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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Foobar

  1. If you are thinking too hard about the victory points, you will lose some of what the game is about, imo.

    If I was out there, you had orders to get from point A to point B, and there was an isolated unit out there still alive, I would not feel to motivated to risk my life precious for it.

    Everybody on the map would want to finish the game with a pulse. You get a better picture of battle if you play with these motivations.

    The points are supposed to (in a perfect world) reward realistic behavior, and if find yourself in a situation where they arent doing that, forget about the points.

  2. Oh sure they look great, but as Slapdragon has said about Shermans, "They die faster than Redshirts on Star Trek"..

    I just lost THREE of them, two vets and a regular to a single U.S. greyhound. They had him pinned down, but he backed up, and snuck up on them taking pot shots. The combination of a slow ROF, slow turret, and paper-thin armor will get you every time.. Damn,

  3. Am I a heretic for saying that I am not completely frothing at the mouth for CMBB? Don't get me wrong, I will be VERY happy when it gets here, buy my 2 or 3 copies, or whatever, but my deep thirsts for wargaming are being served well by CMBO. This is it man. What are you people doing wrong that you need to move on to CMBB, dropping CMBO off at the next block like some cheap whore?

    This is not to say that CMBB will not improve upon what we have already. So don't even try arguing that point, especially you Lindan. You've had it out for me since the beginning. You bitch.

  4. PenileItch:

    As my 6 yr old nephew has said to me time and time again.. "DUH!!!!" Yes every building is on fire. All the infantry have run off the map, do to the lack of cover. 95% of all afvs are disabled or shocked.Yes it did in fact start 9 months ago.

    You must not have been paying attention..Let me pull up some archived comments from me, here in the mutha beautiful....

    Foobar-September 2000

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> WooHoo, I just swiped 4 afvs on turn 2...this is going to be fun..

    Foobar-October 2000

    This scenario is really screwed up<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Foobar-December 2000

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Damn My eyes! are we still doing this????<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Foobar-February 2001

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Jumpin Jehosephat on a pogo stick, it just wont end. Why wont it end. Where are you hiding? Where did my infantry go? Why is my tank stuck behind those 2 buildings? Thats it, Im off to the methadone clinic..


    Foobar-April 2001

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> (guurgle) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Foobar- July 2001

    (wanders home without pants..no memory of last 3 months)

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I have nothing left inside,and I just want to hate. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And that about brings us up to date, right Robo? Yeah, I think so... Let me also cite the 10 or so fecking games that have been lost because I HAD to turn smoke off for this thing, and forgot to turn it back on for other matches. Damn you all... Why do you think I havent posted in so long? The only thing keeping me going is that there are only 6 turns left, and I am sure we can get through those in no more than 2 months.

    While your offers of trinkets and baubles truly pisses me off, I do agree that you owe me something. I want a blood hamster against every loathsome piece of filth who had anything to do with this bastard. You will pay..

  5. Originally posted by Roborat:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>note to foobar: This game has been going since forever, the reason I don't come out is that my tanks have run out of bloody fuel, and the men's various rifles and smgs have rusted up solid through lack of use, and I think a family of badgers have taken up residence in the panzershreck, as the men are afraid to disturb it. So you just come in and get me, Mr. "I have some french tanks left and am not afraid to use them". We have plenty of rocks and pointed sticks to fend you off with. And one unit has managed to scrounge up a few bananas and nectarines, just to give you some tactical variety (and maybe a few bee stings).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    This is what you get for speaking up for Meeks, so many months ago. Your suffering is great. And it is long. Had I a conscience, I would have forced this fray to a conclusion 3 months ago. But in retrospect, when this bloody mess started, I had many things that I can no longer afford. But I do have Panache, Moxie, and a distaste for fair play.

    But again, where is Meeks? You will fall defending his name, and where is the dumbcough? Boy did you back the wrong horse...

    I almost mustered up some admiration for your stoic perseverence through all of this. But then you killed one of my Shermans. Now all I have for you is H.E.

  6. Great Caesar's Ghost,

    I would rather see a 40 page blubbering vomit pile by mouse than read the lusting, witless typings of a bunch of pathetic boozehounds, trying to shake off the Delerium Tremors while posting at work... Your breath smells like the bottle of BRUT your kids bought you last Christmas, and they always wondered why you never wear it at home...

    At least that prick mouse didn't try to sound philosophical about the rotgut he was imbibing. News Flash: Your chemical dependancy doesnt make you distinguished or respectable. You are a drunk. And apparently a PICKY drunk. There's a dignity that even whinos have that the rest of you can't attain or understand. Its the honest pride in no longer wearing undergraments, the spartan practical efficiency of eating other people's cheese paper without regret. They know the truth about themselves.

    So let's hear it. Who will be the next oaf to step up and claim entitlement to a Nobel Prize for having a penchant for Sikorsky's Siberian PotatoJuice circa 1979 or some ****e?

  7. You know what Lawyer? I have done the whole Ardennes thing already, so dont try rubbing that in my face, you petty little clerk.

    In fact, I am over it.Its been done.And I have seen things there. Secret things that you will never find. And isnt it funny that you chose a morbid little ret-trap like Baugnez to base your wanderings out of. Hoping to get some survivor lawsuits going while youre there? Personally, I had better things to do than pick through the weeds of Malmedy for bone fragments, you sick bastard.

    Now stay away from the roast boar while in Bastogne. It, much like you , is very gamey and usually stale.

  8. Look, this is simply and clearly a fresh steaming load. I am sick of hearing about it. Panzerleader, SHUT UP. Cesspooligans, STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM.

    Let me start by pointing out that I have bee prowling the mutha beautiful in silence since its inception and beyond. Does that entitle me to anything? Hell no. Just look at the ration of ****e i was treated to LAST time i tried posting here in earnest.

    Make no mistake, you whores. I am not a bastard child. Berli, the evil lord of smouldering anguish is my father figure, my mentor, my sponsor. I have been dutifully locked in a fatal duel with Roborat since last FECKING OCTOBER. It has ruined my life. I dont enjoy anything anymore. But do I complain? NO, and I dont come in here begging for praise and attention.

    I know my place, I get told to PISS OFF constantly. That worthless git JoeBlowShaw would love to damage my mind. And have I ever written a 40 page diatribe to you all, crying in my beer? NO. And the day any of you worthless dregs gives me quarter is the day I slit my wrists with my Combat Mission CD, and play Sudden Strike on my blood covered Computer Desk, until I lose consciousness, and ultimately, my life precious.

    To the pool: Kiss my pimply bloated arse.

    To Mousey : Shut up, and give in to despair. This is a cesspool, not a tupperware party.


    (Robobrat- your turn is sent. turn 25 now, and you still hide like a festering buttock boil. Will your hesitation never end?)

  9. originally posted by Grey Wolf:

    Hello young, is not perhaps the best way, in order to begin sowas, but is for the moment the only one, which occurs to me. I gladly the play to add, have however no credit card (and unfortunately also none in the proximity, which one would have), and the thing with the cheque is me honestly said a) too uncertainly and B) lasts nevertheless bisserl for a long time. Times quite refrained from it international banks in my region the also not even frequent are... The question would be thus, could me there one of you times help out, thus with its card order, and I sheet metals the whole then by transfer? If their me to help can * crosses the fingers * last I to you very gratefully! If interest exists (hopefully), answers nevertheless simply here or ne PM or ne message sends to me via ICQ (99968863). Beautiful weekend still! Greetings, Grey_Wolf

    yeah, i just translated you into babelfish. After all of that I am still not sure what you said. But luckily, there are some educated people here, who know more than one language.. Bye bye Now Where are my cheese puffs?

  10. Oh, and I dont post much because of the highly fecal squire challenge that has slowly but surely been ruining my life... I explained in detail about 3 peng threads back..

    But be glad, all of ye, that I don't. Brevity is the soul of wit, and when you are as short of wit as I am, posting in excess of twice a month will result in disgusting dribble that would give Panzerleader a run for his money... ( I know, I know, I shouldnt have invoked his name.. but what the hell, I am a life-sentenced squire with nothing to lose..)

    Roborat: piss off, or send me a turn, or both, or don't!

  11. I just ran a test...

    Mattias. You are right about the minefields not being spotted at range.

    But why have them marked after they have been hit? Surely this is an example of absolute spotting that we could simply avoid by getting rid of the markers?

    And if you want to know what happened to those 2 or 3 squad members, just watch the movie file again...

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