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Posts posted by Knaust

  1. I order CDV a copy of CMBB with the cash on delivery option...but they said that they can't use this payment option for Italy (btw Italy and Germany are both in the European Union :D )

    So they asked me for a credit card.

    It seems they like only credit card payment.

    I asked them when CMBB will be in Italian shops, but they still don't know :confused:

    I'm very pissed off, and so many other guys...go to the CDV forum to get an idea for this.

    I think that BFC made a great mistake to get CDV as a partner :mad:

    In the past BFC (especially Steve) was very polite with me...they even sent me a new copy of CMBO as the first one got lost :cool:

    Booh wooh...a good reputation going lost!

  2. What I wanted to mean is the following (yes…I know that my English is very poor :rolleyes: ):

    the move order is merely virtual…it is necessary to establish the initial location of observation (you don’t have to move really to that point!)

    then you have to trace the rotate order line just up to the target location

    the rotate line is a true line of observation (you need to examine the relation between the line and the terrain clicking the zoom 1 key)

    i.e. 1)the rotate line follows the terrain contour if you don’t have LOS to the target

    2)the rotate line doesn’t follow the terrain contour if a LOS exists (it is a straight line treced over the terrain)

    3)you can even state if the LOS isn’t impaired by obstacles like trees,buildings etc.

  3. I'm reading from the CMBB Product News section the following:

    "European players will find the game in their local retail stores. Besides the original English version, CDV will offer fully localized French and German versions."

    Is it this true?...if YES, I would be very pleased to find that pretty box in my local retail store, which otherwise would be surely lost by the Post Office! :rolleyes:

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