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Tactical Wargamer

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Everything posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. Well it doesn't seem to be catered to the MMP,TCP/IP turn based or pausable realtime crowd from what I can see..... Maybe I have misread the post on CM Normandy. HISTWAR though seems to have it all for MP play that is.
  2. Pitty though. I would recommend HISTWAR for your MMP type game. Normandy seems to be cattered to the Real time crowd.
  3. No that feature has not be installed and if I recall it will not be. There is also no turn based TCP/IP gaming, nor pausable Real Time. What we do get is real time action which IMHO is not playable and PBEM via email is still playable. Mind you only one person can work on a turn at a time vs. previous PBEM features in earlier engine builds. Looks like CM Normandy might rectify some of these but it unfortunately not so on release IIRC. Other MP features will be added at a later time.
  4. You would think that it would be simple to upload the patch. You guys have a tiff with paradox
  5. Is the gamers gate version out yet. Having difficulty getting it. Seems to be only 1.10. Thx
  6. OK is it me or does gamers gate/paradox not have the 1.2 out yet? If so are they sitting on it for some reason
  7. I think Madminutes Civil war games did the same thing if memory serves.....
  8. Just curious would a Multiplayer Forum be helpful you think? Area where MP's can meet up and discuss MP issues and tactics? Just a thought?
  9. Understood and thank you Steve for being frank and honest. Not happy with everything you say re #1-#5 but understand and will continue to support your products. Pls though consider the MP's. I think as time goes forward more and more people will be using MP features and to a degree exclusively to SP. We have to get on that "right away" list. Can't wait for option #3.
  10. Well I guess we will have to wait on #2. I guess I should work on my speed on the keyboard for the initial release. For the life of me I cannot no matter how hard I try and set up the keys have any real tactical control of my units in larger battles. I find even controlling a company in realtime a "click fest". I guess at 35 I'm getting older..... I take it there is still a PBEM? Would one be able to complete turns simultaneously?
  11. Well that is what we LAN guys have been resorting to. Problem is only one person can do a turn at a time. The other chap is stuck staring at the wall
  12. I seconded it. I think though with HOI3 having a few teething problems they are rushing 1.2 ASAP. Hope it will be soon.
  13. He he I actually have them all. My other machines in the "lab" though only have CMSF base from paradox.
  14. OK so I'm still a little confused. I always play LAN games with friends and really have made over 10+ converts to the platform using TCP/IP turn based. The problem that I really have with CMSF is that one cannot have both MP's completing their turn simultaneously. Instead one has to wait what 5-20 mins in order to complete it. I take it WEGO turn completions is completely dead? (if it was ever alive?) So if WEGO gets killed or WEGO light isn't happening PLEASE can we get PRTMP..... Not sure what hang up is for Pausable Real Time Multiplayer. Is this a real big coding issue? I mean if you agree to allow pauses with your opponent what is the big deal if they use them say every couple minutes or in stressful situations every 20 seconds? I mean we don't want this awesome tactical simulation to turn into a click fest do we? I hope BF allows user settings with this regard. No one likes being rushed. If you think your opponent isn't quick enough just don't play them
  15. Sorry gents if this has been mentioned. Just looking for a time eta on the patch. Want to use my my paradox version with all my battlefront chums. Thanks
  16. Well hopefully this week maybe? On vacation and all!
  17. ok thanks guys. This community is the best!!
  18. Sorry guys the search was down. Is 1.2 out. I checked the patch area no joy. Any ideas on when she is out?
  19. I realize that TCP/IP turn based games are not going to happen for CMSF. I was wondering though any chance of having a pause option for MP real time games? For those of us who are not lighting on the keyboard/mouse? Could this be implemented with a patch? Thanks
  20. Nice very nice. What program were you using to capture the video on CMSF? Thanks
  21. Ok trying to get into the repository. Do I need another login to access? I take it I can not use my Forum lgoin and password?
  22. Ok is there not a option for autosave? I must have missed it. Playing with VISTA now and it seems to crash the odd time
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