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Posts posted by benpark

  1. Biltong- I can do a few QB maps for whatever year(s) you need. My email is in my profile, just let me know what you need.


    Is any type of update planned for Biltaid (or it's ilk)? This type of tool is a necessity for folks like me whose lives are already so full of piles of paperwork that they want a little help...

    Maybe something a little more open ended, where the parameters can be set for any year of the war, and any type of nationality/force? Historical maps could correlate to dates that could act as triggers for that particular locale.

    I know not a thing about programing, so this is a plea to those that do. I DO think many more people would play BCR with something automated like this. Here's hoping...

  2. I am trying to figure a way to use a pre designed map for an operation...I seem to remember this wasn't a possibility in CMBO. Pardon my senility, my manual is buried under a pile of papaerwork somewhere around here...

    Is this possible through any tricks that people may have worked out? Renaming of files, slight of hand?

    If not possible, this would be on my "most wanted list"-the equivalent of the QB for operations.

  3. "Hitler Youth would be classified as Volksturm I guess, if you can even call them that. conscript Volksturms."

    With the "fanatic" setting to high. Under veteran leaders these kids caused the Soviets more problems than most any Volkssturm unit. The defense of the Havel Bridges were particularly fierce-defended by HJ.

    The regular German Army officers refered to mixed units of Vssturm and HJ as "casserole"-a mix of "old meat and green vegetables".

    Of course, in many other cases where the leaders of the groups of old men and boys had sense to save themselves-these units would evaporate back into the populace from where they came a few days before.

    It would be interesting to see more Berlin scenarios/ops. I think, particularly given current events, this type of city fighting to be interesting. There are many different locales within the city to portray actions as well, though our natural inclination is to focus on the city's center.

  4. I had nearly completed a mod that changed the stock CMBB railroad into a corduroy road-and I lost it when my computer crashed.

    As Gyrene can testify (after seeing his excellent RR mod), modding the RR tracks is a nightmare.

    So-I throw the idea out there for someone else to do, if they want-I just can't go through it again!

    [ April 03, 2003, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: benpark ]

  5. I am trying out the Mapping Mission program for use with some of the maps found here (Ukraine, Caucusus, Crimea):


    I am having a problem importing these maps into a "background" image that I can write the MM/CMBB data over. In the Read Me enclosed with the program it seems possible, but I can't seem to get it to work.

    Anyone had some luck with this? If so, would you mind giving me a step by step?

  6. Mike T:

    "...you can almost tailor a force depending on the year, weather, and unit and soon even for mud or dust (thinking of offering muddy or dusty boots..."

    That is great, Mike. Thanks so much for your hard work!

    With Biltong's rules, this will let the player choose a particular unit to follow through the war.

    Hope this kind of thing (easy graphical switching) becomes part of the new game engine.

  7. What is the standard for leadership modifiers? Do these go up? I have just been tracking whatever I got randomly, but it would be interesting to see an extra point given here or there (for reputation, respect from the men etc.) for outstanding service over a prolonged time priod.

    Is it possible to keep the same map from battle to battle without the forces? I am in one of those 3 day long battles and I would like it to be over a single map, with changed VL if that must be...

  8. Sorry, another simple question-When choosing the core group before the first battle, what is the correct choice of perameters regarding which branch of troops? When I start up Biltaid, I see platoons with only 3 squads.

    When I go to select my force (in the Scen Editor, so I can load a custom map), all of the standard Inf. platoons are 4 squads-I started with a recon platoon so as to fit the perameters. Am I far off base?

    I am playing with Biltaid first, and I plan on playing a PicknClick campaign as well, as soon as I get the hang of it.

    I'm going into my 2nd battle tonight (after restarting after my massive first try). Doing better with 30pts of favor-I had 1 platoon doing most of the fighting with the auxiliary forces.

    Has anyone ever played without the auxiliary forces?

    Thanks! Having a great time.

  9. Had my first battle, and I got slaughtered. I have never lost this badly to the AI. Trenches, mines and crossfire was as good as a human would set it up (thanks to the custom map!). Ouch.

    I love BCR! It was painful to watch my men get cut down in 2 consecutive ambushes-on the first day of the war! Whew...

    Question on the choice of custom maps-I downloaded the Map Expansion List-I'm just not sure what the process is for choosing which maps are more appropriate for which battles (not in terms of ME, AxAs type of thing, I mean getting Western Russian terrain towards the start of the war etc.).

    Is there a map randomizer that helps choose which map to use based upon what type of engagement and the date of the battle?

    Oh, one more question-how do you detirmine if the ranking officer in a squad (the named one) is a casualty, and the name needs to be changed to reflect the replacement?

    [ March 18, 2003, 05:24 AM: Message edited by: benpark ]

  10. I finaly got my computer running again, and I'm ready to give BCR a go.

    A few basic questions/comments: Names of your officers-is there a "rename" option that I have somehow missed? How do you keep the continuity of this minor, but fun factor from battle to battle?

    Thank you, creator of Biltaid! I would also like to try Clicknpick, if it is out yet (where?). Frankly, the "bookeeping" aspect of wargaming is getting less fun as I age (and my time is taken up by less interesting events), and this type of program is a Godsend. Thanks.

    Also, I am having a hard time with the practical things, such as how do you deal with importing your troops so that casualties from the last game match up (if there isn't time for replacements)?

    I will reread the rules again, but these are a few things that popped into my head while giving it a test run first game.

    Great work, though, Mr. Biltong+Co.

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