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Posts posted by ChrisND

  1. Hey guys!

    With Christmas coming up, I figured that you guys deserved an update on where the release status of Black Sea stands. :)

    As veteran customers know, we rarely set a release date for our products, instead preferring to release a game when we deem it to be finished. However, internally we do set a general time frame that we wish to release within. You may have noticed that over the last several years, our games tended to be released about four to six weeks after pre-orders were opened. We are now closing in on the end of that six week period.

    Our goal for Black Sea was a pre-Christmas December launch. However, as we draw closer to Christmas it has become clear that we need just a little more time to tie up the loose ends. Since the second half of December is a problematic time period for doing something as time consuming and demanding as going through the motions of releasing a game, we have decided to release Black Sea in mid January.

    We really wanted to get Black Sea into your hands before Christmas, and many late nights / early mornings were worked through to make that happen. Ultimately though, we have had to make a tough call and decide that we would rather have the time available to tie up the last of the loose ends than try to rush Black Sea out before Christmas without the extra few days to ensure that we were releasing a quality product on day one.

    We continue to be grateful for what is surely the most amazing customer base ever, and we are very eager to get Black Sea into your hands as soon as possible!


  2. Thanks for the feedback guys!


    More stuff is coming soon. This is just the start.


    Regarding the color scheme, we're going to give it a few days and reevaluate. It isn't locked in just yet!


    We are investigating the file size limit for the background image. Currently appears to be a bug so we've contacted the devs.

  3. I think you are confusing verifying an account with verifying an account name. The latter would mark your name as official, ie. you are really who you say you are. But you don't really need that. You just need to verify your account to indicate you are not a bot and unlock all the Youtube features.

    I verified my account ages ago and the system has changed since then, so I'm not sure how it's done these days, but I found the following that gives you instructions on how to do it with the current system:

    Thanks! I'll look into it.

  4. Chris, the Char and Char Alike Part 2 video is all Black Sea stuff. I looked through today's postings on TwitchTV and your YouTube channel and didn't see anything from CnCA.

    Are you still planning to finish CnCA on Twitch later?


    Yeah, I will finish it. I had intended to play it today, but my voice started going so I wanted to give my vocal cords a rest (I'm recovering from an infection, my airways are still irritated)

  5. Off the top of my head I don't think that infantry have much chance of successfully close-assaulting tanks in Black Sea without explosives of some sort. Tank protection has advanced quite bit since WW2. However, this isn't really much of an issue considering how modern infantry are bristling with anti-armor weapons. In this day and age, if your plan depends on your infantry trying to chuck grenades down hatches, you've already lost. ;)

  6. I like the RPG-28. 1000mm + after reactive armor penetration and 125mm warhead. Adopted for service by the Russian federation in 2011. Against the M1A2 side armor it would be deadly and would make russian infantry more dangerous to it.

    Here it says its the most modern in service in the RUssian army


    Russians in Black Sea have the PG-7VR tandem HEAT as the standard warhead for their RPG-7s (in addition to the usual thermobaric and frag warheads). It's an extremely capable grenade and a threat to armored vehicles (and the Abrams to the side/rear) without the bulk of the RPG-29. Plus they all the troops have it!

  7. does the laser warning indicator tell you from which direction it's coming ? I remember playing M1 Tank PLatoon from Microprose and it was simply a light and a sound telling you you've been lased.

    Many modern systems will not only tell you the direction within a few degrees but can also automatically slew the turret to the threat direction. In Black Sea vehicle AI will usually rotate the vehicle to have front armor face the threat. This is of course dependent on many factors, such as whether the vehicle is busy doing something else such as moving forward or engaging a target.

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