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ng cavscout

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Posts posted by ng cavscout

  1. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

    That does it!

    *"Borrows" NGc's nightstick and bashes v42 about the head and shoulders*

    You have displeased me mightly, young one! You tell me a translation of your Russian would not be for my ears nor eyes then assault me with your Kiwi-pRon!

    Away with you! Slink back under your rock until your wounds heal and you've learned your lesson!!


    *gazing sadly at his treasured "Staff of Justice"*, well, no cleaning that Kiwi juice off of it, nothing to do but burn in in the Bio Hazard furnace and start afresh. It is such a pain to break these things in......
  2. Originally posted by v42below:

    Ok - time for single brain cell speak...

    Your computer cache picture. You see - we no see. You be pushing Ctrl-F5. Maybe that help. Maybe not.


    hmm, well, you may be right, I do so miss my Amiga with the big floppy drive, back when floppies were really floppy. ok, maybe it doesn't work, I dunno. sometimes me not so smart, smash, bash, crush, this fun, not punching clickety clack on little plastic keys, too many letters and numbers give ng cavscout headache. oooooh, look, shiny things.....
  3. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

    Which makes absolutely no sense to me, which is why I'm gonna smack v42 upside his pea-brained skull!!! Ooooh! I'd kill to use a growlie here right about now...

    By the by...how the heck ya been, NGc?

    I have been great, you know, the usual, oppressing the down trodden, running speed traps, making sure the media isn't around while I "talk" to the suspect. Just the regular. And you? Hey, I have a hickory night stick you can use for that smacking, just let me get the blood stains off, and remove that tooth stuck in the wood, oh why bother, I am just going to have to clean it again after you use it anyway.
  4. Best wishes to Hiram, I am, however, surprised that they were able to finish shaving the incision site in such a short time.....

    Best wishes to Hiram, I am, however, surprised that they were able to finish shaving the incision site in such a short time.....

    Lady Sedai, greetings. Did you receive the photo's of my new daughter I sent you?

    Lady Sedai , greetings. Did you receive the photo's of my new daughter I sent you?

    Rune I have given 4, count 'em 4 FIB's breaks on traffic tickets, mainly because it was near the end of my shift, and I didn't want the paperwork, but nonetheless, I have followed your instructions my liege. Now, as a favor to your loyal kanigget, perhaps you could smack R Leet around, he still owes me a bottle of Ginger Mead, and I grow thirsty. I need something to wash down the donuts after all.

    alright, I return to awaiting my next paycheck so I may purchase CMAK and get back to the important business of embarrassing myself... I mean demonstrating my prowess... errr, something like that......

  5. Originally posted by rune:

    NG Cavscout ,

    Oh ye of disappearing fame. I am in the midst of creating evil so horrible, that it could melt the prcessor of Joebob new XT computer.

    It features Kiwis [without sheep], explody things, crunchie things, flamey things, more explody things, Pommies, Germans, Italy, and April of 1945. It has evolved greatly since seen by the likes of Lars , mnore then can be said of the wafflers .

    However, since you are a part of House Rune , dedicated to get Joebob a personal visit from Bauhaus , you may approach him and I will send the scenario to melt his computer. Arise my Knigget, and smithe Joebob , and smithe his often. A speeding ticket for him would be nice too.



    I shall explain my disappearance later, I don't feel up to it right now.


    I love smiting people with two first names. Joebob has such a missing tooth, country friendly ring to it. What do you say to someone named Joebob? "Look half wit, some unsupervised pigs, lubed up and ready for some lovin'!!!" That should bring him running. I will let him slide on the speeding ticket though, there are some big words on the form, and we don't want to over strain his mental faculties now do we?

    Where is sirreal? Half price day at the sauna? Reindeer in need of some good loving? Meatballs left unnamed and unfondled?

  6. Cavalryman? Cavalryman? From England? What? You still have cavalry after charging hither and yon during the peninsular campaign? Can you quote "Fiddler's Green" from memory? Do you have a Stetson and a Sabre? Have you ever been in a unit that at one time was the victim of a "massacre"? If not, what kind of cavalry man are you? And stop your forelock tugging, I patented that you cheeky bugger!!!

    Rune , Rune , wherefore art thou oh great house leader? Am I to suffer the slings and arrows of such poseurs alone?

    Hmm, I see that things here in the pool have degenerated to their pre-NGcavscout conditions, what to do, what to do? I guess that I shall have to take some time off from fighting crime, and preventing the infiltration of FIB's and Minnestroneannies into the blessed Dairyland in order to hunt down that dastardly Swede and teach him the errors of his neutralistic ways! Complain about my purchase of a couple of eentsy weentsy tigers will he, hmmph!

    Boggsy, you missed me didn't you? Admit it, you did.

  7. Oh Happy Day,

    Just to let a bright, sunny ray of Real Life shine in on you morbid mass. NG Cavscout is a cop again, yes, yes, yes, sing the praises to the heavens, I can once again oppress FIB's as they cross the border (except for liege Rune of course), and turn back Minestroneannies for genetic impurity. I got the letter of acceptance today, engraved on stone tablets, carried by milky skinned ladies in waiting perfumed with incense and flowers.

    Serious[/] What a relief, I have been out of work since March, and the unemployment was going to run out soon. I may be sparse in posting, until we get moved and settled.[/serious]

    So, prepare to genuflect when entering the holy land of Wisconsin all denizens of the outer planes. And remember, no Oddstraylans allowed, unless they bring beer and lobster of course.

  8. Quebec.....City.....

    There are two words you don't expect to see in the same sentence.

    so, there I was, bored, so I did some research, and I think I found the first example of MG and the TNT.




    Member # 10856

    posted November 04, 2002 21:27


    Yeah I visited that thread pretty funny. I'll be blowing their limbs apart soon enough. I'll get back to you ASAP Abbott and we will play!

    woooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooo gonna sling some hot tnt people. . .hot tnt!


    It was awe inspiring.

  9. Originally posted by Panzertruppe:

    EB games will give you maybe a 1.49 for it! :D And please...lets not mention "GI Combat" anymore!( I saw Eric Young working at a Burger King last week).

    Besides...in a few weeks CMBB-SE will be out for 29.95!

    I was asking Merkava if he had CMBB still for sale, I am thinking of picking it up for my brother. But nevermind, I will buy from the company in a couple of weeks.
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