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Everything posted by Fenris

  1. As there was a clip of the "almighty will be better than anything ever seen before or since (amen)" T-14 the other day I'll quietly slip this one in here for any that are interested. AbramsX Technology Demonstrator Says it's a hybrid, I wonder if it can do pure electric for little bits - would certainly be quieter than the howling T-14 if what we saw the other day was real.
  2. Haha, the level of grog chat of the most esoteric topics is great and funnily enough this came up on one of the main UKR twitter accounts today
  3. Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty
  4. That's gold. Coward in a space cadet uniform had me laughing out loud. Send all the useless people, far out.
  5. Didn't Grigb mention up thread that a Wagner unit had disappeared? This got me thinking, would it be in the realms of possibility that this guy would use his PMC internally if the opportunity for advancement presented itself? What sort of support base or block does he fall into?
  6. Some clips of medico's in action https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/1574393579199422464 Whilst I'm aware this is the price of UKR success, it still annoys me to no end that they have to suffer for it at all.
  7. This was apparently filmed in Rostov Oblast
  8. Check the youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/БутусовПлюс/videos He's been posting clips a couple of times a day. Auto-translate is a bit hit and miss but you can get the gist of most of what's said.
  9. No idea about the context of this clip but obviously something else that will be lending some urgency to what UKR are doing at the moment
  10. Black Sea is going to need one hell of a vehicle expansion pack
  11. Hey look... A tank with supporting infantry, that's new
  12. Dangers of crossing a pontoon bridge (2nd clip is a little graphic).
  13. 40 minutes of footage from a foreign volunteer who says it's from the start of the conflict. Notable for showing how completely chaotic it was. Pretty brave and/or crazy to just jump right in like this with a couple of strangers, no comms and a language barrier. Complete GoPro of my 1st mission in Ukraine Edit - watching another vid from the same guy he says that his team leader and the UKR army unit they were with weren't happy with them tearing off like this and he got transferred to another unit because of it. After a while he ended up in a SOF unit with a mix of UKR and other well trained/experienced foreign fighters.
  14. Nothing important, just interesting. Although jokes about German weapons deliveries do present themselves.
  15. Perhaps hitting a mine and walking back to your lines alive is preferable to getting close the UKR light infantry.
  16. I knew this automatic firing mortar existed but I've never seen one in use
  17. Drone salesman be like "Is there anything a drone can't do??"
  18. Doco from Butusov on running supplies to defenders in Mariupol by helicopter (with English subs)
  19. This is the first I've seen on the topic of Syrians since the call to arms back in what was it? March?
  20. Sounds like the kind of person who goes on to be a leader. What a waste. Makes me pretty angry.
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