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Posts posted by Knaust

  1. Thats why i like best Renault cars!...hehe..just kidding Spy...no abuse!

    Anyway im seeing that my first posting was no graphics fanatism!

    Im asking myself if underbelly hits arent important in a Normandy bocage scenario.

    BTW i think that all these remarks are for a possible CM2.

    Geezzzzz...it looks like being at the University of Details..

    what about a bird ******* on a Tiger?...the Tiger will button up or not?

    Kidding...always appreciating the efforts made on improving a game.

    Many Thanks

  2. Hi Lokesa old cc2 guy

    the Tiger was only an example...it can crush the wall never mind...maybe the mkiii cant...or the stuart...oh well the question to BTS is:

    are underbelly hits considered in the game?

    I read that it wasnt on list...just to be informed...anyway i am no underbelly fanatic!

    I appreciate the game even without underbelly hits!

    Many thanks

  3. sure Ben..for men no problem...but i said that a tank going up a wall shows its underbelly and thus it is extremely vulnerable to shots..this isnt a graphics phanatism!

    I didnt speak wall protection...

    Think this at Last Defence..the Tiger crosses the wall near the wheatfield...a baz in the field can have only a front/side shot.

    If the tank vaults over the wall the baz can hit it on its underbelly...completely different!

    always my two rusty cents

  4. Hey guys..do u know the little wall surrounding the wheatfield in Last Defence?..ok...i ordered my Tiger to cross it just to see what it would have happened.To my surprise the Tiger went through it like an ectoplasm!

    Now i am not a perfectionist fanatic but if the tank goes over the little wall it can show its underbelly to hits..say of a baz hidden in the wheatfield.

    What about that?....just my 2 cents...

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