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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Apple OSX hardware compatibility chart this might be handy as well here -tom w [ April 09, 2003, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  2. this tech support work around it beyond belief!! :mad: the software bits and drivers you NEED at not freely available and you have to pillage from from another "TomeViewer" where you extract JUST the parts of software you NEED! this is JUST Stupid and it is the Fault of Apple and Nvidia!!!! BUT it doesn't work on the 17 inch iMac! ask them about this while you are at it: Grrrrrr. this kind of craziness drives me NUTS! from: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=8&t=003389#000012 "Just in case it helps other people, here is how I've solved messed-up texture problem on my iMac G4 15'' flat screen. It was caused by the nvidia drivers v2.6 I had. I've downloaded v3.0 on Apple site (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=120110 ) However, the install program checks if the computer is a PowerMac and refuses to install on an iMac... So, I've downloaded TomeViewer (http://www.versiontracker.com/moreinfo.fcgi?id=4561&db=mac ) and used it to manually extract the 6 driver files from the v3.0 dsitribution (file 'Tome' found in 'NVIDIA Driver Update:Installer Files: NVIDIA Driver Update:Installer File'). And finally I've copied those files into the "Extentions" folder of the OS 9 System folder and rebooted. And that's it : I've the new drivers and no more problems with CMBB !! MM PS : I think you should try this only if your drivers are lower than v3.0 and I advice you to make a copy of your 6 former driver files before, just in case you want to roll back... " How to: "For the others, here is a more detailed 'how-to' : When file downloaded from Apple site and mounted (should be done automatically), you find on your desktop a disk image containing the install program provided by Apple. The name of this virtual disk is 'NVIDIA driver Update'. Lauch TomeViewer and select menu 'File/Open...'. With the file chooser, go to the desktop, then disk 'NVIDIA driver Update', then folder 'Installer Files', then 'NVIDIA Driver Update' and finally folder 'Installer Files'. Select the file 'Tome' and click 'Open'. A window displaying the 6 driver files should appear. Select all the files (Cmd-a) and click on the upper left icon of the window. Choose the destination folder and click 'All' (if you already have made a copy of your former drivers, you can directly select the 'Extensions' folder of your 'System' folder). That's it. MM " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUT no Joy on the 17inch iMac "------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by chcole: excellent workaround. i have a 15" G4 imac that was having the same problem (mostly just the german troops rendered in technicolor). after installing the new drivers everything is fine. thanks for the info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [qb]BUT it doesn't work on a G4 iMac-17".[qb] I think the upgrade drivers are actually too old to run on the new iMac-17 inch (they're version 3.0 instead of 3.5). In any case, when I tried this I got the blue screen of death instead of a working computer. Had to do some fancy tricks to bring my iMac back to life. Just thought I'd better warn everybody." -tom w [ April 09, 2003, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  3. sorry that no one else has relpied That looks about right. If you check the tech support forum I "bumped" a few of the relevant threads. -tom w [ April 09, 2003, 01:34 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  4. Is this the same bug they JUST fixed in the latest V1.03b beta build? If not can you describe the nature of the bug more accuratly? just curious? :confused: -tom w
  5. looks like it has the same name it just has a new creation date in the file info it was created April 8th at 3:25 pm EST its still v1.03 but it is the latest build. is that correct? -tom w
  6. Use the latest beta build if you are interested in testing for the HE bug vs AT guns on the reverse slope. Since this info was released by MadMatt but it was buried in the first thread so I thought I would just give it some publicity here as the LATEST build of v1.03 beta was uploaded just this afternoon. Thanks again -tom w [ April 08, 2003, 08:12 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  7. If I may ask What is the Status of the Strat guide? Shipping sometime this month? maybe sooner rather than later ? -tom w
  8. ok I'm IN! Where is Elvis and my other PBEM regulars? I am ready to play PBEM in v1.03b now he he Many THANKS!!!!!! -tom w
  9. "CMAK (pronounced "smack!")" I always KNEW they were peddling some addictive substance and now they have the balls to come right out and admit it. Great strategy first they give out the SMAK demo for free Sure you try it.... you like then next thing you know you have to BUY it Sure its only US $45.00 BUT how much does it REALLY cost you? (time wise) :eek: Clever these folks VERY clever I may jsut have to pass on this NEXT SMACK release I think I have my hands full now with CMBB and CMBO CMAK = SMACK very clever! -tom w
  10. thats a good point: "Not enough money to go out and buy all new programs again just because Apple put out an OS that doesn't run "all" programs that ran on the last one. (Such as RAVE) Apple is getting more like Windows all that time" There is something to that OSX means you need to BUY ALL new software and that's where the whole "upgrade cycle" problem lies :eek: you have to buy everthing software and hardware NEW again to stay up to date and current So the situation with CMAK is understandable in that regard -tom w [ April 07, 2003, 01:27 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  11. OK so be honest............ did you just start this rumour now just to give all false hopes? :confused: I am not now in ANY PBEM games pending the release of v1.03 :eek: so is it next week? the week after? next month? Last I heard officially, it was in fact undergoing Beta Testing is that correct? -tom w
  12. GREAT post! " Who can justify keeping legacy hardware for a single game?" Well now we are keeping legacy hardware for 2 games and one upcoming CMBB CMBO and CMAK the lack of Support for RAVE in Classic is dissapointing and the lack of support for OSX in CMAK is equally dissapointing BUT as it goes the MAC market probably account for a much smaller percentage of their sales and TO THEIR CREDIT (all bitching aside) they are MAC guys and at least they ALWAYS release both versions simutaneously! No other game maker/developer can claim that. Sim City 4 for OSX is due out in May and it will be my next purchase and possible obsession for SURE! -tom w
  13. The latest 15 tibooks while Dual boot, WON"T run CMBB there are plenty of posts about this graphics card driver deficiency in the Tech support forum, I posted pics there of the psychadelic graphics that you can't fix because there is no "fixed" driver for OS 9 for the video card in the latest 15 inch TiBooks (unless something has changed in the last month?) :confused: -tom w
  14. ALL new Macs now shipping at not dual boot they only boot in Mac OSX "Will it work on Mac OS-X? No. Since this game is still based on the original Combat Mission code which was designed to run on Rave3D and that API is not currently supported in OS-X, CMAK will not run in native OS-X mode. In all likelihood it will also not work in classic mode either but we can not predict what changes Apple may make with Classic Rave3D support between now and the time CMAK is released. Either way, OS-X in native or classic mode is NOT supported. The aforementioned CMX2 engine WILL support OS-X." so hold on to your OLD OS 9.x Mac if you plan to play this one. -tom w
  15. IMHO the game models German optics as more accurate. They say this right in the manual. it has been my experience that optics make a difference and they are noticably more accurate for the Germans. Play more and you will see (I think) -tom w
  16. I guess its not done yet I sure hope they are Beta Testing it!!! -tom w
  17. Hey Dave K, Have you seen this yet? it looks better on this page: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=004683 Thermopylae Member Member # 3395 posted June 07, 2002 07:11 PM One Primer, Soon to be sent somewhere... My First Burning Sherman, a CM primer. Contents 1.The Really Basic Stuff 1.1 The CM Camera 1.2 Selecting Units & Issuing Orders 1.3 Movement Orders and Waypoints 1.4 Targeting Orders 1.5 The LOS tool 1.6 Hiding 1.7 Ambush 2. HQ Concepts 2.1 Command Radius and Platoon Leaders 2.2 Command Delay 2.3 Command Bonus 2.4 Higher HQs 3. Indirect Fire 3.1 Forward Observers and off map Arty 3.2 On Board Mortars Chapter 1: The Really Basic Stuff 1.1 The CM Camera First and foremost, CM involves a 3D battlefield. This often makes for an initially confusing experience, as you whip around a lot and tend to lose track of things, but is quickly overcome. Controlling the camera is relatively simple. Merely place the cursor at the top of the screen as if you were scrolling to go forward, bottom of the screen to reverse, and left or right to turn the camera that direction. Alternatively, the arrow keys may be used with the arrows all performing the same function as placing the mouse on that portion of the screen. ( Up goes forward, left turns left, etc.) Next, there are several different camera angles the player can work from, being numbered 1-8. You may switch to a view at any time by pressing the appropriate number. The first four views are complete 3D views, as follows: 1. Ground Level: The camera is kept skimming just off the ground, about the height of a soldier’s head. This is useful for plotting sneaky movements along depressions and watching replays, but easily becomes thoroughly confusing. I recommend staying away from it during the orders phase. 2. Not Quite Ground Level: To be honest, this is the least useful view in CM. It angles the camera downward, but remains fairly zoomed in, and as such you can’t see much beyond the immediate area. Makes for some cool screenshots though. (Which, by the way, can be taken w/ alt + print screen) 3. Local Command View: This is the equivalent of having the camera hovering in a church steeple above the ground. It is useful for judging elevation, lines of sight and so forth, and is essentially the view from which to micromanage. Usually this view can be used to command a platoon or two, or individual tanks, without any difficulty. 4. Command View: If you are ever confused by what the camera is doing, hit 4, center the cursor, and rotate until you see a friendly unit or particular landmark. This view lets you examine the entire battlefield in 3D, and is thus the most important one in the game. Views 5-8 are top down maps of various zoom levels. Not particularly useful compared to View 4, but they do have their moments. Note: Shift C can be used to increase the image size of your units, making finding them easier. Shift B toggles unit bases on or off, providing large squares of color to highlight units. 1.2 Selecting Units and Issuing Orders To select a unit, place he cursor over it and left click. You can then either ENTER to view the unit’s vital statistics, TAB to center the view behind the unit, or an orders hotkey to, well, give an order. To select a group of units, drag a box around them, or double click their HQ (see HQ concepts) To give orders to a unit, right click on it. For a group, right click one unit of the selected group. Upon your click, a list of orders will appear, as well as an orders line (a colored line with a white box at the end) what you do with this depends on the order. Either way, you move the orders line as you would the mouse cursor. 1.3 Movement Orders Once you have selected a unit to give orders to, as mentioned above, select a movement command (see list at end of this numeral). You will now have an orders line with a white box at the end of it. This white box represents where you will tell your unit to move upon left clicking, the orders line represents the path they’ll take. Often enough, however, you will not want your units to move in a straight line to a destination. To create waypoints in a movement path, drag the orders line to the designated waypoint and right click. You will now have locked that waypoint in, and will have a new orders line originating from that point. On the final leg, left click to seal the orders. Note: Group orders cannot be waypointed. They also just replicate an order for the entire formation. Thus, run 250m at 27 degrees to that building becomes run forward 250m at 27 degrees to all units in the group. Movement Orders (Infantry) Run: Men run forward without stopping until they reach their destination, are all killed, or more likely, become damn fed up with being shot. They will fire at targets of opportunity. Some units, like MGs, cannot run. Move: Men walk forward as per conditions of run. Less fatiguing. Sneak: Unit treads forward stealthily (less likely to be spotted, won’t commence fire while moving) and will stop and return fire if fired upon. Typically they’ll find cover as well. (This is sort like a "Movement to Contact" order, use this if you want to advance and have your infantry STOP and return fire when fired upon, in the case of Move and FAST they keep moving forward no matter what while under fire, I suggest you use SNEAK all the time when there "might" be an enemy contact in your path!) Crawl: Units crawl forward with a low tolerance for incoming fire. Best used behind walls/hedges. Will not fire while moving. Very stealthy, very slow. Withdraw: Unit runs away as fast as possible with no command delay. (See HQ concepts) can only be used towards friendly map edge, and risks severe morale penalties. Halt: Cancels all movement orders. Vehicles: Move: Universal walking pace. Fast: Vehicle zips at top speed towards destination. Hunt: Unit moves forward at a medium pace, and will stop to engage any vehicle sit spots. Reverse: Vehicle will move backwards to destination at a medium-fast speed. 1.4 Targeting Orders There are two basic targeting orders in the menu. The first is the simple TARGET command. Upon clicking this, an order line will appear for you to drag to either a target unit or terrain feature. If you highlight an enemy unit, a small data readout on your firepower and their exposure will be shown for infantry targets, or a hit chance/kill chance if you target a hard vehicle with a non-small arms weapons. Small arms versus vehicles only display the target name. Left clicking on this unit will make it the primary target of your selected unit. Note: If you do not have LOS to the target, (the orders line will turn orange up to the point of blockage and black thereafter), left clicking will just set it as a priority target for your unit, which will try to fire on it if it comes into view. The TARGET command, when used on a terrain feature, creates an area fire order. The unit under command will fire to try and suppress that patch of ground until the TAC AI decides it’s a really bad idea (i.e. enemies show up 10m on the left of the unit) or you cancel the order. This is NOT as effective as targeting individual units. The NEXT TARGET command rapidly cycles you through targets the unit can see and the TAC AI thinks worthy of shooting full of holes. Note that this sometimes means you won’t be able to target some units with NEXT TARGET. (Just use the Hot Key "N" select a unit and hit the "N" key to see all the targets it "thinks" it can shoot at. You can Cycle through all your units with the "+" and "-" keys. Just hit + to hop to the next available unit, and then hit "N" to see what it can shoot at. I prefer to play with Unit Bases ON (Shift and I like to have all my target line and Movement Paths on as well, Shift "P" to cycle through those options. When Selecting units in Vehicles this can be tricky so sometimes you need to Shift V to turn off the graphic on all vechicles so you can jut see the occupnats. Hope that helps. 1.5 The LOS tool. Essentially, the LOS tool functions exactly like a TARGET command, but clicking will not assign a target. 1.6 Hiding In order to generally remain unseen, the HIDE command is used. There is no order line. The unit merely hits the dirt and qualifies as hiding. Once a until is hiding, it will try to refrain from opening up until it has a good chance to kill enemies (or the unit “freaks out”, more likely with low experience troops), it starts receiving heavy fire, or it gets the bejesus beaten out of it and runs away (Usually accomplished with artillery). While hiding, troops are very difficult to spot, but suffer a minor spotting penalty themselves. To stop hiding, re-issue a hide command or give any regular order. To Hide at the end of a movement order, plot the movement order, and then issue a hide order. The unit will move to its destination and then hide. Note: Vehicles and HIDE are just a bad combination. Vehicles do not actually hide, what they do is quiet there engines down so they won't end up as a sound contact to the enemy, if you have a tank waiting in ambush, behind a house or a hill or something (clearly out of LOS) then select Hide for the tank (while it is NOT moving) and it will quiet down its engine so as not to makes sounds the enemy can detect as a sound contact of enemy armour. IMHO this is of very dubious value. 1.7 Ambush Markers Sometimes you’ll want to custom tailor an ambush beyond just hiding and hoping something wanders into range. To do this, select either an HQ or a crew served weapon (like a bazooka) and then select the AMBUSH command. This will generate a targeting order, which you can then drag to anythingwithin ~400m. Upon left clicking, an ambush marker will be set at the end of the targeting line. In the case of HQs, this marker represents a pre-planned ambush, and other units under the HQ’s command (see HQ concepts) can target it to participate in the ambush. When an enemy unit crosses this point, the units that have targeted the marker will fire on the enemy. For crew served weapons, the marker merely serves as an ambush for that weapon, and other units may not target it. This would be the equivalent of telling a bazooka to fire when a tank shows up at that break in the hedgerow. Chapter 2 - HQ Concepts 2.1 Command Radius and Platoon Leaders All infantry squads in the game are assigned to a particular platoon. Ever platoon has an attached HQ unit which is its commander. In addition to representing the actual command staff of the platoon, this unit represents its center of effort and cohesion. As such, all units must stay within a certain range of their HQ in order to be “In command.” This range is the command radius of the HQ. The radius increases with experience and particularly good leaders, and decreases in thick terrain or if the subject unit is out of LOS. Units that are in command have a red line leading from them to their command unit. Units that are out of command have a black line. A Platoon HQ shows all lines, red or black, to its organic squads. Note: Infantry squads cannot be commanded by platoon HQs from other platoons, but crew served weapons can be under anybody’s command. Units that are out of command suffer morale and fighting penalties, delayed reaction times to orders, and do not get the benefits of any command bonuses that HQ might have. 2.2 Command Delay For movement orders, your men do not react automatically. Every movement order has a time delay before it actually begins. More experienced troops, troops who aren’t being suppressed, and troops that are fully rested have better reaction times than their counterparts. The biggest factor, however, is whether or not the unit is in command. Units that are out of command seem to suffer an additional 66% time delay. This doesn’t mean much to the best of the best whose reactions are incredibly fast anyhow, but for regular troops that’s an additional 13 seconds at least. 2.3 Command Bonus Not only do HQ units allow those under their command to fight to the fullest extent of their abilities, but often they add bonuses to unit performance. Units must be in command to receive these bonuses. The 4 areas of command bonuses are: Combat: Adds to the firepower/accuracy of the firing units as if they were more experienced. Is represented by a lightning bolt in the unit bar. Morale: Troops have the morale equivalent of an additional level of experience for each level of this bonus. Heart in the unit bar. Stealth: Troops are generally stealthier and spot other units better. Question mark in the unit bar. Command: Command delay is changed as if the unit were one level of experience better for each level of this bonus. Also creates a larger command radius. Star in the unit bar. Each bonus may be either one level (represented by the symbols above) or two, (above symbols surrounded in a gold box) 2.4 Higher HQs Besides platoon HQs, there are also Company and Battalion HQs in CM. One of these HQs automatically assumes command of any infantry squads in command radius not in command, and all crew served weapons in its command radius. They will not, however, assume command of infantry squads under the command of their platoon leaders. Chapter 3 - Indirect Fire 3.1 Forward Observers/Off board artillery Off board artillery in CM is abstracted through the forward observer unit. Each FO is a team of two men that represents one off board battery. An FO does not fight like a traditional infantry unit, rather when the TARGET command is used, creating a blue target line. An artillery strike is requested on the targeted location. In the unit information bar, you should see the time remaining until the artillery strike arrives. Allied times are usually better, and smaller caliber weapons are typically faster to respond as well. Once there is one minute left until the strike, the time will start counting down in seconds. Around halfway through a few spotting rounds will fall, and then when the timer hits zero the battery will start firing for effect, unleashing volleys of four shells at a time. It will keep firing until the battery runs out of ammo or you cancel the fire mission. It is possible for the FO to request artillery strikes outside of its LOS. Simply drag the target line out of LOS (it will turn orange and black, orange for what he can see, black for what he can’t) and select an area to target. However, these strikes take about twice as long to arrive, and are inaccurate in comparison to a spotted strike. Also, you may wish to shift a fire mission a minor distance to accommodate for enemy movement or targets of opportunity. To do so, select the TARGET command again, and drag it around the current targeted area. As long as this line remains green, you may re-set the target line for a minor time delay. If you place the new target outside the region in which this line is green, you will have requested a new fire mission, and will have to wait for the full battery reaction time. 3.2 On Board Mortars On Board mortars must have LOS to a target to fire on it, unless they are in the command radius of an HQ unit. If a mortar is in command, it may fire at anything the HQ unit can see, even if the mortar itself cannot. Most mortars on board also have a minimum and a maximum range they can fire. These will be indicated by an “OUT OF RANGE” readout above the point of the target lien when issuing a firing order. [ March 27, 2003, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  18. Hi Are you the guy makeing the Tiger I out of pylwood? Do you have a web page? It was in progress some time ago was it not? thanks -tom w
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