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M Hofbauer

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Everything posted by M Hofbauer

  1. think not only projectile diameter, but cartridge length and the respective chamber dimensions.
  2. I don't have CMBB, but I think the system is the same as in CMBO: in CMBO, only PLs were specific to their subordinate units. Co. and Bn. leaders were generic and could exercise C&C over *any* infantry squad, in other words there were no special companies or battalions to which the company or battalion leaders belonged. hence, since a company or battalion HQ unit is a leadership unit to all squads on the map, the thing you are asking for is not possibly (= *all* units would be subordinate and highlighted with a double-click).
  3. like you said yourself, you never played CMBO, so you didn't really get used to it, so no wonder you cannot understand what the problem is.
  4. I find this most irritating. I only have the demo and don't have the game yet, so I figured this was a demo quirk that is fixed in the final game. I am surprised to find out that this part of the game system was changed in the game itself. Why change something that isn't broken? Might be a matter of taste but I wholly support the request made by mPisi, I might get used to it in the very long run (didn't get used to it so far) but currenmtly I find it rather annoying every time I find myself unable to edit my plotting with a simple backspace keystroke.
  5. black block? large black monolith? ...was it full of stars?
  6. TSword, if you ever played CMBO any length of time (and guess you did) then you can answer the question you raised in the thread title yourself if you just took a step back and thought about the characteristics and employemnt of the Ladungsträger vs the game model/engine of CM.
  7. three quarters are yanks. the president is german...or..uh, from the moon or somefink.
  8. IIRC Steve(BTS/BFC) specifically ruled out any CM set in the Pacific. The CM engine (/type of game that CM is) and the type of fighting in teh Pacific don't match very well. just think about how CM plays, its features, and then thibnk about the fighting on most of the Pacific, and you'll understand.
  9. not that that is always a good thing in itself...
  10. no, he is NOT my friend. as you have recognized correctly, that page (http://www.adeq.net/pzfaust1.htm and pzfaust2.htm) is straigthforward plagiarism from my Panzerfaust site. The guy doesn't even have the decency to link or credit where he took it from. Wholesale Xerox, just copypaste, he didn't even take the time to correct my typos or misphrasings (which I never got around to correcting). He gives his full address on the site, seems he is a reenactor living somewhere in Florida. Of course I find this whole thing highly annoying. Currently I do not have the time to pursue this, and frankly right now I wouldn't know what I could do. If he was living near my place no problem, but with the atlantic between us I would have a hard time confronting him. Btw its not as if he is some innocent guy that just "forgot" that he copypasted the website content. Several visitors of the PzF site have commented to me that they have emailed that guy about it. Personally I have not contacted him yet, since there is little I could do at the moment.
  11. Shows what I know....the link you presented is dead, unfortunately. Would love to see it...</font>
  12. Lend-lease Bazooka? captured RPzB 43? captured PzF 150 ?
  13. Damn, Fernando, you are right! I was checking from a very small digital image that made it look like there was a thin red embroidery at the top of the chevron but it was just a display/monitor thing since the image was so small. I checked the original full-size source again, from a russian book, and indeed you are right there is no red last line/chevron. Looking closely the difference between Leitenant and Kapitan then is that the Kapitan's last broad golden chevron is even broader than the Leitenant's upper broad golden chevron. To be exact, the upper golden chevron of the Leitenant is about half the thickness of the Kapitan's, and roughly half that of both's upper thick red chevron. [edited for typos] [ September 05, 2002, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  14. welcome to CMBO. you will live nevertheless. Fernando, that is the sleeve insignia pre-1943 style for a soviet Kapitan. It is true that that of the Leitenant was almost identical, they were both (upwards) short red chevron - short gold chevron - broad red chevron - broad gold chevron, but while the leitenant ended there, the kapitan finished that off with a thin last red chevron at the top.
  15. GIC-sycophant? now where did you get that from? :confused: listen, this post is not about GIC vs CM, or CM vs SuddenStrike, or CM / GIC whatever. I was simply pointing out to you that you are nothing but what the peng-people would fittingly call a SSN trying to rip off an idea that has been here looong ago. and your empathic, highly reactive behavior shows to me sufficiently that your NOT the old CM Borg. The old CM Borg was a rather complacent type, said very little, and what he did say could be predicted easily, which was part of the running gag that he was. He would never become so entangled and eloquent and flaming like you just did. In other words, the real CM Borg had a certain unique STYLE, and you are just a new member trying to cash in on a lame, old joke. Just my personal opinion, of course. Why don't you look up ye olde posts done by the original. You might learn something from him. [edited for typing] [ September 05, 2002, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  16. you're just a cheap rip-off of the original CM Borg (not seen in two years - the Borg have not really succeeded, it seems; he was probably assimilated by some other game in the long run). that guy was at least original, originally. you are not even originally original. just a lame CM Borg impersonator.
  17. oh yeah, I forgot, it was considered unsporting/gamey by the Finns to use anything above toothpicks against their hapless, doomed victims. seriously, your post was general, not MG42-specific.
  18. depends. are you inquiring about german or finnish machine-gun teams?
  19. you mean the CDV version actually has the detailed hits translated? "durchschlag" ...that sounds is so... so... unusual. ParaBellum, don't the french refer to that famous "incident" that happened in normandy in in mid-1944 simply as "Le clash"? all the road signs to the monuments there say "Le Clash". Le Clash monument here, le clash museum there.
  20. we need to ascertain whether that "no russians included" text is only from the website üproduct description, or if it is actually taken from the french CMBB box.
  21. DAMN, that is a misleading thread title if ever there was one. I was expecting news on how the Leopard2A5/Leopard2A6KWS and the T-80whatever performed ion recent operations, like Kosovo etc. "New generation armor" is something different to me.
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