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Bil Hardenberger

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Everything posted by Bil Hardenberger

  1. Sorry, I have yet to complete the red icons for the Ukrainian and US, nor have I done the Blue icons for the Russians.
  2. The bit about hedgerows was tacked on at the last moment and I never spent the extra time to create a set of graphics to support it as I wanted to get this thing posted. I'm going to rip that section out of the Platoon Scouts post and we will re-address hedgerows at a later time and in more detail. I think it inadvertently complicated the subject. Plus, it deserves its own post.
  3. The hope is that you will get some UI contacts from your overwatching units, remember they are in place prior to the scout team moving into the open field between hedgerows. If so then you will have a general idea of approximately where the enemy units on the opposite hedgerow lie. Without that information you must apply some suppression fire against the enemy held hedgerow (target briefly) before sending your scout into the open area and on to the other side. That will hopefully allow them to successfully cross the open area. Move Fast through the open field.. then switch to hunt as the scout then makes its way slowly up the enemy held hedgerow to try and uncover any unidentified enemy units. Does that help?
  4. Rifle Platoon Leader - Part II Platoon Scouts is posted. I hope you guys enjoy this one.. it is a subject that I find too important to skimp on.. so it ended up a tad longer than I expected, sorry about that. Next up is the Platoon Attack, and then a tactical problem scenario.. that will take a little longer to prepare, so I will probably break the attack post into at least two parts.
  5. Not specifically.. but I will add some explanation re: hedgerows, just for you guys.
  6. Well I kind of agreed about the circle needing to be replaced with the square shape for the NATO icons... my WW2 period icons will always have the allies with circle shaped icons.. seems to fit the period. If you make your own version, share a few screenshots.
  7. FYI, I did a test with the white borders and I really hated it.. Standby a new set is in the works that I hope will answer your concerns.
  8. Coming this weekend, Part 2 of my Rifle Platoon Leader series: Platoon Scouts This post will cover: Platoon Scouts - purpose Scouting and Platoon Movement Techniques Scouting Techniques in relation to: Close Terrain Open Terrain Scout Movement Cresting a Rise Flank Scouts Here is a small snippet from the upcoming post. Enjoy, and watch my blog for this post either Saturday or Sunday.
  9. Yes I have a bad feeling for this next battle (the large one).. Mark will be facing 12 tanks (or so) with very little AT capability.. and almost no long range AT capability (is there any?) plus a lot of enemy infantry. Good luck Mark!
  10. Playing out this battle.. looks like I lost the Platoon Leader.. his team fell to tank area fire.. looks like there are three tanks out there.. hey, that's not quite sporting Phil. One team left on the map and they are panicking.. but crawling towards the exit zone.. so fingers crossed this one will end soon.
  11. Rifle Platoon Leader Part I - The Approach March is posted. Enjoy!
  12. Sorry Phil, I'm at work and Ian had not uploaded the file for me before I left this morning.. so it'll have to wait until this evening.
  13. I have started a new series of posts on the Battle Drill blog, the introduction is up now: RIFLE PLATOON LEADER Starting with the Rifle Platoon I will cover the following topics: RIFLE PLATOON Approach March Scouting The Attack The Defense The Pursuit The Support Platoon Role Integrating Support Teams into the Platoon Approach March section is almost completed and will be posted this weekend. I will try to do at least one post in this series each week, followed by the supporting tactical problem scenarios. I hope this series makes up in some way for my lack of posting content.
  14. A bogged tank can free itself with some careful maneuvering.. but once immobilized it is stuck the for rest of the game.
  15. Just received this report: "...bridge blown, all remaining personnel exiting the AO. Burke out."
  16. SITREP +10 Minutes: Guyver has arrived in zone and is immediately moving to set the detonators. I just hope the enemy does not mortar the bridge area.. or we could fail in this mission. All non-essential teams have either exited the AO or is on their way (final team) - equipment safely recovered are 4 PFs and one 81mm mortar with some ammo. Still on overwatch are the PL, Burke, and the LMG, but as soon as the bridge is blown they too will exit the area as quickly as possible falling back on our lines.
  17. Doesn't matter now.. they were bracketed with mortar fire, took a casualty and are now panicking. I am moving them across the river to safety .
  18. One more minute until Guyver arrives with the detonators. I am taking a peek down the length of the map wih the one team I have left to see if I might be able to streak down to point 6 and try to grab that PzSchreck. The enemy tank has moved off the road to my right which could mean he is traveling down the map with his infantry through he trees that line the road.
  19. Hey Joe, we should have a Virginia CM get together.. pnzrldr is just down the road from me, there are few others in the area as well, and maybe we could talk c3k into coming up from NC (or wherever he is these days). We could sit around and play a bunch of CM and have a few drinks and get merry. Richmond works for me I have never gone to one of those wargame conventions.. hmmm.. . I'd have to think about that.
  20. Good points.. okay I'll work up a quick test and see how they look. Thanks for the feedback, very valuable.
  21. SITREP +5, +6 Minutes: Mortars falling across the AO, 1 casualty suffered.. all teams falling back. Team with mortar and team with x2 PFs are both ordered to exit and return to main force. Three teams will cover the withdrawal and delay until the bridge can be blown.
  22. Please don't hold criticism back.. obviously the things that bothered you were bothering me as well. Where in Richmond are you?
  23. Bil's Floating Icons BETA 3 This version has an all new color palette for blue forces.. much better clarity in either rendering mode... I also re-sized the blue force vehicle icon size to be better balanced with the red force icons. Normal Rendering Mode: War Movie Mode: Ukranian icons are complete as well in this set... note the difference when each side's units are selected: US Selected: Ukrainian Selected:
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