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Imperial Grunt

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Posts posted by Imperial Grunt

  1. Yeah, the bots do spot infantry at long range, especially the bot paladins (especially the Hermes) for some reason. The Thors and Apollos have blind spots that I have used to get close to them.

    I have had the rear armor of the Thor take several ATG hits...is that suppossed to happen?

    I wish infantry was invisable to bots past 500m, unless they are moving or shoot, like with players.

  2. I am a big CM fan and I love DT. The first-person perspective puts you in the turret of the tank, or lets you lead a squad on the ground, unlike CM.

    The tactics are real, the ballistics are real, and multi-player is a blast. With the bot update, fighting them is alot better and great practise.

    Its not perfect, but the game continues to evolve and Poesel hosts a very strong mod server with home-made vehicles and infantry. Very cool.

    So, you can say that I highly recommend it.

  3. Thanks guys, glad you like the movie and the story.

    I have noticed that enemy Hermes fire at infantry as soon as LOS is established, at any range. The Hermes seem to have special matrix vision, better than the normal bots. In the video, the enemy was firing at me as my squad exited the drop pod, and an enemy bot with a ion destroyed the pod post haste.

    The Hermes point defense is now spectaculary effectiv against ATGs fired at it as well. At 100m or less, I don't see how this is possible.

    In my opinion, the bot spotting against infantry needs to be adjusted-ALOT.

  4. Here is a movie showing some bots working a well coordinated attack under Hermes coverage. I recorded it with sound as well as music. The music was just playing and is not really coordinated with the action. I think recording the sound and music in the background caused some static in the movie making process with photobucket. No static in the orginal on my desktop.

    And I even wrote a short story.....

    Sgt Smith's squad, Alpha One Three, was dropped in on the flank of the enemy formation, with the mission of infiltrating the rear of their attack and taking out their Hermes, which was isolating the defense of the hill. It was supposed to be an infiltration to take the enemy by surprize. The plan looked simple in the holographic battlemap display, but something had gone wrong.

    The drop pod came down hot under unexpected hostile fire and there were more enemy units than expected. And Alpha One Three was spotted. Nevertheless, Sgt Smith pushed forward without hesitation. Alpha One Three began to take casualites immediately as they closed from over 3000 meters.

    He and his HMG gunner were the last surviving marines of the squad as Sgt Smith crested the hill and got eyes on the enemy Hermes, protected by a tank and another vehicle out of view. He quickly was thinking about how to approach the Hermes for an ATG shot, anticipating the satisfaction of the kill. Sgt Smith never heard or saw the 120mm round that killed him instantly.

    Cpl Dunham saw the explosion that practically vaporized his squad leader in an instant. Recovering from the blast wave, he advanced, his helmet visor and armor splattered with mud and the bloody gore that was once his undefeatable leader, fellow marine, and friend. With the knowledge that he was the last of Alpha One Three, he continued forward and saw the enemy vehicle, the purpose higher had given to them all.

    He lined up his sights and began to fire, knowing with full clarity that he was about to die. The mission came first. The 20mm armor piecing incendiary rounds broadsided the Hermes and he saw with satisfaction that the SAM launcher had caught fire. He reflexively shouted out into the comm microphone to Sgt Smith that the mission was accomplished, that the SAM launcher was down, but there was no answer. Cpl Dunham realized that he was all alone as enemy tracers buzzed all around him. Suddenly, everything went black. He was on his way to meet his fellow marines in Elysium fields.

    Above the planet, Commander Antares was watching the icon of Alpha One Three as it advanced silently across the holographic terrain. He watched quietly as the marine's names dropped off the unit status display. He closed his eyes and felt a stab of loss as the name of Smith vanished. Sgt Smith was a long time veteran of the 10th Assault Regiment and Antares himself had promoted him and awarded him a Golden Lion for exceptional valor. Antares watched as the remaining marine of Alpha One Three stopped. Within seconds the SAM threat bubble disappeared on the battle map and he glanced over at the Battle Captian and gave the nod to launch the next wave of dropships. He then looked back at the holographic map after giving the order, seeing that Alpha One Three was gone.

    Infantry Attack

    Dedicated to...

    [ April 21, 2007, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: Imperial Grunt ]

  5. And the impact crater from one is about the size of a baseball in loose soil. Less if its hardpacked.

    Against infantry wearing light powered armor, I woulld reduce the ECR (effective casualty radius), to between 5-10m.

    Why you ask?

    Some HE grenades for the infantry to fire out of thier grenade launchers would be good for infantry fights. Hand grenades would be pretty useless in the game.

  6. Originally posted by Redcon-5:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by poesel71:

    I hope to include new troops from Redcon,

    Gee no pressure there :D Good thing I took today off.


  7. Very cool Poesel. Thanks for keeping at it.

    Redcon, no complaints from me regarding the engineers, they have a full squad, one being an engineer.

    I don't know if they can breach mines or not.

    Are you still going to make your sapper team?

  8. Very cool Poesel. Thanks for keeping at it.

    Redcon, no complaints from me regarding the engineers, they have a full squad, one being an engineer.

    I don't know if they can breach mines or not.

    Are you still going to make your sapper team?

  9. This is awesome. I was not able to play much but I did try out the engineer squad on house to house.

    Really cool jumping inside a building and then capping it.

    Then I tried to assault a bot apollo and the bot opened up with both its main gun and 14mm AP. Gunned the engineers down.

    The bot still had matrix vision though, I was attacking from its rear, and the bot suddenly rotated its cannon and fired. Then it spun around and opened up with its 14mm machinegun.

    Playing infantry just got more challenging!

  10. I would like that, and poesel is right, if your willing to zap bots (usually not challenging), often another player will show. But if I could see that someone was on when I do not have DT running, then that would be great. In addition to a little window that lets you see DT server activity, a simple notification that someone has signed on, like when you have yahoo IM and that little message box appears at the bottom corner of your screen telling you that someone just signed onto IM.

  11. I would imagine that the average Syrian soldier would be like the average Iraqi. Most younger Iraqi insurgents are not models of fitness, but they grew up playing soccer and they can move out if sufficiently motivated. And they can outrun US soldiers and Marines encumbered with their armor and gear, just about any day.

    Not to mention that they usually know where they are running too, which makes them faster as well.

    Older Syrians would be less fit.

  12. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    I am half way through reading the splendid "Ambush Alley" about the USMC in Iraq and in one incident an AMTRAC driver was confronted by two RPG-armed Fadeyeen in the middle of the road ahead. Unable to do anything else he gunned the engine at the nearest Iraqi and ran him over before he could reload.

    In light of this, will it be possible to run over enemy soldiers using armoured vehicles in CM:SF?

    Oh how I love LCpl initiative! Well, at least when they are not on libbo.

    I remember anit-tank training back in TBS. Had to sit in a fighting hole as a M-60 tank drove over, low-crawl between the tracks, see what the dead space was from inside the tank, etc...

    In close terrain tanks are really vulnerable. Especially when faced with hunter-killer teams that know how to hunt tanks.

    But things get real dicey in open terrian.

  13. Ok, my two-cents.

    Flaks with ESAPI plates (and now the side plates for those who wear them), will always effect speed and endurance, that is the bottom line. It is encumbering and it makes everything slower, even just getting in and out of a HMMMV. Go for a short 3K foot patrol, crossing over ditches, walls, in 120 degree heat, and it will feel like 1000lbs.

    As soon as a shot is fired, or a bomb goes off, you get a rush of adrenaline, and for a awhile, your not thinking about the weight, but that armor still makes you a little slower compared to someone that is not wearing any. And when that adrenaline wears off, the weight feels like 2000 pounds.

    Try doing pullups, climbing a 30' rope, run 3 miles, etc.. with it on and then without. There is a significant difference.

    I vividly remember shooting at an IED triggerman one day. He popped his IED, fired a long burst from an AK (didnt hit anything), and took off running. He was dressed all in black, like a ninja from a bad movie. He was about 200m away and running at an angle in my field of view as fast as he could to get away. I did my best to lead him and sqeeze off well-aimed rounds, but I missed. We all missed him. Fortunately his IED was dug too deep in the side of a ditch and only splattered a HMMWV with mud and rang the driver's and the gunner's bell pretty good.

    Since our HMMMVs were stuck on trail heading through farm fields with irrigation ditches, there was no way to pursue, except by foot, and there was no way we could run after him with any speed. He was like a gazelle and we were pissed off rhinos. (Running after people is generally a bad idea anyways). He was long gone by the time we got to the cluster of structures he disappeared from view in. And of course the women and children didnt see anything and wondered why the Americans just started shooting.

    But my flak and SAPI plates were near and dear to my heart and I would take the protection over the lower speed and endurance with rare exception. Especially for MOUT, they are worth the weight in gold.

  14. Blender. I downloaded the free version and found it to be as user-friendly as a fork in the eye.

    If I can be really picky, I would add a just some optics (those green eyes on the other vehicles).

    Too bad those things are not targetable by snipers as in real life.

  15. And while I have your attention, there is one more thing, -bumpers!

    Actually, the arial has a tendency to pitch forward too much when it enters a crater or other depression and the front-end slams into the ground. I would hate to do that with my car, and it cant be good for the arial as well.

    Real hovercraft have skirts around the side to maximize the ground effect and minimize this problem. I was thinking that maybe the arial needs another propulsion unit in the front to stop this, or something like a bumper to prevent damage and keep the pointy end from plowing into the ground.

    Just a thought.

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