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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. Mark IV mark IV MARK FOUR mk. 4 try and stop me little man, your squeaking does nothing to frighten me. Perhaps a fight over the utterance of your name is due. And if I win, you can address me as 'Sir PeterNZ' from now on, no other nomenclature or pseudonyms, that shall be my title upon your bettering. Send the file, minion. PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  2. I CHOOSE YOU, CRODACHOO! Whereupon Croda appears out of his own ass, like a little green hairy nose goblin and then starts grunting 'croda croda croo daaa CRO-da cro-DAAAAAA' and hopping up and down *PeterNZ pets Croda on the head, pat pat* "good boy Crodachoo! Now you must fight, because Meeksy is here and says he can be your topplement!" "CRO-DA crodacroda cro-DAAAA" "that's the spirit boy, now go get him!" *Crodachoo launches himself into the air and leaps at meeksy "CRODDDAAAAAA"* "use your stink cloud!" *Crodachoo emits an unholy stench from between his buttocks, Meesky gasps and coughs, but then launches wall of bile" "Crodachoo! His bile is blocking your stench!" *At that moment Meeksy attacks with righteous vitriol, quickly following up with the advanced form of the long pointless invicative attack, Crodachoo is caught with his pants down, literally, and gasps, knocked to the ground* "croo... daaaa crooda" "Crodachoo! You can do it! Use circular logic!" *Crodachoo leaps and binds his enemy in circular logic, leaving meesky dazed and confused, grappling with the implications* "Now follow up with your wall of noise!" "CR-O-DAAAAA!!!!!!!!" *Crodachoo launches his special attack, hundreds of pointless words and passages of text across thousands of posts, soon meeks is gagging under the mass of ****e Crodachoo spills forth! Meeksy collapses to the ground and whimpers away to a corner. PeterNZ and Crodachoo jump up and down in joy!* "Please Crodachoo you're getting too excited, that's my leg, go find Mark IV" THE END ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  3. Marlow, you are as noisy as you a noxious, you force me to play you so that I might gain some pleasure from your destruction. Send me a setup. While the world is watching, where/how/what who is my damn Kinigit Challenge?! JD Morse! Where are you to champion my cause as someone who can kick your booty and as a worthy wretch etc. PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  4. for goodness sake Mensch, if you're going to post web jokes on the holy of holies, the Peng thread, you could at least post a NEW one. I do believe I first read this piece some 4 years ago, but in the insipid world of net-humor the jokes tend to blend one into another. Anyway. Had a draw vs. Lewis. It was a good game, marred by my not knowing the scenario, and Lewis having seen it already. In this circumstance a draw, (Stupid scenario, I owned both of the two big flags outright and had decimated the defender. Sure, we had lost almost the same ammount of stuff, (he lost a bit more) but still it was me on attack so 1:1 trade should be just fine. Damn stupid scenario points. It was a moral victory). Herr Ovaries has indeed lost his holy M8 to the schrek o doom that has been chassing back and forth across the map for the past 5 turns. He did well for a tired little schrek man. the rest of the map is blood and death I'm affraid. Chupie? Who knows. Last I remember I was kicking his little ass like he was some huge momma at an ass kicking competition. Still, I think he's dead or something, no emails, even on the Sunday he was supposed to be back. Germy. Hmm. Odd scenario. And too predictable I think. I really have only one route, he really can only sensibly defend from one place. It will all come down to whetether arty gets a bit lucky, or tanks get some nice LOS. Interesting scenario, but not that interesting. Meeks. Squish squish squeek. Well, that's the sound I imagine he's making as I stomp all over his little men. Croda. Bah. Bah bah bah. Stupid tanks. Stupid can't hit anything. How's about this. One road, only place to go really. And i'm facing churchills front on. Bah. From 100m. Bah. I'll die soon and quit this gyped game with the snotty little co-squire. JD Morse. Crap, shootouts with German armor over 500+ meters. Crap bah bah crap. Was funny watching a sherman of mine shove a 'live' lynx off a road and out of the way as it stormed across the map. Both units undegoing a shootout at the same time. Meanwhile my tanks die like flies as they fail to hit anything. Bullethead. Seems he has like.. Life stuff.. and can't continue the race. Good luck man, I will keep the file close to my heart and hope for your return so I can once and for all give you the topplement you deserve. Anyone else? Who knows, it's probably boring and hence I forget. all die now PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  5. Interesting idea. Got any sorta hard numbers on that? Would add a new angle to their emlpoyment, that's for sure PeterNZ
  6. I have used 'voice commander'.. but since I can hit 'm' quicker than saying 'move'... I don't really use it. Handier for flight sims and shootemups i think, and anything where speed is of the escence and there are many complex commands PeterNZ
  7. Well I must pop in and say that PoorSpoon of a man and I had a draw. After I killed his platoon all that was left was his buckets and buckets of armored vehicles that he was too chicken to approach the town with. Sheesh, what a big girl. Been hanging around YK2 too much. So Lorak write up a draw between myself and PawBroon please. As for the rest of you. I am still getting files from everyone, including Meeks, (who i am crushing), so all is good in the world. PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  8. damn Chupie, you're getting me excited. Info on each vehicle/unit please! Relative strengths, weaknesses, historical use and formation, (ie. 'm4, typically deployed three at a time, X made, etc) or 'king tiger' only X made, deployed with Gerbilhamsters on Tricycles etc. PeterNZ
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Tris Wrote: We have found, or at least we came to believe in the fullness of time, whether right or wrong, that freedom of speech is a fundamental right of all men, or should be, and that it is far better to have this than not.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think it's worth noting here that you are referring to the US and the US constitution? I agree that free speech is a good thing, I think everyone here would agree, however there are necessarily limits. In all societies there are limits, even in the US. First off, I think the US benefits from an extremely stable society of such mass that it is easily able to 'afford' the cost of a high level of free speech, perhaps the highest in the world. I firmly believe that not all countries can afford this cost. If some control by a sensible government had existed early on in the Former Yugoslavia it's possible conflict might have been avoided to a degree, (ok lets not get into this one on the board right now hehe). On the other hand, a free radio run by the UN in Cambodia significantly aided the election and peace process there. So we have pluses and minuses on each side. Many anecdotes can be thrown up, many theoretical positions tabled, but in the end it comes down to what works best, in my mind. As such every country has laws restricting free speech. For starters, the libel laws which are firmly entrenched most everywhere. It's accepted that the damage unrestricted free speech can do is greater than the slight moral cost of limiting it. To me this is a fair trade and anytihng else smacks of Libertarian hysteria and some desire to reach some Randian holy-land, a necesarily false hope. PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  10. Rob, send him the scenario saved as Germs. As for the rest, my team are still setting up, it will take not very much longer now. PeterNZ Allied BHQ
  11. hey, happy birthday! in London long? Next week all the CM crowd will probably get together again at a pub, you're welcome to come PeterNZ
  12. Thanks for the reasoned reply Tris, I was unaware you hadn't played any PBEM. Running scenarios with snipers isn't really a problem, and on defence, snipers to the front is a reasonable and reasonably historic tactic. I'd advise tho that if you do play and PBEM, don't scout with snipers or you will piss your opponent off. This isn't necesary a limitation of the system, but more a 'fact of life' in a game. It is very difficult, (and would be very dull) to simulate a game where everything, down to who has a field radio is tested. That's essentially what happens, you see everything the sniper sees automatically. Nevermind, i hope the scenario goes well and comes together in good form PeterNZ
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Let me get this straight, Peter. You just can't fathom four (count them with me, please: one, two, three, four) soldiers in a full (actually, reinforced counting the armor and extra artillery assets) battalion with "sniper" or "scout" capabilities?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Difficult to understand passage. You're either being rhetorical and asking whether or not I understand the concept of a sharpshooter or whether or not I understand the concept of FOUR sharpshooters. In which case, of course I can. Or you're asking if the quantity of sharpshooters is what I object to. The quantity is irrelevant, the use isn't, however. I can't fathom sharpshooters as scouts full stop. Actually, correction, I CAN fathom it, but I just don't approve of it. It's not playing the game with some kind of historical sense of how battles were fought, most would say it's not a particularly 'fair' way of playing due to the certain advantages the Sharpshooters have (more on that later). Hence, I call scouting forward with sharpshooters as 'gamey'. If a player used ONE sharpshooter against me in such a fashion I would be slightly peeved, if someone used 4, I would call them a gamey little bastard and probably refuse to play them again, and advise others not to bother too. And snide little comments about the Peng thread do nothing but provoke yawns here. Exactly how pointing out that using sharpshooters as sacrificial scouts is gamey is somehow 'silliness' from the other thread that 'you won't put up with' I'm not entirely sure. But we'll leave that point for now. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I would love to discuss CMBO intelligently with anyone who has that interest. I respect the simulation at that level. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> did I say anything unintelligible? I found my post pretty clear and to the point, whereas your second sentence, (quoted at top) almost incomprehensible. I doesn't bother me whether or not you care if I call the tactic gamey (O, and quite a few others would agree with me in describing the use of Sharpshooters as gamey, I wonder how many of your opponents have been too polite to point it out?) the fact is I am pointing it out to others that this is a gamey way to recon/scout and if they use it they might get a bad rep. Gamey - as defined roughly by myself, (anyone care to add or adjust the definition?), as ahistorical use of units in order to gain an advantage over the other player. The kind of things -generally- considered gamey include jeep-rushes, sharpshooter scouting, using crews to scout/capture flags and so on. Historically, sharpshooters weren't used as scouts, moving around in front of a force trying to get the enemy to show themselves, or even sneaking around spying on the enemy. They were placed in a nice little spot and used to provide harassing fire. Scouting and recon parties were generally a handful of men sent out to locate the enemy, equipped with radios and so on. By using sharpshooters as you do, you are taking advantage of their improved spotting powers over most other units and their cheap points value. Then utilizing them in a totally ahistoric way. Hence. Gamey. Now, if you are only using them in a home-made scenario with some specific qualifications or setup described in the briefing or in game conditions, no problem. It's fun to stretch the game in scenarios. If however, this is a common tactic of yours in PBEM, well. 'nuff said. PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000 [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-09-2000).]
  14. Tris you use FOUR snipers as scouts? My goodness, that is so incredibly gamey. I'd be so pissed off if an oponent did that to me.. PeterNZ
  15. So if it was Dan Quayle vs. GW Bush in a game of CM who would win, and why? PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  16. mea culpa! Mea maxima culpa! Jolly CC5. I actually thought the people there would happily join in a taunting thread. Sure I only have the demo, but I DO actually want a game and I'd LOVE to challenge Peng to a quick beer-and-pretzels session. And I hoped other CC5 members would join in and taunt each other and soon we'd have a little colony in that strange land. But no, they get all uppity since it seems the vast majority of them have absolutely no sense of humor, and if you check their board you can see they don't even make up for it with an understanding of ww2. (On board nebelwurfers, *gag*). However, at least the couple that have shown up here have a sense of humor. Which is rare. So.. hmm.. nice to see you. I'm not here to stir up some CM vs. CC debate. I have enjoyed both games thoroughly, just I find this game and this board more amusing. I got bored with CC because it wasn't customizable enough, (new maps and stuff), even with the herculean efforts of the fan base. Also I had some personal emails with Keith Zambouli that walking anus. I won't bother with the thoughts on the real-time vs. turnbased stuff. That's just pointless and if your sole reason for playing a game, (or not playing) is whether it's real time or not well that's basically kinda dumb. In the end, it should come down to whether the game is any good in all its aspects. I dare any CC'er to face me in a PBEM, even a demo game, and tell me they didn't find it fun. I also will be more than happy to face anyone in CC games multiplayer, (I still own 1&2), and i'm sure i will enjoy them too. Sorry, this is dull. No real taunting or flaming. Anyway, to summarize. Seems the CC folks aren't ready for a Peng thread. Lots of them take themselves very seriously, (with a few nice exceptions, like probably the ones reading this). They're not ready for Peng, not ready for the sheer amusement of rivalry built over weeks, even months. I hope the CC folks realize I just wanted to have some fun, drag them into some games and then have them abuse me when I loose. Hell, if they want to abuse me over some demo games of CM, I'm more than happy to oblige. I'm not so high-and-mighty to have removed the demo and refuse to play anyone who doesn't have the full. So, CC guys. Nice to see you, if you're going to stay I hope it's because you want to join us in some CM games. Any further debate, take to my email please, and save this poor unfortunate lot! This thread is a rare pile of poop in a mountain of jems, let's keep it that way. You'll hear no more from me on this issue. PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  17. poor me, confused. How do i get this damn challenge going? O, in game news.. Chupacabra Dumb Arnheim scenario. I'm kicking his little hiney now, he'll kick mine later. I guess at the end we add it all up and see who got the most kicks in. It was funny watching the movies tho.. damn, can't say much for fear of spoilers, (suffice to say 'sproooing' 'booom!' gives you an idea of what has been going on). Herr Craphead no messing around with stupid rhyming names, lets get right to the point. He cheats, there's no way an M8 can do so much in one game and be constantly missed by everything. Ony of my guys could stand on top of it and take a dump and still miss. Anyway, my flamers are happy, one of them got to toast another squad, hurah! Croda bastardface Woo. Computer chooses tanks. I get ****, he gets churchills. Only avenue of attack, straight up the main highway. Hence, my guys scream, die, can't kill his tanks. Bah. I may be forced to eat my hat, but i ain't sucking ANYTHING! You got that?! Meeks my minion Ahh meeks. You're loosing. How sad. He lost his second mark 4 this turn and i have all of my tanks still. What's annoying is his SP gun imobilized a churchi of mine. Nevermind. I shall continue to disect his men into little pieces. He makes me laugh the way as soon as he sees some enemy troops he just charges head long at them. I'm enjoying this one. Forgive me i'm swedish Geier He wines about the slowness of my force. Well I hve to be carefull, he's got a big bunker on a hill. Still, I have it flanked now and i've found a platoon of his and pounded some infantry with shells. Soon the pain will begin. Pawbroom stinker You're french and therefore unworthy of humanity. As evidenced by your gaminess in what is obviously a 'wait till the end so i can flag rush my crushed troops' ploy. You poop, just surrender. Invader of defenceless countriesboy Well, he's lost two m4's, i have a platoon that's no longer combat effective, (i'm attacking a town). He says "I'll play better with out those tanks anyway" and "you'll miss that platoon later on!". Only ones who'll miss 'em is the whores of the ardennes, i'll take that trade any day! In other news.. I was slaughtering Lewis.. and now he's managed to pull some surprises on me and looks much tougher than i thought, damn it. If i loose any more tanks i'm going to be in trouble.. do some work, loose some weight lazy sods PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000 [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-07-2000).]
  18. Roborat! hassle Berli, it isn't a real knigiittiti challenge unless it's a berli map and evil units must i keep repeating myself? (checks everyone's IQ scores..) o dear.. appears I must. PeterNZ
  19. I'm with Bush I think Humans and fish can coexist peacefully. Lets end this senseless war! PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  20. again with the colonic! ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  21. O for goodness sake JP, relax, try colonic irigation mmmmm. It was just getting funny, hehe, lets laugh about things and not take life quite so seriously? Thread was and has continued in good spirit, and the original poster is right! You yanks, get out there and vote, and drag everyone else out there too! Don't care who you vote for, but just vote PeterNZ [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-07-2000).]
  22. I think you would find 90% of wargamers appreciate CMs accuracy over candy factor. Think of a name in wargaming and I bet they like CM. eg. Wild Bill Wilder.. and so on. This is a great game. If you like wargames, you'll love this, 100% guaranteed. And PC Gamer Groganards? Hehe, you're kidding right? PeterNZ [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-07-2000).]
  23. hehe Policies don't matter! Cool quotes do Currently Bush is loosing on the cool quotes side. Gore is going to have to to better than claim he invented the internet to catch up PeterNZ
  24. I got some fantastic Bush quotes. I just have to quote them because they're great fun I'm an NZ'er in the UK and firmly believe each president is fairly irrelevent to the whole process, but these are funny, enjoy (like deciding which kinda chedder you want with your crackers) PeterNZ "They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program."-St. Charles, Mo., Nov. 2, 2000 "I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can't answer your question."-In response to a question about whether he wished he could take back any of his answers in the first debate. Reynoldsburg, Ohio, Oct. 4, 2000 (Thanks to Peter Feld.) "I would have my secretary of treasury be in touch with the financial centers, not only here but at home."-Boston, Oct. 3, 2000 (Thanks to M. Bateman.) "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."-Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000 "I will have a foreign-handed foreign policy."-Redwood, Calif., Sept. 27, 2000 "One of the common denominators I have found is that expectations rise above that which is expected."-Los Angeles, Sept. 27, 2000 "They have miscalculated me as a leader."-Ibid. "Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness."--Ibid.
  25. Croda, WE ARE NOT FIGHTING ON YOUR STINKY MAP! A proper squire challenge requires some cunning, evil, sneaky, foul and monsterous map and unit choice that makes grown men retch and women pass out. Not some slugging match for some boring hill somewhere. Hiram Sedachu.. is that your name? It keep feeling I should wipe my nose after saying it and I think my co-workers keep wanting to say 'gezuntheid' and offer me cough lollies. For goodness sake man. Are you really ready for the kind of pain i will provide you? Imagine pointy sticks on your private bits, privates standing on your pointy bits, sharpened tutles applied to the buttocks and viscious attack goldfish hosepipped into your lower colon to eat you from the insides out! Hiram, I believe we have to beseach Berli for some kind of setup. Please, feel free to offer him a good servicing. PeterNZ (love my new sig? I do) ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000 [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-07-2000).]
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