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Posts posted by Foobar

  1. and I dont know how to fix it! hehe

    They both have a single arm that doesn't match the rest of their ensemble. It also shows up in the snow.... I imagine it has something to do with the unit specific arm patches.

    Can anyone help me figure out how to get them back into parade gear? I have a hunch on how to fix the Airbornes, but I havent found any Gebirgs mods that will give me a fresh start...

    Any advice and/or mockery would be greatly appreciated.

  2. I usually stay put during an artillery barrage. By the time the shells are falling, you are asking for trouble by telling them to get on their feet.

    Now if you have other reasons for wanting to displace your units, besides your shell-phobia, then try a modification of that running sideways trick. Instead, run diagonally back towards your own lines, at an angle that allows you to use the withdraw command. What you lose in time for having to run diagonally, you will make up for spending less time at ground zero, since you have just eliminated a 15-33-45 second command delay..

  3. Funnyman,

    If you dont like the sarcasm, you might need to start using your keyboard like a big boy. ;) Just a word of advice man, that 3L33+ ^IO*YU()UJYHO kind of talk is hilarious, and youre just begging to be jeered at with it.

    Now there are times when I have experienced a huge gap (of time?) in between playing. This is known as the calculation phase. You will see a blue bar at the bottom center of your screen. This is your computer calculating the action for the 60 second movie playback.

    If you got your CM cd from a source other than Big Time Software, their copied version of CM might have a problem on it. If so, go ahead and post the url (and IP#) for the website where you got it, and I am certain that one of BTS's support staff will get right on it, and solve your problem.

    Hope that helps smile.gif

  4. I think the tactical and strategic AI in Combat Mission is very good. Better than any other game out there. I am not referring to the "enemy mind" AI here, but just the part that deals with the actions of your units, and your adversary's units during the move file, (tac does the movie file decisions, strat does a good portion of the enemy waypoint decisions)

    The part of the AI that seems to have difficulty putting up a good fight is the Operational AI. There are things that it is not able to calculate, and I don't see how you could program ANY software to effectively calculate. Its like a monkey with its hand grasped on the ball inside a vase.

    Objective: Get Ball

    Problem: Can't! Hand is stuck! Ahhggghh!!!

    Solution: Let's rush our mortar crews to make up for it!!

    1)The Operational AI wants that VL. It wants it bad, and is willing to do anything to get it, as soon as non-humanly possible. The thing is, you know this. You can play possum, get them to charge up, and then spring a nasty ambush on units who don't know that they need to destroy you before they can effectively control VL's.

    2)The AI doesn't know that you havent used your arty up yet? Why should it? To try to program the AI to consider that it hasnt been shelled with 250 points worth of arty in a 1250 point ME against you is to try and program it to be a CM Player, not a strategic simulator.

    3)It also doesnt appear to remember from turn to turn where your MG, or Bazooka, or AT teams went, if they lose sight of them. This goes back to #1. Why should it hunt you down if you are not immediately inhibiting it from its digital desires?

    4) The AI is not patient. You have this information available to you. You know that if you reverse out of an armor duel into a defilade position, the AI will send units forward, and into the bottleneck where you are waiting for them.

    5) No smokescreens before an assault, Little efforts at suppression whilst or before making their assault.

    6) It has a Main Effort, but has no concept of YOUR Main Effort.

    With all this being said, I love the AI dearly. It can be a brutal teacher when it is defending, and even sometimeas a comical victor when attacking you with the right odds. I can't imagine how one would effectively code items 1-6 into a game with this many tactical options, and situations. All in all this game has shown for years now that it can stand up to close scrutiny, and often suprise you.

    Its always a treasure to play someone that has been exclusively re-educated by the AI as an opponent for a couple of weeks. "But the AI didnt to that to me.....sigh..." Their TRON-world population takes a major hit, whilst mine are celebrating.

    I like saying whilst. Whilst, whilst, whilst.

    [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: *Captain Foobar* ]</p>

  5. Now as I understand this, covering arcs will replace the ambush command. Now this in fine for keeping them from firing to the left or right, but what about long range within the covering arc? Imagine you put a covering arc on a tight road intersection only 100 meters away from your at gun, and then he decides to fire on something 300 meters away, that was within the arc accidentally, but nowhere near the intersection you were trying to ambush. Does this mean we will have to use the hide command instead?

  6. Umm, hello people?

    The Tiger tank. Enough armor to survive almost any encounter, but not so strong against tungsten that your opponents cry foul. Beyond having the BEST AT main gun in CMBO, the 88, (which is the only way to kill those damned churchill VII's), it also comes with a massive supply of HE. This makes it one of the best anti-tank units, and THE best infantry support tank in the german arsenal.

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