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Imperial Grunt

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Posts posted by Imperial Grunt

  1. I agree. Point defense systems are too accurate and fast. Hermes and towers will destroy a round the second you fire it.

    -Bots in general spot infantry very easily at nearly any range, unless you are not moving at all.

    -I have noticed that some bots like to drop at the far edge, away from the battle at hand and just drive around for some reason.

    -Bot ion gunners can nail infantry mid-flight. How do they do that?

  2. Speaking of lists of equipment, would'nt it be alot more useful in list the various things in categories in the inventory page?

    I would recommend something like the following:



    -Ground Turrets


    -Air Defense





    Wheeled Vehicles:




    Armored Vehicles:





    -Command (I still think that there should be a command team and a separate sniper team)

    -Light Infantry

    -Heavy Infantry

  3. I imagine an ion beam functioning like a magnifying glass; the longer the beam stays on target, the hotter it gets. Its power would increase exponentualy over the span of a few seconds.

    This version of the ion cannon should have a limited battery time, that decreases as that beam is maintained.

    And this way, you could carve your name into your kills! (If burn/blast/shrapnel marks are ever modelled).

  4. Speaking of ions, a continuous lase version that could do an increaseing amount of damage would be cool.

    Maybe it should drain power as it is used, and has a limited amount of time it can be fired.

  5. Marines carry AT-4s all the time, however the rockets are usually in vehicles, since Iraq is an COIN environment and not high-intensity conventional war. I am sure most Army infantry units do the same.

    Marines also carry a new LAAWA4 too, as well as SMAWs and the Javelin.

    While the use of the javelin in the video seems excessive, in defense of those soldiers, once the criteria for lethal force has been met, there is not a reason NOT to employ the missile and commander's should not be worrying about the cost of weapons fired in combat.

    Now if there were a limited number of javelins available, a armor threat, orders not to use the javelin, etc, then that is a different situation. But in my opinion, once shots are fired, its game on.

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