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Ben Galanti

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Everything posted by Ben Galanti

  1. I think the PIAT being spring-loaded like a dart gun is slightly incorrect. I know it had the large spring, but I think all the spring did was impact some kind of charge on the shell, ignighting the charge. The charge is what gave most of the propolsion... At least, thiat's my understanding of it, anyone know for sure?
  2. Well, sounds like you need to download Disk Copy Check this link out, it should explain what you need: asu.info.apple.com/swupdates.nsf/artnum/n1004 (Note, the server seems pretty swamped right now, so it may take a couple of tries to get the page to load) Ben
  3. Err, when you say MMX166, I'm assuming you're on a PC. The Voodoo2 does have Direct3D drivers on the PC side, but crummy RAVE drivers on the Mac side... Ben
  4. I don't have a Voodoo2 card, but I'm pretty sure it won't work. Combat Mission is a RAVE only game, it doesn't do glide. Voodoo2 RAVE support is poor at best, and I doubt it handles everything that CM needs. Do the Voodoo2 beta drivers even have RAVE support at all? As for the fuzziness under the Rage Pro, I think that's just a lack of texture memory (is that your onboard video? I think that only goes up to 6 MB....) Ben
  5. Hota, look at the following link: www.bigtimesoftware.com/images/mgvsht.jpg You will see that Ma Deuce can rip HTs pretty well, as long as you get a flank shot on them. The other thing to consider is that it isn't always easy to lay it on a moving target. I've see M2s rip up all sorts of HTs and Armored Cars (and Hetzers). They really can do a number on vehicles. Ben
  6. yes, but you'll have to save the PBEM game during one of the players turns, and then have that person open up the save game as a TCP/IP game (ie, be the host)
  7. Another warning about putting panzershrikes and bazookas in buildings is, even if the building gets set on fire, the team will most likely be pinned by the backblast. I would think that the pinning would affect both follow on accuracy and rate of fire, but I haven't tested this. I don't think the PIAT has the pinning problem in buildings, which is a plus for it.
  8. Check this thread for the M3A1 answer: www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/013141-3.html
  9. I think a squad only gets the bonuses from the leader that it is under direct control from (the one the red line leads too). So, if a squad is closer to a company commander, he gets his bonuses, _instead_ of the platoon commanders.
  10. Make sure you have the latest version of Stuffit Expander, the file won't unstuff correctly with some earlier versions.
  11. Switching to 640x480 before you run CM might help with this. I don't think there is a whole lot that BTS can do about it though, because I suspect they are change resolutions via draw sprocket, so it isn't their code... Ben
  12. Ahhh, thanks Matt, I didn't think that it could just be debugging or development code which is causing thing problem, not that it was a deliberate change. At least, I hope it fixes itself when 1.1 final comes out
  13. I know this thread has gotten a bit heated at times, but I'm not sure people weren't arguing the same side I think folks were just saying that hull down isn't always the preferable tactical decision, not that CM has hull down incorrectly modeled. I think the only thing that could be questioned is the drop in to hit chance for a target being hull down instead of not hull down, but that would be extremely hard to quantify, and even harder to back up from data, I suspect.... I think some folks were just suprised that being hull down isn't always the best option, in certain situations.
  14. Schrullenhaft, It only took me a week to put this together... But, that's why I could start Cm 1.1b. I detailed this in the other thread, so I won't repeat myself here... You're right on the 2 MB memory thing, I max out at 1024x768x16, but, when you play in software mode, all the 3D data resides in main RAM, not VRAM. CM does all the polygon culling and whatnot, then just sends a 2D picture to the videocard, so there doesn't need to be any room for polygons and textures and what not in VRAM. Well, at lesat before 1.1b there didn't need to be I don't know why the change, but I hope it gets changed back. Playing in 640x480 stinks
  15. Well, I've had some success. I'm going to try those new drivers after I get a chance to download them, but I can't see how'd they would help since I'm running in software mode... Now, the whole software mode thing got me thinking, according to Schrullenhaft in another thread, software mode only works in 640x480. Now, I argued with him since I had been playing in higher resolutions from the beta demos in software. So, today, I tried firing up the beta after setting my desktop to 640x480, and it worked! It looks ugly as hell on a 17" monitor, but it works I suspect the reason CM is spitting up though is due to my hardware setup. The beige G3 has t he old apple monitor ports, before they switched to standard VGA plugs. I have a standard VGA monitor, but it requires an adaptor to fit the Beige G3. This adaptor has DIP switches on it to set the resolution. So, while the monitor is capable of a bunch of resolutions, the Mac thinks it's a fixed rate monitor. So, if I set the DIP switches to 640x480, the Mac thinks it's a 640x480 monitor, switches to that resolution, and CM runs fine. When I have the DIP switches set to 1024x768 however, I think CM tries to switch to 640x480 to run software mode, thinks that the monitor can't handle it, then drops back to the desktop. The last line in the error log is a list of the available resolutions (which is just a single reosultion), which also supports this theory. Now, when I switch the DIP switches after the machine is booted, the Mac thinks it has both resolutions, so it will swithc back and forth until the next reboot. So, my question is, why'd you remove the ability to play CM in software in resolutions over 640x480? I'd love to have this capability back (it works fine in 1.05). Actually, I just tested it, and now 1.05 also only starts up in 640x480 (even after trashing the preferences). I suspect if I reboot such that 1024x768 is the only option 1.05 will start in 1024x768 and 1.1b won't start... Any chance of getting this fixed? I know the easiest solution is for me just to get a real video card so I don't have to use the stupid adaptor, but what was the reaoning behind restricting software mode? --------- Ok, quick follow up. As I suspected, when I rebooted (and trashed the prefs) 1.05 started up fine at 1024x768, and 1.1b kicked me back out. So there's been some code change which forces software to 640x480, and CM will spit up if it can't get there.I'd love to get this changed back, CM runs fine at 1024x768 in software for me. Not silky smooth, but more then playable... [This message has been edited by Ben Galanti (edited 12-16-2000).]
  16. Well, I was all excited when I saw the new beta was out, I downloaded, and I get the exact same problem. Even the error log is the same. Damn.
  17. Time to break this one out again Is there any chance that we're going to see the rest of these? I'd love to take a look at them...
  18. Quick question (kind of a tangent here, I guess). But does silhouette affect ROF at all? I know larger targets are easier to hit then smaller ones, but shouldn't smaller ones take a bit more time to lay in? Now, this would only be for the first shot (against a stationary target). Is this realistic? Or is the same basic effect being factored in by the fact that smaller targets are more difficult to hit? Ben
  19. Schrullenhaft, I always assumed i was running software mode, but maybe not... My Rage IIc only has 2 MBs of VRAM, so I figured it wouldn't be able to handl very much. I'm running in 1024x768. Come to think of it, I think I was running in 800x600 on my previous Mac, and I know that had no 3D chip what-so-ever...
  20. It would be 4 on the firing units stats, but ONLY if the targetted unit is fully identified at the time. If you shoot at a 'infantry squad?' or something like that, and you later identify it, and it has 4 casualties, no one will get credit for those.
  21. I've got beige G3 with the same video card as your iMac, and I'm running CM in 1024x768. Now, the thing is, I suspect it's not using the video card at all, just doing software. But, it does run. My only suggestion would be to trash the CM prefs, and make sure your desktop is set to the resolution you want before starting CM. Good luck!
  22. Well, ther last line in the error log.txt is "ERROR: GKernel.cpp line 740" which isn't terribly helpful That line comes just after the listing of available resolutions in the error log. I tried a minimal extension set and the 'MacOS 9 Base' set, same results. As I said, I have already passed this on to Matt, it very well may be a *gasp* bug in the beta. I was just hoping there might be something silly I was over looking. Especially with 1.05 running flawlessly. Thanks for your help though! I'm still open to suggestions.
  23. I was wondering why there was a FedCom MadCat (I refuse to use the silly clan names) myself...
  24. Err, I'm pretty sure they go in the CM folder (actually, if memory serves me correctly, it doesn't matter. The application will first look in its own directory, and if it doesn't find them, only then will it look in the extensions folder) The CM 1.1 beta Read Me also states that it should go in the CM folder. I appreciate you trying to help, though!
  25. Hrm, no go on the shift-key startup. It does the same thing. I've got the openplay modules folder in the main CM folder, so I think that should be ok. Dunno, this one has me kind of stumped, especially since all of the versions 1.05 and earlier worked (and still work) so well on the exact same setup... Ben
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