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Posts posted by Foobar

  1. OK, new development,

    I went in to play CMBO without having icq (version 2001b) running.. In the unit placement start turn, I could make a single DING by trying to place a unit outside my setup zone, that was happening before... now as soon as turn 1 comes around, I tried to Move a tank into hvy woods, I got no ding of death, and in fact no DING at all!

    Can anyone else tell me, do you get a noise when you try to do a redline impossible order, or just silence?

  2. Yes, it also happens when I am in icq sometimes... I get a DING loop that only goes away when I close icq. The "backspace" sound will loop at times as well.

    I have the 4-in-1 drivers....

    I have no creative programs loading into my taskbar..

    I have not tried turning off ambient sounds but I will.

    Win 98SE is my operating system

    MOBO is a IWILL board, with internal sound card that I have bypassed/diabled...

    I would tell you about IRQ settings, but I am ignorant about where to find that information..

    Thanks for posting schullen, any other tips?

  3. OK, I have been patient, I have reinstalled CM completely, I have read the FAQ, and I have tried to eavesdrop on as many tech support threads for similar problems... Here Goes

    Athlon AMD 1.2 ghz

    256 megs ram

    2- 10 gig harddrives


    GEFORCE 3 Ti500 card

    As soon as I get beyond the setup phase in a game of CM, (tcp-ip, pbem, or vs ai, no difference), if I am to give an order that is impossible (order an afv into heavy woods, etc), instead of getting a single 'windows ding' telling me it is an impossible command, I get a ding loop, nothing but dings, and my systems is locked up and needs to be rebooted.

    This problem existed in my 2 years old install of CMBO, and I assumed that it would be fixed as soon as I reinstalled, but alas, I just finished reinstalling, and it is behaving in the exact same way.

    Someone please have mercy on a forum old-timer. I havent played an uninterrupted game of CM in over a month... :( ack!

  4. OK here we go...

    AMD 1.2 Ghz processor

    256 megs ram

    10 + 20 gig drives.

    GeForce3 Ti 500

    I love the card, I can scream around the August Bank Holiday map with no slowdown at all... but whenever I try to enable the Full Screen Anti-Aliasing, CM does the funky chicken and goes off into la la land. the visual experience is much like when you "clip" in Doom2.

    My choices are 2x, 4x, and some chupacabra fsaa settings....

    Any advice? or am I to be waiting for cmbb to make this thing work?

    Thanks in advance

  5. Now it is really the new year. All you people jump the gun on things before we get rolling out here on the West Coast. It reminds me of The network news telling me who won the presidential race before I go down to the ballots. Ye wankers...

    Oh, and by the way, its the same time, everywhere all at once. If its a new year in one place, it's the the new year everywhere. Time zones are for the unenlightened.

    I should now apologize, as it is I am cranky with festering lung sores, and am now partaking of my first alcohol. (Nyquil! woohoo!)

    Love ya, mean it....

  6. This is Captain Foobar reporting in.

    For those of you who don't know me, I was tasked with being the allied commander for this game. I have not heard from the GM yet, so until I hear otherwise, I assume that I still am involved at this level.

    To all allied (and axis) players, I apologize if my absence has caused problems, but as correspondance had dropped off in December, I assumed it had stalled out. I have all original orders, and I am very happy to see that this thing is geting back online. Today I will do what is necessary to get organized.

    One problem. My emails bounce back when I try to send to 2 of my chief players, Windstarz and Dirtweasle. If you two are reading this, I will do all correspondance with you on the newly created forum. This will hopefully stop the terrible communication troubles I was having with my subordinates, where I didnt know what they had received from me, or when.

    To all axis players reading, be sure and keep your engines warm, and in transmissions in reverse. I can provide detailed maps for you on how to get back to Metz, if you would like to avoid the red tape.

    That is all for the moment.

    [ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: *Captain Foobar* ]</p>

  7. I am wondering, with the advent of doodads and such. Why is it still not possible to have partially destroyed buildings. Any of you who have played Operation Flashpoint should be able to remember the type I am referring to, where only 1 or 3 walls of a structure are standing, and the roof is out? Even if the cover % was the same as an unharmed building, it would be nice to have the textures clear in spots, to givre it that, "just smacked by an 88" look. Has anyone heard anything along these lines?

    [ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: *Captain Foobar* ]</p>

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