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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Niklas If you right click a unit then you should have the option to reinforce it. Providing that you haven't already moved or fought with it, that you have MPPs spare, and its supply level is high enough to allow for reinforcements. I hope this helps! Bill
  2. That's exactly right, because I didn't need to upgrade either but one of my opponents did so I followed suit and everything then worked fine. Basically, 1.03.01 is optional unless your opponents also upgrade!
  3. Games being played with 1.03 won't be compatible with 1.03.01 (i.e. if one of you is using 1.03 and the other is using 1.03.01) but in my experience when those playing with 1.03 upgrade, all should then be well and the games can continue at 1.03.01.
  4. I've been keeping an eye on the feedback and have a number of ideas for Great War that I need to implement and then test, so please rest assured that in due course that will be done and a patch released.
  5. I'll check that out, as I can see the bit in the guide which says that.
  6. Hi Rabelesius This is correct, and it is one penalty for having let the genie of Bolshevism out of the bottle. Now that Lenin is in power in Russia and he has taken that country out of the war, German and Austro-Hungarian soldiers impressed by this soon started spreading revolutionary ideas into their respective countries and throughout their armed forces. So, I'm afraid that Bolshevik agitators will continue calling for peace and revolution until the war is over. Better strike hard in the west before it's too late!
  7. Hi Ricroma You should be able to use the key up to 4 times, and you are licensing the computer to run the game, so having it installed at work and at home shouldn't be a problem. In the future, if you do a fresh os instal then at some point you may need to ask Battlefront for an extra allowance, but as you get an extra one every 12 months you may be ok. I hope you get this sorted! Bill
  8. You're right, thanks for reporting it, I can see a way to fix this and sorry for penalizing your income.
  9. I've seen the German advance halted at all kinds of places, including at the edge of Paris and even further west than Paris. Sometimes barely out of Belgium!!
  10. I think that's the problem then, because if you've left Damascus in Syria empty then that will encourage Mussolini: For every turn that the Allies abandon key Mediterranean positions, (Gibraltar, Malta, Cairo, Tunis, Damascus), there is a 75% chance that Italy will move 3-5% towards the Axis.Does that explain it?
  11. It's an interesting premise. I wonder if this would make a Russia first strategy for Germany more viable?
  12. Hi I've just been through the scripts to help narrow this down. Italy starts at 65% Axis, and in addition to diplomacy, will swing towards the Axis in the following circumstances: Everytime a country surrenders to the Germans, Italy will move 3-5% towards the Axis. Everytime the Allies declare war on a neutral, Italy will move 5-15% towards the Axis. When the Germans have units within 1 tile of Brussels, Italy will move 1-3% towards the Axis. When the Germans have units within 1 tile of Paris, Italy will move 5-10% towards the Axis. For every turn that the Allies abandon key Mediterranean positions, (Gibraltar, Malta, Cairo, Tunis, Damascus), there is a 75% chance that Italy will move 3-5% towards the Axis. Should the Allies invade Iraq then Italy will move 5-7% towards the Axis. From the 1st August 1940 Italy will start moving 5-7% per turn towards the Axis.Note that once Italy has reached 90% then it will start mobilizing for war and its entrance into the conflict is inevitable, though it may take a few turns to actually join. I did notice that there is only a Pop Up Message in the first turn that the Allies abandon a position in the Med, rather than on every turn. I think it would be best if we added one in for every turn. These are all the activation triggers so hopefully one or more of these were triggered?
  13. Hi Habari I think you might have a point. The problem to Germany is that if Holland cannot import food from neutrals because she is now a belligerent, then while Germany will import Dutch products, they will miss out on food products imported via Holland to Germany from around the world. Thus there will be hunger in Germany. I'll put this on my list of things to look at. Thanks. Bill
  14. Hi Cantona Go to Edit Country Data; Fortress Build Delay is on the right hand side.
  15. This can be changed by increasing the Adjacent Enemy Units Penalty in the editor. In the relevant campaign, go to Campaign; Edit Movement Cost Data; and you'll see the Adjacent Enemy Units Penalty. For 1914 Call to Arms it is set to +2. Feel free to experiment.
  16. Hi Cantona The problem with the second one appears to be in the decision event, as rather than be: #DECISION= 1 It should be: #DECISION= 385
  17. It certainly isn't normal to have that be slow. On my machine, and even on my last and much older computer, things like the scrolling and selecting were very quick indeed. There must be something else and hopefully the technically savant can help.
  18. Yes, it was great thanks, had a lovely week in south Devon in England. I can see now that I must have still been very tired from the trip home when I replied to you, as it's now as clear as anything that you were the Entente!
  19. Thanks for these suggestions, I'll give them some thought and see what can be done.
  20. Hi Glabro Normal sub activity will make the UK lose MPPs as you say, but unrestricted attacks can have the same effect, possibly with less units needed. The reason is that if you opt to use unrestricted attacks, placing naval units on the relevant icons to the west of the UK will trigger scripts that reduce the effectiveness of British ports, and if the ports' strength goes below 5 then the convoy stops running. At the same time, the use of unrestricted naval warfare will penalise British National Morale while providing a boost to Germany's. This could be of some use if Germany's morale is a little shaky. But the downside is that it will annoy the USA, so you may find that you can achieve all you want by playing to the rules and not launching unrestricted attacks, and if you've got 10 subs in the area you probably don't need to risk upsetting President Wilson!
  21. Hi The USA is now much less likely to enter the war if you don't do anything to upset it. But her readiness will rise very slightly from 1917. However, it will be very slow and probably means joining the Entente in 1919 or 1920, if at all, and only if the game hasn't been won before. It sounds like you have an opportunity to finish off Russia and then turn your attention to France. Using unrestricted attacks on the UK will help in reducing the UK's economy and therefore the British ability to help defend France, so it may be worthwhile. As the US takes a while to build an army and ship it to Europe, I personally wouldn't worry too much about it and would carry out some unrestricted warfare against the UK. Not enough to bring the USA in, but enough to mess up the UK's income for a while.
  22. That could be the Zimmerman Telegram, as the Central Powers have a chance to play that card early in 1917. I've just checked and the AI is set to always send the telegram. This is something that we'll need to take a look at and change because it would probably be better off not sending it more often than not! There shouldn't be anything apart from Zimmerman that could make US mobilization jump circa 50% in a very short period of time. But if you or anyone else playing multiplayer notice anything strange then please let us know.
  23. Great stuff, and I agree that an AAR would be good. Good luck, and may the best man win!
  24. It's the thing about surrendering, units give up because their capital(s) have fallen and often at an inconvenient time. As to units outside the homeland, some historic terms of surrender have included them (a classic example is on the tip of my tongue but I can't recall it at the moment!) but essentially if those forces decide to carry on then there may be little in the way of penalties to prevent them from doing so. De Gaulle's Free French are one of the most famous examples from history. In this game, the Belgians and Serbs are hardy fighters who will tend to carry on the war if they are on foreign soil when their last capital is taken by the enemy. But other nations might not be so willing to do the same, e.g. the Montenegrin Army.
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