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M Hofbauer

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Everything posted by M Hofbauer

  1. that military-info site is old. they are selling manuals an stuff IIRC, but lately it has become pretty useless for any non-Merkins ever since Sept. 11th. will take a look at that howard site though.
  2. WSS conscripts are nowhere an oxymoron. Rather, towards the end of the war the quality of the WSS deteriorated so much that this type of quality would be very well possible. If it helps you, think that your forces are running into an WSS training area and facing the fresh recruits there.
  3. HGMF, Chapter I, Section III explains the organization of the german high command. Chapter I, Sec. III, No. 3 specifically explains the Generalstab des Heeres.
  4. HGMF, Chapter I, Section III explains the organization of the german high command. Chapter I, Sec. III, No. 3 specifically explains the Generalstab des Heeres.
  5. plus, maybe we *do* need to cut scipio some slack. maybe he is from east germany, these people have no sense for religion at all after 50 years of state atheism, and it would never occur to them that using god's name in vain might cause concern with anyone. just speculating, of course. I do know from some distant relatives over there that many of these people *do* have a complete lack of comprehension of what the concept "religion" might be.
  6. this is christian prejudice. depending on the concrete type of religious denomination, god might very well be in a physical form. many religions have god in a corporal shape/form.
  7. that incident had been posted only like two or three times before on this board.
  8. your two statements don't make sense in that order. if indeed the Daimler AC took out the Tiger as you state then obviously it is possible...!?!
  9. thanks for redoing it in individual firing lanes. those results look more like what I have experienced so far. our interpretations of the results seem to differ, though: - I wouldn't call a 33:14 result (~ 2:1) "far superior".
  10. that is a poor way of testing effectiveness. the battles will tend to become lopsided in favor of a slightly better vehicle if you don't seperate the vehicles into one-on-one firing lanes.
  11. Sr. Drill posted some interesting stuff in this thread (about halfway down): .50cal characteristics and penetration charts hope that helps. [ August 18, 2002, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  12. I disagree. The main problem I see is the accuracy of the Pz IV vs its opponents (because gun accuracy in CMBO is based on Vo). Which means to me that in the open steppes of the eastern front the Pz IV would be even more at a disadvantage at the longer engagement ranges (with the old accuracy model) to a 37mm high-velocity gun. remember the long-range Nashorn vs. Greyhound issue.
  13. Area fire in CM is often much deadlier than aimed fire. That's why clustering units is a bad idea. The units next to a targeted squad often suffer much more casualties from a volley aimed at the other squad. POWs make no exception.
  14. Anita Rodic? If 'ld be a woman I'ld be afraid to work at CDV for fear of everyone referring to me as "Lula". meeep. wrong again. symbology yes, terminology, no. Sorry, no score so far for Ms. Rodic in the category "§§ 86, 86a StGB". Let's try another category. "Business relations" for 200, please: they are what... content?? wow, sounds like a real love relationshsip. I mean, we all know the typical officialese where business meetings that ended in one stabbed manager and three broken noses are referred to as "very constructive talks that helped to further the highly successful and mutually extremely enjoyable business relationship", so a weak "content" doesn't sound like CDV really appreciates that deal too much. next category: "appreciation of consumer rights": aha, so CDV acknowledges every german citizen's legal right to do a backup copy, yet they deny him the execution of that right by using a copy protetcion that not only prohibits the legal backup but also probably ruins the CD-drive or playing experience of quite a few customers? what a slap in the face..."yes you have the right to do a backup, but guess what you ca-han't!! neener neener!! " The telos of the law becomes apparent in §69d Abs.2 UrhG where it explicitly says that it is illegal if the software retailer denies in the usage agreement / sale terms the right to a backup copy. hey, the law doesn't talk about technically preventing it, so it's okay, right? (btw Anita gets only half the score for §69d Abs.1, 2 UrhG due to sloppy citing, even with the Marketing-person bonus accounted for) btw, Scipio, damn, you didn't ask them about their SuddenStrike2 advertising! They claimed that SuddenStrike2 is the most authentic WW2 game yet, which to me means that they classify CMBO somewhere between SuddenStrike and Lula WetAttack on the WW2-Realism scale. sorry, bad day at court & office.
  15. Okay, this one is really tough. Hint: He is a German, was a Wehrmacht officer who fought on just about every front. This picture was taken, obviously, post war.</font>
  16. my guess is it's either the space between first and surname, or the "gay" part of your name.
  17. Hauptleute, obviously, but you'ld probably get away with Hauptmänner, too. Actually, I'm willing to bet money that the vast majority of the germans you'ld ask on the street on the plural of Hauptmann would answer wrong with Hauptmänner, before the police came and arrested you for obnoxious behavior. You could then continue your quest for correct plurals on the Polizeidienststelle with terms such as Wachtmann, Polizeihauptmeister, Hauptkommissar etc... [edit: your homework for tomorrow ] [ August 12, 2002, 08:21 PM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  18. is it Slowakei or Slowakien?? I know it is -slowakien in Tschechoslowakien, but as an individual word, it is usually Slowakei, isn't it?
  19. Bruno Weiss, there's something definitely wrong with your Wehrpass. your "Ärztliches Entlassungsurteil" (medical discharge diagnosis") reads "Email ..." ??? Wre you released for some sort of internet-related illness? but you were not discharged, you are missing, right? btw, there's two more things wrong. You're not supposed to put the picture onto page 25 (still discharge entries) of your Wehrpass. furthermore, if you are the Geschwaderkommodore, and the Wehrpass is signed by the Geschwaderkommodore, this means you signed your own ID....?? IIRC that's not how things were done in the Luftwaffe, everyone making his own papers and ID...
  20. indeed. the Gurt 33, 33/41 and 34 belts, as used in the MG34 and MG42, were non-disintegrating. (technically, the 34 was "semi-disintegrating, since the single 50-round belts could be linked together to form unlimited-length belts, but would part into 50-round belts again after the cartridge case was extracted). the Gurt 17/81 belt, as used in the aircraft MG17, MG81 and MG81Z, was non-disintegrating by default (when delivered, from production) but could easily be modified to be disintegrating or semi-disintegrating belts by the armorers by tweaking the connectors with a tool. if they didn't change each round's connector the belt would be falling into the respective parts (semi-disintegrating).
  21. indeed. the Gurt 33, 33/41 and 34 belts, as used in the MG34 and MG42, were non-disintegrating. (technically, the 34 was "semi-disintegrating, since the single 50-round belts could be linked together to form unlimited-length belts, but would part into 50-round belts again after the cartridge case was extracted). the Gurt 17/81 belt, as used in the aircraft MG17, MG81 and MG81Z, was non-disintegrating by default (when delivered, from production) but could easily be modified to be disintegrating or semi-disintegrating belts by the armorers by tweaking the connectors with a tool. if they didn't change each round's connector the belt would be falling into the respective parts (semi-disintegrating).
  22. except if the target happens to be behind some sort of viable cover, e.g. a wooden blockhouse wall / some sandbagging.
  23. effects of sun on armor combat: 1. there's this famous propaganda reel of the Afrika Korps, showing a tank crew doing fried eggs on the armor plate of their tank. but actually it was staged, and they had "helped" the sun by heating up the plate additionally with a blowtorch before the picture shoot. 2. sunshine means improvement of general visibility which vastly affects range estimation. in full sunshine objects seem nearer which means gunners might be led to shoot short of the target (vice versa for poor visibility during overcast, rain etc.) edit: w/r/t your thesis, yes, sun glare definitely impacts sighting and gunnery. the problem is not as big as in aerial com,bat since ground combat takes oplace on a more 2D-plane, so the sun blind spot issue is mostly a problem in late (mostly summer) afternoons, with a low yet intense sun in the east. morning phase also a problem, but probably less, since early morning fog etc. dampens the sun's strength during the morning low-sun-phase (if I may coin that term). all this "sun-blindness" is not modeled in CM, though. (general visibility is modeled for spotting issues, though) [ August 11, 2002, 07:20 AM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  24. I havent been to the site yet, my concern lies with the url / domain name itself. I dunno what the six is suipposed to mean (referenmce to the antichrist?, or reference to a commander's radio code (as in DukeSix, KiteSix etc.)?), but the "Fallschirmjager is plain wrong and makes the whole site look very unproffessional even beforer someone has been there. the term Fallschimrmjäger has an ä umlaut. since umlaute don't work in a domain, the only substitute is replacing the ä with an ae. it is not only a cosmetic thing. Fallschirmjager spells a lot different than Fallschirmjäger/Fallschirmjaeger. [ August 11, 2002, 04:58 AM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
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