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Everything posted by Fenris

  1. I knew this automatic firing mortar existed but I've never seen one in use
  2. Drone salesman be like "Is there anything a drone can't do??"
  3. Doco from Butusov on running supplies to defenders in Mariupol by helicopter (with English subs)
  4. This is the first I've seen on the topic of Syrians since the call to arms back in what was it? March?
  5. Sounds like the kind of person who goes on to be a leader. What a waste. Makes me pretty angry.
  6. Long wait for DE systems Colourful language in english is a little jarring being so used to hearing Ukrainian
  7. Thanks, that was interesting (even though I don't speak French). Did she say they were able to shoot and scoot in 4 minutes?
  8. Interesting because the mine suspected of being used, see second part of tweet. Essentially an automatically triggered panzerfaust sitting on the side of the road waiting for something to drive past.
  9. Case in point - this got posted a couple of hours ago (it's twitter so should probably wait for corroboration but posting anyway) Will put a link, there's another tweet with a photo of a corpse attached. https://twitter.com/uasupport999/status/1533586195388801030
  10. Hmmm, ballsy sure, but is that a great idea? I really hope he doesn't go the way of all the RF generals that have gotten too close the pointy end of things.
  11. Next interview with US ex-serviceman James Vasquez. The 'take no prisoners' comment from the last interview is the first thing they discuss. From some of the comments it sounds a bit like his unit was working autonomously without being an integrated part of the UKR forces, buying all there own gear, getting and acting on their own intel, maybe there's just not enough details to make that assumption. Not a channel I'd normally watch, the interviewer is a bit too much of something for me, interesting to hear the first hand account tied to pics I've been seeing over the past couple months on his twitter. There's a bit where he's at that BRDM(?) monument that got shot up by passing BTRs early on in the invasion too.
  12. Something to add to teh TOE of the next module. I've been wondering about the apparent prevalence of suppressors I've been seeing - what's the reason for this? I'd have thought range and hitting power would still be important, especially with body armour being more common. Or is staying concealed considered more important now?
  13. Was just thinking about that bit. I admire the guy for what he's been doing over there but he shouldn't be admitting to stuff like that, especially on the internet.
  14. I was pointed to this little bit of news yesterday. Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia ditches referendum on joining Russia https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20220530-georgia-s-breakaway-region-of-south-ossetia-ditches-referendum-on-joining-russia
  15. Another heavy weapons announcement, says possible transfers, anyone in Europe know any details?
  16. With Orban declaring a state of emergency the other day it's not going to be long before Europe has another "president for life" on the continent. I'm ignorant of how things work over there and am wondering how does that play into EU and NATO rules? (Little bit of a side track but I'm concerned with him making things more difficult)
  17. Was thinking the same thing, snow and trees with no leaves.
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