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  1. Most of you likely won't read this and probably don't give a crap! The article below gives a REALLY good history of this issue. OK I have seen what OpenGL in MAC OSX can do. It can show a 3D object move around in real time and show textures applied to its sufrace change and animate! open GL supports animated testures. what does that mean? we could have an animated gif in a texture so that wheels would spin and tracks would move. OpenGL may be the API Apple is going with because they have defined the HIGH end 3D modeling and special effects market as the place to be.(that means making special effects in movies on Mac's runnig Mac OSX, that means somebody "might" get an oscar for special effects using somthing other than a an SGI box for a change). What does that mean. I means the Mac OSX will support Maya! Now that's HUGE and it is because of OpenGL support. If BTS wants CM or CM2 to run on Mac's in the future they need to take a LONG hard look at supporting OpenGL. Lets stay with the issue here: "No OpenGL support in CM and CM2 so it won't run under Mac OSX at this time" Comments from BTS would be Very welcome. -tom w Credit to Freak, I read this article he mentioned and, I found it SO relevent here that I reposted it in its entirety Thanks Freak! from: http://www.vcnet.com/bms/features/3d.html Microsoft and 3D Graphics: A Case Study in Suppressing Innovation and Competition by Alan Akin > Home > Keynote > Manifesto > Lead Article > Site News > Bookstore > BMS Forum > Bumper Stickers > NT Files > Dirty Tricks > Feature Articles > Departments > Monopolist's Cookbook > Site Credits F oreword The original version of this article was written in July, 1997, and is reproduced (with minor changes to improve continuity and to update hyperlinks) in the first few sections following the Foreword. If you're familiar with the original version, feel free to skip to the August, 1998 Update; otherwise, please proceed to the Introduction. Introduction In the last five years, three-dimensional computer graphics has become a critical technology in the PC world. 3D graphics capability is a prerequisite for two major markets: Computer-aided industrial and mechanical design (for which the majority of workstations and high-end PCs are sold today) and entertainment (especially computer games, which are driving significant new PC hardware and software purchases by consumers). Examining Microsoft's treatment of 3D graphics technology is especially instructive, because so many of Microsoft's actions in that area have been exposed to public scrutiny. Technical Background We must define two technical concepts in order to understand the issues in detail. Application Programming Interfaces First is the notion of an Application Programming Interface, or API. An API is essentially a library of small functions that a software developer pieces together to form a complete computer program. For example, a 3D graphics API might include functions that draw objects, simulate the effects of lights, and determine which objects are visible from a given point of view. A software developer could use these functions to build a flight simulation game: drawing mountains and buildings that would be visible through the cockpit canopy of an airplane, and lighting them as they would be lit by the sun. The design of a 3D graphics API determines what can be drawn, how quickly it can be drawn, and how easy it is for a software developer to achieve a desired effect. Thus the API is of fundamental technical and business importance to the software developers who use it. Device Drivers Second is the notion of a device driver. A device driver (driver for short) is a piece of software that implements an API on a given hardware device. For example, the functions of a 3D graphics API might be implemented differently on the video card in a Compaq PC than they would be implemented on another video card in a Dell PC. In such a case, the two hardware vendors (Compaq and Dell) would each write drivers for the 3D graphics API on their respective video cards. Note that the API would be used in the same way on both machines; only its implementation details (the drivers) would differ. A driver is key to the viability of its associated API and all the application programs that use it. The existence of a driver determines whether a given API is even available on a particular machine. The quality of the driver (its completeness, performance, and reliability) in large measure determines the quality of the software that uses it on that machine. A driver typically requires a significant amount of effort for development and testing, and is therefore of major importance to the hardware vendor who must supply it as well as the software developers and consumers who will use it. History The OpenGL API for 3D graphics By 1992 it was clear that 3D graphics was poised to become a critical technology in several markets. Requests from independent software vendors led a consortium of companies to agree to support a common 3D graphics API. This new API, derived from a popular, older graphics library created by Silicon Graphics, was called OpenGL. OpenGL was to be a state-of-the-art API that could be implemented efficiently on a wide variety of computers. Its specification would be controlled by a committee (known as the Architecture Review Board, or ARB) rather than by (and for the benefit of) a single vendor. It would be easy for any hardware vendor to extend OpenGL to accommodate innovative new features, thus allowing rapid development of new applications. The original members of the ARB were Digital Equipment Corporation, International Business Machines, Intel, Microsoft, and Silicon Graphics. At this time Microsoft was developing the first version of its new high-end operating system, Windows NT. A large part of the computer-aided design market was inaccessible to Microsoft because of technical shortcomings in Windows 3.1, and Microsoft sought to remedy those in Windows NT. One such shortcoming was the lack of good 3D graphics support, and OpenGL offered an expedient solution. The Problem of OpenGL Driver Support As part of a joint engineering project, Microsoft and Silicon Graphics produced an implementation of OpenGL for Windows NT. One feature of this implementation was a new (to Microsoft) device driver design, called an Installable Client-side Driver (ICD), which offered higher graphics performance and permitted any PC hardware vendor to extend the OpenGL API to support new and innovative 3D graphics functionality. This was in contrast to the usual Microsoft driver model, which was appropriate for more modest graphics performance requirements and in which Microsoft reserved exclusive control over the design of the driver and thus of the API it supported. The 3D graphics hardware business for PCs (particularly low-cost PCs) evolved much more slowly than Microsoft and Silicon Graphics anticipated. A few PC hardware vendors (notably Digital Equipment, Intergraph, and 3Dlabs) provided capable OpenGL drivers for machines running Windows NT, but low-cost, high-volume solutions for consumers using Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 were slow to arrive. As 3D graphics hardware became more generally available in 1996, pressure to provide fast, stable implementations of OpenGL increased, and Microsoft developed a new OpenGL device driver design called the Mini Client Driver (MCD). The MCD greatly reduced the time required to produce a quality OpenGL implementation for a large class of PC graphics cards, and thus had the potential to dramatically increase the availability of OpenGL. Microsoft Creates the Direct3D API In 1995 and 1996 Microsoft established a new program to support games on PCs running its Windows 95 operating system. The goal was to expand the market for PCs into the area then dominated by game consoles such as those from Nintendo and Sega. Microsoft chose not to use the OpenGL technology it already provided in Windows NT to handle 3D graphics for games. Instead, Microsoft purchased Rendermorphics, Ltd. and acquired its 3D graphics API known as RealityLab. Microsoft reworked the device driver design for RealityLab and announced the result as a new 3D graphics API called Direct3D Immediate-Mode (Direct3D). Leveraging Windows 95 to Promote Direct3D and Freeze OpenGL Microsoft refused to release the software needed to support OpenGL-based games on Windows 95. In fact, for a considerable time Microsoft chose not to support OpenGL on Windows 95 at all, which made it impossible for users of OpenGL-based applications on Windows NT to run them on Windows 95. Microsoft also took the unusual step of retracting its support for MCD drivers for OpenGL, even though it had already released kits to hardware developers. As a consequence, some hardware developers were forced to recall OpenGL drivers that were already in the beta-test phase. Microsoft's actions partitioned the 3D graphics market, guaranteed that OpenGL would not be widely available on high-volume PCs targeted by Windows 95, and leveraged Windows 95 to boost the overall market penetration of Direct3D. Microsoft marketing teams began to promote the proprietary Direct3D API to games developers, hardware developers, and the trade press, while simultaneously marginalizing OpenGL. If Microsoft mentioned OpenGL at all, it was presented as a low-performance API that was suited only for certain professional computer-aided-design applications on Windows NT, while Direct3D was "mainstream'' and offered ``real-time'' performance on the much more heavily-hyped Windows 95 operating system. (This despite the widespread use of OpenGL in high-performance applications with close technical similarities to games, such as flight simulators.) Microsoft also increased its commitment of staff to Direct3D while freezing the level of staffing for OpenGL, with the result that OpenGL development slowed relative to Direct3D. API Wars Silicon Graphics and many other users of OpenGL have businesses that depend on the ability to offer innovative and high-performance graphics technology. As it became clear that Microsoft intended to replace OpenGL with Direct3D, that Direct3D suffered from many technical shortcomings, and that (unlike OpenGL) Direct3D could not be extended by hardware vendors because it was controlled completely by Microsoft, Silicon Graphics decided to mount a demonstration at the 1996 Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH) conference in New Orleans. The demonstration showed conclusively that OpenGL was at least as fast as Direct3D, thus refuting Microsoft's key marketing claim. Since OpenGL was already acknowledged (by Microsoft among others) as having more functionality than Direct3D, and potentially higher image quality than Direct3D, the demonstration precipitated an intense debate in the computer graphics and game development communities: Why was Microsoft promoting a new, less-capable API, and withholding already-existing device driver technology that could allow its customers to use the superior product? Much of the public discussion took place in the comp.graphics.api.opengl and rec.games.programmer Usenet newsgroups, and is accessible from DejaNews. (If you choose to research this, be prepared for a great deal of reading! Consider searching for the thread titled "DirectX vs OpenGL'' in the comp.graphics.api.opengl newsgroup starting around August of the year 1996.) Game Developers Ask for OpenGL on Equal Footing with Direct3D As the technical and marketing issues were exposed, a strong pro-OpenGL reaction began. John Carmack of id Software, developer of the popular game Doom, stated publically that he would refuse to use Direct3D and use OpenGL instead. Chris Hecker published a comprehensive analysis of the two APIs in the April-May 1997 issue of Game Developer magazine, concluding that Microsoft should simply discontinue Direct3D and put its efforts into OpenGL. It began to appear that Microsoft was using Direct3D to achieve market control and to limit innovation to areas that could not be used to challenge Microsoft, rather than to provide a technically superior product for its customers or to promote free competition between APIs. Two petitions were issued by game developers to Microsoft. The first, from 56 top game developers, called for Microsoft to release OpenGL MCD device drivers and other work that it had completed, but not released because it would allow OpenGL to compete with Direct3D. A second open letter to Microsoft on the same subject gathered 254 signatures initially and over 1400 by the time the letter was closed; the comments offered by some signatories are particularly interesting. Microsoft's reply was to reiterate its old market positioning statement that Direct3D was for high-volume high-performance applications, and OpenGL was for high-precision computer-aided-design applications only. Although the petitioners made it clear that they wanted the two APIs on an equal footing, so that competition spurred innovation and so that no single party controlled access to the graphics hardware, Microsoft responded by increasing its investment in Direct3D and reducing its investment in OpenGL even further. To this author's knowledge, Microsoft never issued a press release to acknowledge the petitions. August, 1998 Update About the time the original version of this article was written, Jon Peddie Associates published a cogent editorial summarizing the situation. Its assessment of Microsoft's strengths, weaknesses, and behavior is worth reading even today. Microsoft continues to update Direct3D, and with each new revision incorporates more features from OpenGL. The overlap is not yet complete; for example, Direct3D still lacks the ability to handle curved surfaces, and it doesn't support graphics cards with geometry acceleration hardware. Nevertheless, Direct3D is much more capable than it was a year ago, and its evolution is beginning to diverge from that of OpenGL. Fahrenheit The most significant development over the past year is the Fahrenheit project. Silicon Graphics, dependent on Microsoft for most of the software required by its upcoming Visual PC product and concerned about technical problems with the DirectModel graphics API announced by Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard, elected to negotiate a compromise. Silicon Graphics, Microsoft, Intel, and Hewlett-Packard created a joint engineering project codenamed Fahrenheit to produce three new APIs. Two of these are beyond the scope of the current discussion, but the third (Fahrenheit Low-Level, or FLL) is usually touted as the resolution of the conflict between OpenGL and Direct3D. What is the Fahrenheit Low-Level API? At the moment no one knows what FLL will be, since no specification exists, but public statements are remarkably consistent in a few respects. From Silicon Graphics' original press release: The Fahrenheit low-level API will evolve from Direct3D, DirectDraw and OpenGL while providing full backward compatibility with applications and hardware device drivers written for Microsoft Direct3D and functional compatibility with Silicon Graphics' OpenGL technologies. From the August, 1998 Microsoft Developer Network DirectX chat session: Direct3D IM is the API that is currently most compatible with what we expect Fahrenheit LL to look like. From slides presented at Microsoft's 1998 Meltdown Conference: Backward compatible with DirectX 6 [the current version] Direct3D... API and DDI [Device-Driver Interface] In other words, the "new'' Fahrenheit Low-Level API is simply Direct3D, plus whatever additional features seem needed to match the functionality in OpenGL. With the competitive threat from OpenGL neutralized, Microsoft can proceed with business as usual. Should Fahrenheit be regarded as a welcome sign of Microsoft's responsiveness to its customers and partners? After all, there will now be just one API, relieving a considerable burden on hardware and software developers and simplifying life for consumers. I would argue the answer is no. The new APIs are entirely Microsoft-proprietary; Microsoft is now the bottleneck for all significant innovation in the computer graphics industry. Furthermore, it must be remembered that the entire conflict was of Microsoft's creation: Without Direct3D, the industry would have arrived at this point literally years ago, with greater opportunity for competition and without the constraint on innovation that Fahrenheit represents today. Status of OpenGL OpenGL is still the only real alternative to complete control of 3D graphics by Microsoft. It remains viable, though Silicon Graphics no longer promotes it in any manner unacceptable to Microsoft, so it is at much greater risk. Game developers are an independent-minded lot, and several important ones are still using OpenGL. As a result, hardware vendors are working to improve their support for it. Direct3D is not yet capable of handling high-end graphics hardware and most professional applications; OpenGL dominates those niches. Finally, the Open Source community (notably the Mesa project) is scrambling to provide OpenGL support for computers of any type, whether or not they use one of Microsoft's operating systems. Conclusions 3D graphics is a valuable case study for students of Microsoft. In the course of this campaign for control of a new market, Microsoft consistently: Acquired or adapted technology from outside organizations, rather than innovating on its own. Used its marketing presence to spread demonstrably false information. Refused to respond to the direct requests of its independent software development partners. Leveraged the market domination of Windows to promote its own products over superior products available from other sources. Used its position as supplier of essential software to curb dissent. Acted to extend or protect its own control over the market, even at the expense of its business partners and of consumers in general. In large measure, it appears that these tactics have succeeded. Microsoft often suggests that it provides only benefit to consumers, that the standardization it enforces is well worth the cost of ceding it complete control over the computer products those consumers use for work and entertainment. In this case, it is clear that standardization for the consumer's benefit was not Microsoft's goal; a superior standard product existed, but Microsoft systematically suppressed it in order to establish its own product and gain control of a new market in which Microsoft previously had no presence. Microsoft did this, and could do this, only because it enjoyed overwhelming dominance as an operating-system supplier. As a result, product features that might have been available to consumers up to two years ago are only now becoming common. In the meantime product development costs for both hardware and software vendors have been increased significantly by the need to deal with two competing standards. 3D graphics application software development has been inhibited by an artificially-created fragmentation of the market into incompatible "consumer'' (Windows 95) and "professional'' (Windows NT) segments. Is this not precisely the kind of situation for which an antitrust action is the appropriate response? Allen Akin is an independent software developer in Palo Alto, California. Appendix: John Carmack's Discussion of OpenGL and Direct3D (Included here because it may be difficult to locate a copy online.) [idsoftware.com] Login name: johnc In real life: John Carmack Directory: /raid/nardo/johnc Shell: /bin/csh On since Dec 15 01:19:05 6 days 5 hours Idle Time on ttyp2 from idnewt On since Dec 17 01:05:12 4 days 23 hours Idle Time on ttyp3 from idcarmack Plan: I am going to use this installment of my .plan file to get up on a soapbox about an important issue to me: 3D API. I get asked for my opinions about this often enough that it is time I just made a public statement. So here it is, my current position as of december '96... While the rest of Id works on Quake 2, most of my effort is now focused on developing the next generation of game technology. This new generation of technology will be used by Id and other companies all the way through the year 2000, so there are some very important long term decisions to be made. There are two viable contenders for low level 3D programming on win32: Direct-3D Immediate Mode, the new, designed for games API, and OpenGL, the workstation graphics API originally developed by SGI. They are both supported by microsoft, but D3D has been evangelized as the one true solution for games. I have been using OpenGL for about six months now, and I have been very impressed by the design of the API, and especially it's ease of use. A month ago, I ported quake to OpenGL. It was an extremely pleasant experience. It didn't take long, the code was clean and simple, and it gave me a great testbed to rapidly try out new research ideas. I started porting glquake to Direct-3D IM with the intent of learning the api and doing a fair comparison. Well, I have learned enough about it. I'm not going to finish the port. I have better things to do with my time. I am hoping that the vendors shipping second generation cards in the coming year can be convinced to support OpenGL. If this doesn't happen early on and there are capable cards that glquake does not run on, then I apologize, but I am taking a little stand in my little corner of the world with the hope of having some small influence on things that are going to effect us for many years to come. Direct-3D IM is a horribly broken API. It inflicts great pain and suffering on the programmers using it, without returning any significant advantages. I don't think there is ANY market segment that D3D is appropriate for, OpenGL seems to work just fine for everything from quake to softimage. There is no good technical reason for the existence of D3D. I'm sure D3D will suck less with each forthcoming version, but this is an opportunity to just bypass dragging the entire development community through the messy evolution of an ill-birthed API. Best case: Microsoft integrates OpenGL with direct-x (probably calling it Direct-GL or something), ports D3D retained mode on top of GL, and tells everyone to forget they every heard of D3D immediate mode. Programmers have one good api, vendors have one driver to write, and the world is a better place. To elaborate a bit: "OpenGL" is either OpenGL 1.1 or OpenGL 1.0 with the common extensions. Raw OpenGL 1.0 has several holes in functionality. "D3D" is Direct-3D Immediate Mode. D3D retained mode is a separate issue. Retained mode has very valid reasons for existence. It is a good thing to have an api that lets you just load in model files and fly around without sweating the polygon details. Retained mode is going to be used by at least ten times as many programmers as immediate mode. On the other hand, the world class applications that really step to new levels are going to be done in an immediate mode graphics API. D3D-RM doesn't even really have to be tied to D3D-IM. It could be implemented to emit OpenGL code instead. I don't particularly care about the software only implementations of either D3D or OpenGL. I haven't done serious research here, but I think D3D has a real edge, because it was originally designed for software rendering and much optimization effort has been focused there. COSMO GL is attempting to compete there, but I feel the effort is misguided. Software rasterizers will still exist to support the lowest common denominator, but soon all game development will be targeted at hardware rasterization, so that's where effort should be focused. The primary importance of a 3D API to game developers is as an interface to the wide variety of 3D hardware that is emerging. If there was one compatible line of hardware that did what we wanted and covered 90+ percent of the target market, I wouldn't even want a 3D API for production use, I would be writing straight to the metal, just like I always have with pure software schemes. I would still want a 3D API for research and tool development, but it wouldn't matter if it wasn't a mainstream solution. Because I am expecting the 3D accelerator market to be fairly fragmented for the foreseeable future, I need an API to write to, with individual drivers for each brand of hardware. OpenGL has been maturing in the workstation market for many years now, always with a hardware focus. We have existing proof that it scales just great from a $300 permedia card all the way to a $250,000 loaded infinite reality system. All of the game oriented PC 3D hardware basically came into existence in the last year. Because of the frantic nature of the PC world, we may be getting stuck with a first guess API and driver model which isn't all that good. The things that matter with an API are: functionality, performance, driver coverage, and ease of use. Both APIs cover the important functionality. There shouldn't be any real argument about that. GL supports some additional esoteric features that I am unlikely to use (or are unlikely to be supported by hardware -- same effect). D3D actually has a couple nice features that I would like to see moved to GL (specular blend at each vertex, color key transparency, and no clipping hints), which brings up the extensions issue. GL can be extended by the driver, but because D3D imposes a layer between the driver and the API, microsoft is the only one that can extend D3D. My conclusion about performance is that there is not going to be any significant performance difference (< 10%) between properly written OpenGL and D3D drivers for several years at least. There are some arguments that gl will scale better to very high end hardware because it doesn't need to build any intermediate structures, but you could use tiny sub cache sized execute buffers in d3d and achieve reasonably similar results (or build complex hardware just to suit D3D -- ack!). There are also arguments from the other side that the vertex pools in d3d will save work on geometry bound applications, but you can do the same thing with vertex arrays in GL. Currently, there are more drivers available for D3D than OpenGL on the consumer level boards. I hope we can change this. A serious problem is that there are no D3D conformance tests, and the documentation is very poor, so the existing drivers aren't exactly uniform in their functionality. OpenGL has an established set of conformance tests, so there is no argument about exactly how things are supposed to work. OpenGL offers two levels of drivers that can be written: mini client drivers and installable client drivers. A MCD is a simple, robust exporting of hardware rasterization capabilities. An ICD is basically a full replacement for the API that lets hardware accelerate or extend any piece of GL without any overhead. The overriding reason why GL is so much better than D3D has to do with ease of use. GL is easy to use and fun to experiment with. D3D is not (ahem). You can make sample GL programs with a single page of code. I think D3D has managed to make the worst possible interface choice at every opportunity. COM. Expandable structs passed to functions. Execute buffers. Some of these choices were made so that the API would be able to gracefully expand in the future, but who cares about having an API that can grow if you have forced it to be painful to use now and forever after? Many things that are a single line of GL code require half a page of D3D code to allocate a structure, set a size, fill something in, call a COM routine, then extract the result. Ease of use is damn important. If you can program something in half the time, you can ship earlier or explore more approaches. A clean, readable coding interface also makes it easier to find / prevent bugs. GL's interface is procedural: You perform operations by calling gl functions to pass vertex data and specify primitives. glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES); glVertex (0,0,0); glVertex (1,1,0); glVertex (2,0,0); glEnd (); D3D's interface is by execute buffers: You build a structure containing vertex data and commands, and pass the entire thing with a single call. On the surface, this appears to be an efficiency improvement for D3D, because it gets rid of a lot of procedure call overhead. In reality, it is a gigantic pain-in-the-ass. (pseudo code, and incomplete) v = &buffer.vertexes;[0]; v->x = 0; v->y = 0; v->z = 0; v++; v->x = 1; v->y = 1; v->z = 0; v++; v->x = 2; v->y = 0; v->z = 0; c = &buffer.commands; c->operation = DRAW_TRIANGLE; c->vertexes[0] = 0; c->vertexes[1] = 1; c->vertexes[2] = 2; IssueExecuteBuffer (buffer); If I included the complete code to actually lock, build, and issue an execute buffer here, you would think I was choosing some pathologically slanted case to make D3D look bad. You wouldn't actually make an execute buffer with a single triangle in it, or your performance would be dreadful. The idea is to build up a large batch of commands so that you pass lots of work to D3D with a single procedure call. A problem with that is that the optimal definition of "large" and "lots" varies depending on what hardware you are using, but instead of leaving that up to the driver, the application programmer has to know what is best for every hardware situation. You can cover some of the messy work with macros, but that brings its own set of problems. The only way I can see to make D3D generally usable is to create your own procedural interface that buffers commands up into one or more execute buffers and flushes when needed. But why bother, when there is this other nifty procedural API already there... With OpenGL, you can get something working with simple, straightforward code, then if it is warranted, you can convert to display lists or vertex arrays for max performance (although the difference usually isn't that large). This is the right way of doing things -- like converting your crucial functions to assembly language after doing all your development in C. With D3D, you have to do everything the painful way from the beginning. Like writing a complete program in assembly language, taking many times longer, missing chances for algorithmic improvements, etc. And then finding out it doesn't even go faster. I am going to be programming with a 3D API every day for many years to come. I want something that helps me, rather than gets in my way. John Carmack Id Software ©1997-8 Moral Highground Productions first posted: 16 July 1997 last revised: 30 August 1998 [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-29-2001).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-29-2001).]
  2. edit ooops [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-28-2001).]
  3. I don't believe this Lets just ingore comments in this thread that are not relevant to the ISSUE of CM2 running on Mac OSX Sure there are video 3d problems but all mac computers that are Sold after sometime LATE this summer will ship with OSX on them and the way things are right now OSX won't run CMBO in the 9.1 classic mode. Has anyone configured the 9.1 classic to work yet? There "should" be a way to make 9.1 run the way it used to before the OSX install so it can run 9.1 the "old" and so CMBO will run on it Other wise it means a reboot and then boot off 9.1 and have it configured for CMBO. I think we can keep this thread relevant to issues about CM2 and 3D video standards. OpenGL support (or the lack there off in CMBO and CM2) IS the issue here. -tom w
  4. here's the article http://www.dailyradar.com/columns/game_column_672.html What is the e-mail for the author? I would be happy to write to him as well -tom w
  5. did this thread just turn into the cesspool while I wasn't watching? -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-28-2001).]
  6. This may not actually need its very own thread and it may be largely ignored BUT.. (or actually needs ttwo threads?) For CM2 I would really like to see it run with no problems in Mac OSX, that means it should run in the classic 9.1 OS under Mac OSX, as CMBO does not run in 9.1 under Mac OSX now. Video compatibilty seems to be be issue here. By the Time CM2 comes out OSX will be installed as the only operating system (with 9.1 classic as well I presume) on new Macs that are shipping from Apple. This is supposed to start sometime late this summer. So OpenGL may be a challenge here? Auto picks vs. Player Picks: Also totally unrelated there should be a way in TCP/IP and PBEM that will permit both players to be absolutely certian that the Auto pick computer generated force selection has been selected for both parties to eliminate the suspicion that the player setting up "may have" selected user buys for his own forces, and computer picks for his opponent. It is the suspicion of not being completely sure the host did not buy his own troops that I would like to elminate. The two suggestions are unrelated and probably do not really deserve to be in the same thread. Sorry. As always, your comments and suggestions are welcomed..... -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-28-2001).]
  7. It would seem most folks on the t-house ladder prefer the ME because there is a perception that is it is the most fair and balanced way to start out. Like Chess, both players get the same amount of points and the flags are roughly in the middle. I would humbly suggest that you are about to be severely abused on the defense if you are playing a ladder game for the first time. Which side do you have? (Axis/Allies?) how many points? is it a probe? assualt or attack? just curious more than anything else? Good luck (I think you will need it) -tom w
  8. for two players of differing levels the handicap thing could be used for bidding. It has been suggested that there might be bidding for the germans in The T-house ladder. This could be handy for someone to say I'll take the germans on the defense and you take the allies and probe, then the other player could reply, no I'll take the germans and give you the Allies on attack. This makes sense for players of different level to even things out, or for bidding purposes (ok I guess almost all ladder games are Meeting engagements, so this may be more theoretical than anything else.) -tom w
  9. "loading 3D map" NOPE The full release MAC OSX (with the BSD 4.4 kernel) will not show the CMBO map. It went through all the start-up steps up until you click GO.... but then you get hung up at "loading 3D map" and thats it. as previously posted "the big problem is Apple dropping all support for Quickdraw3D and Rave in favour of OpenGL in OS X." So I guess that OpenGL in MAC OSX does not support CMBO So bottom line, at this point without fiddling with my Mac OSX config CMBO will not run. DON'T worry, it was, just on my "test" mac so my main mac laptop will be Running 9.1 until CMBO will run in OSX so I can keep playing! I would really like to load OSX on my laptop BUT not if CMBO won't run! -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-28-2001).]
  10. Hi KiwiJoe I look at it this way...... IF the round hits AND If the round penetrates, I would think that 90% is not too high a percentage for a KO or an abandon. I think your impression of 90% is too high because there are some rounds that hit the gun and knock it out (without causeing the vehicle to be abandoned) and there are some rounds that cause imbolization (track hit) that is not a KO or an abandon either. I would hope that alot less than 10% of the rounds that actually penetrate the armour result in no damage or or casualties. I think it is GREAT the way it is. (as opposed to the Beta Demo for instance!) -tom w
  11. you can surrender, that will alter the number of turns
  12. Hey! welcome back I must admit it would be VERY hard for me to put CMBO "away" for 5 months. Hope you get back to your aCMililated/addicted to the CM state as soon as possible the collective welcomes you back -tom w
  13. No joke I honestly believe there were multiple gunmen at the scene (at least two, maybe three) and Oswald was not one of them. He said it himself, he was just set up as the "patsy", thats why he had to be killed by Ruby. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-27-2001).]
  14. There were multiple gunmen and Oswald was not one of them. Didn't you see the movie Kevin Costner Starred in? -tom w
  15. Not really, I think the host of the TCP/IP match can say Auto pick for you and I will buy my own for me and then buy them quick and then make the game available for connection so the connecting player (not the host) may have to wait to connect, (but he won't know how long the host has been configureing the set up) or the host can set the game up (like an ambush) as auto pick for you and I'll buy my own for me and then post in a chat looking for an opponent witht eh paramerters set up. I seriously DOUBT anyone has done this or would do this but the point remains if you are hosting you have ALL the control in a TCP/IP game and the opportunity to cheat by buying your own units if you are of that ilk. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-27-2001).]
  16. I would like to offer the opinion based on reading the Piat/bazooka thread that CMBO does a REALLY good job of modeling the fluky nature of hits and misses with these weapons. Same as 'shrecks and 'fausts, the chance of a hit or miss seems to be VERY well received (by the players) and no one is complaining about too many misses or too many hits. So its just rignt now. Same thing goes for chance to hit percentages for main weapons from tanks and AFV's. (generally) I mention this because there used to be a great deal of complaining about too many obvious misses. This situation has been addressed now and there seems to be (in v1.12) more accuracy and more hits then there used to be, a generalization over all. I think this is good and realistic and I comment on it here because no one is complaining that there are too many hits or that getting a hit is too easy. Or that there are too many misses. There is still plenty of opportunity to miss at long range and and misses still make evey shot a matter of some luck. (Its NEVER a sure thing.) I think this is ALL GOOD and would like to compliment Charles for tweaking all the hit and miss algorythms now to a point of near perfection where no one is complaining about too many hits or too many misses. GREAT work the anti-tank teams work great as well (Luck is still a big factor there!) THANKS! -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-27-2001).]
  17. I wondered when this issue might come up here I had tennis elbow from carrying the weight of my laptop bag and have on and off symptoms of CTS Carpel Tunnel syndrome in my wrists from being addicted not only to CM but also to "real" work on my laptop all day at work and again at home at night in e-mail. I use a BIG 4 button Logitech optical mouse with mouse man scroll wheel and it feels very good in my hand.I mean I really LOVE this mouse, its big and blue and the logitech logo lights up, it has a button for 3 fingers with a scroll wheel in the middle finger and a button for the thumb on the side! Tennis elbow and getting addicted to your computer and playing CM is a BIG issue.(really) Both my elbows were so sore I could not lift my laptop or anything over about 2 lbs about 7 months ago. I wondered who else here might have tennis elbow? ITs real and its a nuisiance, be very careful and watch out for carpel tunnel syndrome as well. good luck, the track ball is also a VERY good idea, my wife swears by hers. -tom w
  18. One issue here is value (or Bang for the BucK) I'm sure others here will correct me if I'm wrong (its hapened once already today )but "the System" works well for the Germans because of the way the units are bought by the German player. I suspect (I could be wrong) that a similiar purchase of the "system" by the Allied player would cost more. I'm not sure it is actually a good counter to try to apply the "german System" (as outlined earlier) to to force pool purchase for the Allies. Sure you can buy Churchills and glider squads or para's and plenty of Arty to try to make your own "Allied System" but it seems as though the allies don't get the same "bang of the buck". because of all the "other" units that come with your purchase. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-26-2001).]
  19. VERY interesting !! in the Debreifing did the Sore losers Claim Gamey play? Were you labeled as a "gamey cheater" ? Were you insulted because you did not use historical or non-gamey "appropriate" tactics that your opfor would have expected or predicted? Hell NO! you pysched them out, (fed them deceptive intel, they bought it) and they advanced and you cut them down, same trick works equally well in CM and it is NOT gamey! -tom w
  20. I have been playing v1.12 on a Mac and I it has crashed a few times, we had one TCP/IP match that was impossible to finish because of constant crashing. It has been fairly stable other wise, I'm running on a Mac with OS 9.1 and it is almost never crashes. I suspect we are stuck with it the way it is. -tom w
  21. you're just itching for a TCP/IP match with me, aren't you Mr. Bates! I goofed I'm sorry But I can still win using the British even if we have all agree that playing the Germans is like holding the serve in tennis.... (that means it is my opinion that it is easier to win with the German Because they have SMG's 'fausts and 'shrecks! and off coure the omnipresent uber tanks) (in Fun ) -tom w
  22. oops my appologies on the "never" comment I am sorry that I had not read that they would re-cock themselves once fired. that makes alot more sense as they do seem to fire at the rate of about 2 per minute in CM sorry I had not read further on that one before "spouting" off I will be more cautious in the future thanks for the reminder to do my homework first -tom w
  23. good article on the PIAT here: http://www.6th-airborne.org/piat.html Says it was good up to 100 yards (if you are Lucky) and that it had a VERY good warhead that could penetrate 4 inches of armour. check out the web page it also says it was spring loaded and I think the ROF in CM is WAY to high from the looks of the page it would take AT least 2-3 Minutes to reload the damn thing. I think I have seen PIATs fire at least twice in one minute in CM this may seem a little nit picky but I think if you were the piat gunner and had to stand on the thing (see this pic) to reload it you could NEVER get more than one shot off in a minute does anyone know what the ROF for a Piat is in CM it should be VERY slow like 2-4 minutes PER ROUND The bazooka should have a much higher ROF and I have found that 'zook gunners can easily get two rounds off in a minute, but I agree that seem to less effective, as in it is very dissapointing to see "penetration NO result" ! and they DO absolutely set buildings on FIRE! -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-26-2001).]
  24. In the world of Computer graphics 8 bit means a graphic or image can only display 256 colours it as to do with values associated with Red Green and Blue. This means that Tiger's beautiful range of FULL colour images he produced in Bryce 4 (3D) have to be dithered. That range of full colour must be "squished" into only 256 allowable colours in the colour pallet for that image as all sky images in CM must be ONLY 8 bit so we cannot get the FULL tonal range of photorealistic colour which is REALLY required for a nice sunset or sunrise. Oh well. 16 bit clour means an image can display up to 16 thousand colours. 24 bit graphics can display millions of colours (how many millions I can' t recall but just think of it as photorealistic quality) if there is an 8 bit graphic limitiation in a game that will mean that all users of almost any computer system that can handle colour will be able to see all 256 colour. It is usually the lowest common dominator for colour. But 16 bit graphics (at thousands of colours) are very close to photorealism and are not the memory hog that 24 bit graphics could be. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-25-2001).]
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