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Posts posted by CrapGame

  1. Shatter -

    One Word - SMOKE!!!!!!!!!

    The more the better. I have been on the delivering and receiving end of massive smoke barrages, and nothing negates the advantages of a King Tiger or SuperPershing better than being engulfed by a giant cloud of smoke, and then being killed by some lowly footsoldiers.

    Heed my words... They will help you.



  2. With 1.04, I finally had an AC get a kill and live through the battle. Last night my 234/? (with 20mm gun) dueled it out with a White Scout car over quite a bit of terrain (a great car chase scene, as my AC chased the White around for 2 turns before the White got bogged) and then the 20mm finally found its mark and chewed it up. What was very interesting to see was locking the view onto my AC from Camera 4, and watching it zig-zag as it chased the White and the white fired its .50 at it. Very cool to watch.

    Just my $.02



  3. Actor,

    I have learned quite a bit about sharing broadband connections and newtorking pc's together in the past week. I suggest these two sites for some very informative reading. I got quite a bit of help from the forums on the second site.

    http://www.timhiggins.com/ http://www.dslreports.com/

    In a nutshell, the amount of effort to network the two and share the cable connection depends on the ISP you use, as there are a number of different systems used. Mine was one of the slightly more difficult, but even as a newbie to networking, it didn't take that much. Search the DSLReports site for posts by CrapGameCPA (that's me, but someone beat me to CrapGame), and you will see my story unfold.

    Basically, with the easiest ISP's (the ones that allow multiple IP addresses), you could connect your cable modem to the uplink port on a small hub (say 4 ports or so) and then connect each of your pc's to the hub. As long as TCP/IP is running on each of your NIC's (network cards) you might be able to get right to the net on both machines.

    Some systems have different authorization schemes, or only allow one IP address per account (such as mine). My ISP allowed only one address, and that was frozen to the network card in my old PC. I ended up having to buy a home router (not too expensive) which I then programmed (very easily in under 5 minutes) to mimic the address of the network card on my old pc. I got rid of the hub, and plugged both my pc's into the router, rebooted the pc's and voila - Internet on both pc's at the same time. All traffic to the outside world is presented to my ISP as if it was coming from my old pc, and incoming traffic is routed to the correct pc.

    It is great! The router provides a firewall from the outside world, and the built in ports act as a speedy hub.

    If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to post here or e-mail me. My address is in my profile. I might be able to help, or get you in contact with someone who can.



  4. Ryan,

    I felt the same way about the monitor. It was all worth it once I got the damn thing plugged in though. That noise must be the fan on mine as well. I just thought it must be the hard drive spinning. Let me know what dell says. I have my 2 pc's networked together through a MaxGate Ugate 3200 switch/router, which just arrived with the UPS man yesterday. It lets my pc's share their dsl connection. It's awesome. Highly recommended, and even a relative tech newbie such as myself got it configured in under 5 minutes. I haven't watched a DVD on mine yet. Does it just automatically turn on when you drop a disk in?

    Drop a line when you get back.



  5. Ryan,

    My system was in my garage before the website had a delivery status update. I live in NY, and it was 36 hours for delivery. So, unless you live in the upper northeast, it will probably be there in two days. UPS works well with Dell. You'll have to let me know how to use the CD-Burner, because I haven't done a damn thing with mine but play CM.

  6. Gila -

    I used to believe that more is better myself. However, I played a few games with veteran, crack and elite troops, and I now am firmly in the camp of Quality over Quantity. See my thread about crack troops from last weekend. Several other players, such as Andreas (alias Germanboy) whose skill certainly exceeds mine, are also believers in this idea.

    There probably is a good solution somewhere in the idea of mixing veteran and regular troops as well, but I haven't played enough to figure out where that mix lies.



  7. Ryan,

    ACTOR is absolutely correct. I tried to do what I described above, and got the errors described. Perhaps you could set the desktop at the high resolution level and then play with the size of the icons and other stuff through the Appearance tab? Just a thought. Also, my PC arrived at 9a.m. on the date Dell calls the "Ship By" date. Basically, I ordered Monday afternoon, and it was in my garage in NY Friday at 9a.m. - No complaints. Best of luck with it.



  8. Congrats - you'll love the machine. My only complaint is that the HD (I got the 45 gig one) is louder than the one in my old machine, which is not so bad considering how much faster it is.

    To answer your question, I don't know if you'll have to keep it at the same resolution. I would try putting the resolution on the desktop up as high as you want it for the game first, install CM and get it set at the resolution you want, and then getting out of CM and putting the desktop back at the setting you want for word processing. I believe that CM remembers the settings you specify when you first turn it on, and will use those when you play it. Check back tonite, I'll try it at home and let you know what happens by posting the result here.



  9. Yes, the CANADIANS! For some reason, my PC almost always pciks the Canadians. I have only faced the Brits once, the Amis once, and the Poles once. I have never faced the French yet - I know it's random, but how many times do I have to send them packing?

    Anyway, David, I was trying to see how much difference there was between crack troops and regular, as I usually only use regular troops. I think I have to play some attack QB's with the crack troops. It might make some of my attacks a little better (it sure as hell can't make them worse smile.gif )



  10. Andreas - Yes, exactly what I mean. I had one platoon of Gebirgsjaegers with the following: G-0: 7 casualties with none of their own, G-1: 29 casualties with none of their own, G-2: 24 casualties with 3 of their own, G-3: 56 casualties with 1 of their own. Amazing, 116 casualties caused for 4 of their own! Crack troops are worth their weight in gold.



  11. I have played quite a bit this weekend on my new PC, have come to some conclusions.

    First, let me state I was a firm believer in the school of larger numbers is better, so I regularly would use regular troops. Never thought anything about how worthless my sharpshooters were, and how quickly my Panthers died.

    Now, I played a quick battle versus the AI. 3000 points for me as Germans on the defense in a Probe engagement. The AI picks the Canadians. I bought 5 platoons of Crack Gerbigsjaegers, a couple of crack HMGs, 2 elite snipers, 2 crack quad 20mm flak guns, an elite King Tiger, 2 Crack Panther G (Late) and 2 veteran StuH 42's.

    Result - 99 to 1 victory over the AI. Over 300 casualties to 6. Hero of the day - Unterofficer Trilsbach, whose Panther, despite being immobilized by a track hit on the first shot of the game, proceeded to rack up the following kills: 13 infantry, 1 mortar, 1 Firefly, 4 Sherman V's, 4 Sherman II's, and 1 Churchill VII. He singlehandedly broke the spine of the Canadian assault.

    Conclusions - Never have I had such outstanding performances from troops before. I also noticed that the elite sharpshooter I had located in the vicinity of this Panther caused most of Trilsbach's kills to be buttoned up. It was funny to hear the number of hatch closings on that side of the field.

    Anyone else notice the HUGE difference between Crack and Veteran/Regular troops?



  12. Ryan - IT's F**KING AMAZING! BUY IT NOW!

    I don't think you need the 64mb version. The pc takes under 10 seconds to process any scenario I've played (largest so far was a quick battle with 3000 points perside)and the scrolling is seamless smooth. 19" monitor with 1152*768 picture is incredible!

    Have fun



  13. PR -

    CM2 May require it, but how long will that be? 1-2 years? (Not a complaint by the way) By the time that comes, the GeForce 2 will be old news (NVidia is already working on the successor - their product cycle is about 6 months), and we'll be trying to decide between the 2500 MHz and 3000 MHz Pentium 4's! Save the money now, and be able to upgrade later.

    Just my $.02 and good luck with your purchase - I'll let you know how the machine with the 32 Mb GeForce 2 runs as soon as it gets to my house (Hopefully Friday, but probably Monday - DAMN!)



  14. Pvt Ryan -

    Just ordered that exact system last night myself (should be shipped by friday!). If you look closely on their webpage, a CD-RW unit is FREE (as is the upgrade from the 17" to the 19" monitor!) with the 933 and 1000 MHz systems. I ordered the DVD-ROM (never know if you might need it in the future), 128 mb ram and the 32MB DDR GeForce 2 video card. From everything I have read, the 32mb version is already more powerful than current PCs can use. Save the extra cash from the video card. If you want to see the quote page they sent me, e-mail me and I'll send it to you ASAP.

    Can't wait to get my hands on it!



  15. I had the pleasure of trying the Glenfarclas 105 while vacationing in Victoria, B.C. (Beautiful town by the way). Thank you exchange rate! Well worth the few bucks to give it a try. Not as smooth as someof the others I have recently tried, but a distinctly different experience. Thank you contributors to this board.



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