usually town) he is responsible for. Now, on the squad level, to have an (elite) W-SS squad come under the command of a Volkssturm Zugführer would be unlikely, but not impossible.
  3. the Greyhound can be found at CMHQ, but not under winter vehicle textures, where one would expect it, but under 3rd party mods / allied (summer) vehicles, page 1. the White Scout Car however is nowhere to be found at CMHQ. I should know because I am desperately looking for a winterized WSC ever since I DLed that fabulous winterized M3 HT. any hints about the whereabouts of that winterized Scout Car would be very welcome.
  4. I humbly withdraw my complaint about lack of control over player-activated dynamic Victory Flags. My only excuse is that in my 1st edition manual the actual method/procedure to do this is not covered. [ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]</p>
  5. an archer mod is probably one of the few cases in which something is both beautiful and ugly at the same time... i.o.w., tres bon!
  6. I'm not sure I understand the original post. *what* penetrates *what*? IOW, what projectiles were fired at the test plates? when you say "This post will present the 50mm test results." I assume you are talking about a 5cm gun, not a 5cm plate. still, *which* 5cm PaK/KwK was used, and with which ammo? there is a lot of difference within the "5cm gun" range. without thast info your data doesn't seem very useful to me.(*) :confused: (*)however, _with_ that complete info it would on the other hand once again be a very interesting and useful post!!
  7. I was about to post something with the same bottom message (CM does not account for LOS-type cover, just terrain-type cover) as JasonC'S post, but of course way less profound, detailed and articluated, but with his post mine is superfluous now. bottom line: Sgt_Kelly, I think the answer to the problem you described lies in the CM "bug" (or rather: "routine") elaborated in JasonC's post.
  8. have you already been here on the board back when it was still simple b/w? (3) do you have a three-digit member number? (1) two-digit? (3) single digit? (5) do you have more than 1,000 posts credited to you? (2) more than 10,000? (5) have you ever called yourself a grog? (-10) do you more often than not edit your posts because you either forgot something, spelled something wrong or upon re-reading figured you didn't even understand it yourself, all the above because you are regularly so confused due to your utter immersion with CM ? [ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]</p>
  9. I agree with redeker. Even if they are a company asset, breaking them down onto the individual platoons is obvious. if you are conducting a company-sized assault, SOP for me is to create autarkic self-supporting combat teams centered around an infantry platoon. IOW, one PzSchreck per platoon allows them to move about with inherent AT capability. of course you shouldn't make this a rule carved in stone. some scenarios call for more and some for less AT capability of your infantry. A strong AT support in terms of armor or TDs might reduce the need for integral infantry AT weapons drastically.
  10. it also sure shows nicely just how small the frontal area of the KT turret really is, and how much of the frontal area is taken up by the sides, and therefore just how poor CM's current system armor box simplification really is for such vehicles.
  11. still not completely sure what you mean by "perimiter", but if you're talking setup zones and their borders, they are by no means straight. rather, salients etc. are produced with respect to the results of the previous fighting. :confused:
  12. although I am the first person to welcome a more sophisticated campaign game in CM, I can't help but point out the following problem in your rant: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>The AI also reacts in predictable ways and in many cases ( esp campaigns) is practically useless.<hr></blockquote> I think the AI in CM is infinitely better than that in ASL.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cos: Hey CombatGeneral, you'll need to give your e-mail address to finish the new member sign-in process at Band of Brothers.<hr></blockquote> to the uninitiated it would seem that CombatGeneral's superior l33t tactical skills left him at the first basic phase of a PBEM battle, called "establishing email contact".
  14. you might also be interested to know that unlike smokey's forest fires, the ones in CMBO do not spread.
  15. thanks for making it available at your fine site! thanks Mike8G for that very nice mod! [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]</p>
  16. there are two "CM2"s... CMBB will be the next release of CM and will be sort of a refinement of the existing CMBO engine and will show the war in russia 1941-45. It is currently developed by BTS, is very far already, and will be done sometime (early?) next year. CM II or CM2 will be a major engine re-write, basically a new game, which will be developed sometime in the future after CMBB.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sarge Saunders: I am probably not alone in thinking this as a somewhat heavy penalty for splitting a couple of squads out for recon, but alas it is a great game nevertheless.<hr></blockquote> not sure how your morale would be when you witness a select few being sent out for recon as living targets to see who's shooting at them... either way, remember, you get that morale minus back once you rejoin them.
  18. you migth catch some raised eyebrows when using it in a h2h game since historically the union-jack people were less inclined (to put it mildly) to use the sexton in a direct fire way compared to, say, the american use of their SP guns (the Priest) in a direct fire role every now and rare then . [edited because of Ack!] [ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]</p>
  19. I didn't get to that level yet. Is it a secret level, or a bonus level? what hack did u use to get there? or do I have to stomp/shoot some magic mushroom?
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer: I'm not sure if I've been complimented or insulted. The glove is cast! Retract that or send us a setup, you scoundrel!<hr></blockquote> actually, it was meant as sort of a compliment, because (I think) your original post had that cynic, ironic sting to it which ridiculed in a befitting way the whole birdbrain-idea of having a railgun in a CM-type battle. alas, I'm not the one to stomp onto a glove cast before me as if it was a still glowing cigarette-butt. And I also haven't had a PBEM for almost a year now. The only problem is that I currently am still moving, so my amount of commitment would be scarce during the next week incl. next weekend. If you can put up with that feel free to send me a setup. Nothing too big that my email server can't handle. Otherwise, I'm fine with any side, restrictions etc.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>It shouldn't be a problem because I used a muddy texture around the edges, and any transparency will show your grass.[/QB]<hr></blockquote> oh yes, using that purple as a very clever solution to make it blend in with anyone's terrain ! thanks! I would be happy to receive it as well! Thanks!
  22. I am still moving and my stuff is packed up but as far as I recall I didn't have any hard data on that. One could refer to the accounts of the trials (where three out of twelve early version samples of the PzSchreck hit a tank-sized target at 100m), to combat reports, etc., but you know how careful one has to be with that, and your guess is as good as mine. I did have some ballistics of the kind you are searching for (shot pattern at certain range etc.) on the Puppchen (note: *not* Püppchen) using the same ammo as the RPzB, IIRC the RPzB Gr 4992, but this data is buried somewhere in this mess, and besides, the transapplicability of such data onto the man-portable brother is questionable.
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer: I think it should be modelled, but not as off board arty. The rail gun should actually be a unit on the board. That would give the railroad track tiles a function since Thor could drive on them. If the gun depresses far enough it could even be used for a panicky direct-fire kiss of death shot at some attacking human wave.<hr></blockquote> LOL...eventually, a contribution worthy of this whole thread...
  24. it's a motherbeautiful terrain mod. I wonder how the edges get along with my grass terrain tiles? can't remember if the grass is part of the edge tiles or not. If they are, there would be a difference in hue between the grass at the watertile edge and the rest. anybody care to illuminate me?
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