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Posts posted by CrapGame

  1. I have played a scenario where the AI was attacking a 75mm pillbox of mine, and it proceeded to attack with multiple armored vehicles from multiple angles that it proceeded to move laterally across the field of vision of my pillbox, which caused the AT gun to continually skip from target to target without sticking on one long enough to fire. Frustrating as hell as it was to me, I must give compliments to AI on that one.



  2. I think a person's favor or disfavor with the Hetzer has to do a lot with their experience with them in CM. I have been on the receiving and giving end of the Hetzer, and, (very important) if it is well-positioned, a Hetzer is worth 10 times its cost. On the other hand, I have had a Hetzer taken out by a Jeep armed with a .50 browning that snuck behind it. It does have a relatively slow ROF, and its armor is prone to spalling, but I like the Hetzer when it can be positioned well.



  3. I have a 32mb GeForce 2 GTS, but I think you can get the most bang for your buck with a version of the GeForce 2 MX, which is apparently a slightly detuned version of the GTS for around $150-175. A lot of people have had success with the 32mb TNT2 boards, but I don't know what they cost.



  4. Be wary of Cybermax. Their parent company is in or is nearing Bankruptcy. There are reports in some of the PC magazines of PC's not shipping, etc. I was going to buy one myself (the Enthusiast 2 seemed a good value)until I saw the article. Also, their Athlons (as of 6 weeks ago) are not the Thunderbirds, they are the old style Athlons.



  5. Minnesota Joe -

    Post this question in the tech support forum as well. Make it to the attention of a chap by the monicker of Schrullenhaft. He is often found lurking in there. He's a very knowledgeable computer guy and might be able to answer specific tech questions that you may have. He's helped a ton of CM players already.



  6. It is the same way with large maps and 5000 pt. quick battles. I thought I read somewhere on the forum that the maps are automatically scaled to a certain size depending on the number of points chosen for the battle - i.e. a "medium" map for a 1500pt quick battle would be smaller than a "medium" map for aa 2500pt quick battle. I noticed this when I played some 5000pt quick battles versus the AI, and the maps seemed huge to defend even with 5000 points to spend!

    Please correct me if I am wrong.



  7. I used to feel the same way. However, if you use a crack or elite sharpshooter, your opinion will change dramatically. They are worth their weight in gold. In one QB, I had an elite sniper and a JPZIV(70) stop an entire British armored assault, where the JPZ ended up with 13 armored vehicle kills. Watching the battle, I would view from the sharpshooter's perspective, and one after another, he would take out the commanders of the tanks and gunners of halftracks, which would then wander up the road while buttoned up, where they met up with an unbuttoned JPZ. Completely changed my opinion of the value of the sharpshooter.



  8. Fernando, do you have the newest version of this one where the reinforcements don't appear in the midst of the American lines? I think the designer of this one has posted it, and it makes the game much more winnable from the German side when your reinforcements live longer than 32 seconds (which is how long mine lived the first time I played this one in the one on the disk).



  9. I had the same system, but with 80mb of RAM. The game is much slower than the demo. I believe the texture sizes are larger, straining the video subsystem, and the much larger number of units present in a full version battle made mine choke. Processing some turns took over 3-5 minutes for the AI, and then a similar amount of time to calculate the results.

    Told the missus I had to have a new PC, and now I have a PIII 933. Whew. Worth working the OT to pay for it.



  10. Ryan,

    Inside the little dell box (the one with all the manuals and cd's in it and velcro tab) is a small piece of yellow paper, which is the upgrade coupon. I still haven't decided if I want to do that yet, as knowing Microsoft, there will be many bugs in the first release. I'm going to call tech support tonite, and get my name on that list.



  11. Listen to Kenny Rogers "Greatest Hits" Track #11. You'll know when to walk away, and know when to run.....

    Damn - hit the post button too fast. I have this problem myself. From my experience, having some of my teams crawl away usually makes cannon fodder of the remaining teams, even with support from mortars. I hate that.



    [This message has been edited by CrapGame (edited 08-23-2000).]

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Crapgame. What the HELL kinda name is that! I hate smoke....should only be unsed in the MOST DESPRATE times. once those German scum used an 80mm spotter to smoke my boys. didn,t work to well and I was soon I was all over him. Mabye if he'd used real BULLETS.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Private MB:

    The fact that you don't recognize the origin of my name or its presence on this board speaks volumes about your age. Due to this fact, as well as that you are a newbie(junior member), and the youthful exuberance of your post means I will refrain from a harshly-worded inflammatory response.

    I have been around these fora a long time, and have been playing the game since the Beta Demo became available to the public. I have read enough AAR's, played enough battles, and had enough conversations with players whose CM skills lay far above my level to learn a few things about CM. One of those little gems is that in CM, smoke is an essential element in carrying out a successful assault. Assaults carried out without smoke, except in cases of incredible firepower superiority which results in total suppression of the enemy, are doomed to failure, or at least cost extremely high casualties. You would know this if you have played very much.

    And perhaps your "German scum" need to be commanded by the right leader (not the AI), and then see how quickly they die....

    You are dismissed.



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