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Posts posted by CrapGame

  1. Ah yes, I wondered how long it would take for the Visa/MC vs Amex debate to raise its ugly head. MadMatt is definitely correct. AmEx charges a higher percentage of the total sale to use its card than does Visa/MC. I believe the numbers were roughly something like 1.5% of the total sale for Visa/MC and 3.5% of the sale for AmEx (these might be out of date). This translates into lower profit margins for the Vendor for accepting AmEx versus Visa/MC.



  2. Sniper,

    Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, this antique disguised as a PC that I use only has PCI slots. Unfortunately, I have to wait for Santa to get the new PCI with AGP, etc. It also sucks because I can't play the "Large" and "Huge" battles and ops without this thing choking and crashing. Can't wait for the gigahertz machine.



  3. Oh Tyson my friend... Welcome to wonderful world of CM.

    There are quite a number of PBEM players here, of varying ages from teens to our elders, and varying abilities, from average to the elite Beta-Testers. You should start with asking to play a couple of relative rookies here, before you play with the Big Boys. I am one of those PBEM rookies, currently playing my first PBEM against one of the Big Boys, and am currently getting my ass handed to me. I probably should have started by asking to play some other newbie myself.

    Do you have the Gold demo or the full version of CM? I would bet that most people here will probably not want to play Valley of Trouble or Chance Encounter again if they don't have to. They prefer playing PBEM in double blind matches.

    I'd play you, but have time constraints as it is (I'm sure my PBEM opponent will verify this).

    Good Luck


    CrapGame out

  4. Pfalz,

    No worries, mate. I wasn't sure if anyone was going to answer my question is all. While I have you on the topic of the mortar 1/2 tracks, what is the difference between the two german ones (I think one is 250/7? and the other is a 251/7?) Do they carry different weapons, or ammo loads? I'm at work, so I can't look them up here. Also, in the battle I used the cheaper of the 2, and it didn't seem to have an MG. Is that right?



    CrapGame out

  5. I've used the "All-Powerful Puppchen" in a number of quick battles, and in my experience, my Puppchen Crews (regular experience, not green) couldn't hit the side of a barn from the inside.

    I bought 6 in a defensive battle, and by the end of the battle, there were 5 crews running around, 1 crew dead, and no casualties caused by any of them. They had at least 8 armored targets to shoot at, which started out 300m away with nice lines of site - NO KILLS. Lucky for me, it was just an experiment to their effectiveness, and the 2 jpz/70's took out the allied armor(5 shermans, 2 hellcats and an unidentified SPG).

    Somedays, sh*t happens.


    CrapGame out

  6. Michael,

    Thanks for the reply. I noticed that there was no "in command" line from the company commander to the vehicle, but thought that it just didn't show for vehicles. I specifically picked out the mortar carriers instead of the individual teams, because I thought they would have a higher ammo loadout than the teams. However, not being able to use them indirectly made me expose them to enemy fire to use them, and they died rather quickly.

    Andreas, that's a good idea. I'll file that one away for later use.


    CrapGame out

  7. fd ski - What is WB? A flight sim? Unfortunately, no I don't. My current PC is not nearly fast enough to play a decent flight sim anymore. What little free time I have at my PC is usually absorbed by this damn game.

    Jarmo, So their goal was to capture the VL's? How is the 10% advantage calculated? I mean, Assault gets double the defender, right, so thats 800 X 2 = 1600, plus 10% of the 1600? or 10% of the original 800? Anyway, were the scenarios e-mailed to you? Sounds like good fun. Keep the reports coming.


    CrapGame out

  8. PBEM IS A BLAST! Right now my 2nd SS Girl Scouts are losing their PBEM cherries to a rogue by the name of Berlichtingen-whama-lama-ding-dong, and I must say that having your ass handed to you on a plate happens even quicker versus a human than the AI.

    Good Fun! And, its not bad doing a turn or two a day when I get home from work, thinking strategy during the day makes the work go quicker!


    CrapGame out

  9. It sounds as if all of you have been facing assaults plus additional major advantages to the allies in manpower? If the manpower and equipment advantages are so numerically superior for the allies, are at least the quality of the men superior for the Germans, at least to make the gameplay a little more balanced?


    CrapGame out

  10. Pfalz,

    The reason I asked about indirect fire from Mortar Vehicles is that I could not get them to fire when they were in the command radius of a Company commander with outstanding views of the battlefield, they had not moved from their initial setup points, and they would not fire. I have used the search before, and no one has discussed the vehicles before.

    So I ask anyone in the know, can mortars on vehicles fire indirectly, or are they treated differently as they are vehicles?




    CrapGame out

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